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Newlywed Game Questions: 350+ Fun Questions To Ask The Newlyweds

Newlywed Game Questions: 350+ Fun Questions To Ask The Newlyweds

Your wedding day is something you want to go perfectly. The food has to be marvelous, the music has to be beautiful and you want to see everyone on the dancefloor.

You pay a lot of attention to creating your guest list and thinking of different things to do to keep your family members and friends entertained.

One thing that is sure to make everyone relax a bit and enjoy the party is playing The Newlywed Game.

The Newlywed Game questions are tricky and funny and even though partners know a lot of things about each other, there are some answers that won’t be correct and that’s where the fun begins.

It doesn’t even have to be a wedding day game, though; it can be something you play as one of your bridal shower games with some changes or maybe as a bachelorette party game to start things off with laughter.

Married couples tend to fall into a routine, so you might want to save this game and play it on a game night to spice things up.

If you need ideas for questions that can be asked during the game, take a look at our amazing list of the best Newlywed Game questions!


1. Who asked for the first date?

2. Who is less likely to ask for directions when lost?

3. Who is more adventurous?

4. Who wears the pants in the relationship?

5. Which spouse is more organized?

6. Who said, “I love you,” first?

7. Which spouse gets up first in the morning?

8. Which spouse goes to bed last at night?

9. Which spouse hogs the sheets in the bed?

10. Which spouse snores?

11. Who is better at managing money?

12. Who is the better cook?

13. Who gets to control the TV remote?

14. Who would throw a better surprise party?

15. Which spouse is smarter?

16. Which spouse is more athletic?

17. Which spouse is funnier?

18. Who spends more time on the computer?

19. Who says, “I’m sorry,” first after a fight?

20. Who usually wins an argument?

21. What are the names of your spouse’s grandparents?

22. Who is the better dancer?

23. Who is the better singer?

24. Who is better at fixing things around the house?

25. Who is the better driver?

26. Who can be more spontaneous?

27. Who would win an eating contest?

28. Who would finish first in a marathon?

29. Who gives the best advice?

30. Who is the better listener?

31. Who is more emotional?

32. Who is more likely to bring home an abandoned kitten or puppy?

33. Who is better when it comes to haggling prices?

34. Who tips more at restaurants?

35. Who tends to finish eating their meal first?

36. What’s your spouse’s favorite junk food?

37. Who wakes up more in the middle of the night?

38. Who is more likely to ask a celebrity for their autograph?

39. Who is more likely to find work as a model?

40. Who says, “I love you,” more?

41. Who replaces the toilet paper roll more?

42. Whose friends will come over to visit more often?

43. Which spouse has a shorter attention span?

44. Who’s your spouse’s favorite superhero?

45. Who is more likely to plan a date?

46. What was the first meal you two had together?

47. Who has the bigger sweet tooth?

48. Which spouse is more photogenic?

49. What is your spouse’s favorite breakfast food?

50. Who is more likely to make the other person breakfast in bed?

51. Who is the more picky eater?

52. Who takes longer to get ready to go out?

53. Who tends to hog the bed?

54. Who has more shoes?

55. How many pairs of shoes do they have?

56. Who brought up marriage first?

57. Who has more clothes?

58. Who is the best when it comes to gift-giving?

59. Who loves the other spouse more?

60. Who is more creative, you or your spouse?

61. Who is more on time?

62. Who has a better fashion sense?

63. Who is more talkative?

64. Who can stay up the latest?

65. Who is better at getting up early?

66. Who is more likely to eat the last cookie or chip?

67. Who is more likely to share their food?

68. Who would be more likely to climb a mountain?

69. Who snores louder?

70. Who takes longer to fall asleep?

71. Who is more likely to yell at a telemarketer or customer service representative?

72. Who is the lighter sleeper?

73. Who is the goofier one?

74. Who is more likely to finish a tub of ice cream first?

75. Who is more outgoing?

76. What is your spouse’s favorite game show?

77. Who is more afraid of public speaking?

78. Which spouse did most of the wedding planning?

79. Who has better handwriting?

80. Who is better with computers?

81. Who spends more time on Facebook?

82. Who is more likely to check their phone during a date?

83. Who is more likely to forget their keys or wallet at home

84. Who is more of a party animal?

85. Which spouse is more stubborn?

86. Which spouse is more likely to admit that they are wrong?

87. Which spouse is more likely to ask for help?

88. Which spouse is always right?

89. Who watches TV more?

90. Who tends to spend more money?

91. Which spouse is more likely to win the lottery?

92. Who takes out the garbage?

93. Who is more likely to do the laundry?

94. Who is more likely to do the dishes?

95. Who is more likely to do the grocery shopping?

96. Who is more likely to mess up the laundry?

97. Who tends to be in the bathroom longer?

98. Whose feet are smellier?

99. Who is the messier spouse?

100. Which spouse is better at remembering important dates?

101. Which spouse has a crazier family?

102. Which spouse is older?

103. Who has the cooler parents?

104. Who can drink a glass of beer faster?

105. Who drinks more water on a daily basis?

106. Who exercises more?

107. Who got better grades in school?

108. Who is more likely to end up in the emergency room?

109. Who is the heavier drinker?

110. Who is more likely to pay the bills?

111. Who is more romantic?

112. Who is more likely to experience road rage?

113. Who is more likely to get sunburn?

114. Who is more likely to have a bad hair day?

115. Who is better at keeping secrets?

116. Who has more siblings?

117. Who is more likely to go skydiving?

118. Who takes longer showers?

119. Who burps more?

120. Who wants children/more children?

121. Who has the better-looking family?

122. Who is more afraid of spiders?

123. Who is more afraid of heights?

124. Who is more likely to throw a surprise party?

125. Who would be better in the wilderness?

126. Who forgets to turn the TV and the lights off?

127. Which spouse is more of a flirt?

128. Who is/will be the stricter parent?

129. Who is more likely to dye their hair a bright color?

130. Who is more likely to have/get a tattoo?

131. Who is more likely to buy a motorcycle?

132. Who is more likely to eat dessert before the main?

133. What would be in your spouse’s last meal?

134. Who is more likely to want breakfast for dinner?

135. Who cares more about their looks?

136. Who can drink more?

137. Which spouse is more musically talented?

138. Which spouse is more generous?

139. Who has more of a green thumb?

140. Which spouse is more spontaneous?

141. Which spouse is more likely to drive on a road trip?

142. Who is more likely to be president of the country?

143. Who do you love the most in the world?

144. Which spouse is more likely to catch a cold?

145. Which spouse is better with kids?

146. Which spouse is more likely to run a red light?

147. Which spouse is more likely to get a parking ticket?

148. Which spouse is more forgetful?

149. Which spouse do you want the kids to take after?

150. Who tends to kiss more?


1. What made you realize that you wanted to marry this person?

2. How many wedding dresses did the bride try on before finding the one?

3. What was your first impression of your spouse?

4. Where did you go on your first date?

5. Would your spouse get stung by a jellyfish for $100?

6. When did you realize that they were the one?

7. What month did you go on your first date?

8. What time of day was it when you went on your first date?

9. Did you celebrate your monthiversary?

10. Does your spouse prefer to be in sweatpants and a T-shirt or do they prefer to get all dressed up?

11. Would your spouse usually prefer to stay at home and relax or go out on the town?

12. What color looks best on your spouse?

13. What would be in your spouse’s perfect sandwich?

14. What’s your spouse’s favorite kind of date night?

15. What was your first Valentine’s day like?

16. What was your spouse wearing on your first date?

17. What is your spouse’s dream job?

18. If your spouse could trade lives with anyone else in the world for a day, who would that person be?

19. If money was not an issue, where would the two of you live?

20. What is your spouse’s favorite color?

21. What is your spouse’s favorite thing to drink?

22. What is the most embarrassing thing you two have done together?

23. If your spouse was an animal, what would they be?

24. Does your spouse prefer cats or dogs?

25. How long was it before your spouse met your parents?

26. If your father-in-law was an animal, what would he be?

27. If the house was on fire, what is the first thing your spouse would save besides you?

28. What is the first thing that your spouse would buy if they won the lottery?

29. What is your most irritating habit according to your spouse?

30. Who’s your favorite member of your spouse’s family?

31. What was your spouse’s first pet name?

32. What is your spouse’s shoe size?

33. What is your spouse’s pants size?

34. What is your spouse’s top size?

35. What is your mother-in-law’s maiden name?

36. What is your spouse’s middle name?

37. What does your spouse say is his favorite movie?

38. What is your spouse’s most dreaded household chore?

39. What was the worst date your spouse had been on?

40. What junk food does your spouse find hard to resist?

41. What was the last date you went on?

42. When was your spouse’s first kiss?

43. Where was your spouse’s first kiss?

44. How many girlfriends or boyfriends did your spouse have before you?

45. What is your spouse’s idea of a perfect date?

46. Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush?

47. Where does your spouse want to retire?

48. What is your spouse’s favorite thing to eat?

49. What street did your spouse live on as a child?

50. What high school did your spouse go to?

51. Who is your spouse’s best friend?

52. If you could change anything about the other person, what would it be?

53. What do you love the most about your spouse?

54. Who is more likely to go swimming with sharks?

55. Who is more likely to dive off a cliff?

56. Who would play your spouse in a movie?

57. Who is more likely to invent something that is really cool?

58. What is your spouse’s nickname?

59. How often do you go on dates?

60. How many kids does your spouse want?

61. Where would you honeymoon (not counting where you are already going)?

62. If your spouse cooked dinner, what would they probably make?

63. What does your spouse own that you would love to get rid of?

64. What is your spouse’s blood type?

65. What is your spouse’s zodiac sign?

66. What is your spouse’s Chinese zodiac sign?

67. What size ring does your spouse wear?

68. What will you name your first child if it’s a girl?

69. What will you name your first child if it’s a boy?

70. Where in the world would your spouse live if they could choose the place?

71. If your spouse went out for the night with their friends, where would they go?

72. What is your spouse’s favorite way to eat eggs?

73. What do you think is the first thing that the opposite sex notices about your spouse?

74. How much do you think you spend on food per week for the both of you?

75. What is your spouse’s birthstone?

76. What is the name of the person who officiated your ceremony?

77. What did your spouse want to be when they grew up?

78. Does your spouse prefer white chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

79. Does your spouse prefer Pepsi or Coca-Cola?

80. Who does your spouse talk to on the phone the most?

81. If you and your spouse were to get a dog, what kind would it be?


1. What is your spouse’s favorite food?

2. What is your spouse’s favorite book?

3. What is your spouse’s favorite restaurant?

4. What is a magazine your spouse reads?

5. What was the last movie that your spouse saw?

6. What is your spouse’s favorite kind of wine?

7. How does your spouse take their coffee?

8. What is the strangest gift that your spouse ever bought for you?

9. What is the worst gift that your spouse ever bought for you?

10. What is the best gift that your spouse ever bought for you?

11. What is your spouse’s most annoying habit?

12. What is his/her least favorite sport?

13. Would the bride ever have let the groom choose her wedding dress?

14. What is your spouse’s favorite time of year?

15. What is your spouse’s favorite holiday destination?

16. What is your spouse’s favorite sports team?

17. How does your spouse like to spend their free time?

18. What is one thing on your spouse’s bucket list?

19. What would your spouse buy if they found $1000?

20. What would your spouse do if they had a million dollars?

21. What superpower would your spouse have?

22. Would your spouse ever go on a reality TV show?

23. Where is the farthest that your spouse has ever traveled?

24. What is the craziest thing that your spouse has ever eaten?

25. What would be in your spouse’s favorite smoothie?

26. Does your spouse believe in ghosts?

27. What is your spouse’s hidden talent?

28. What was your spouse’s first job?

29. What is your spouse’s dream car?

30. Would your spouse pick pancakes or waffles?

31. Would your spouse choose vanilla or chocolate?

32. Would your spouse prefer lemonade or iced tea?

33. Would your spouse rather have tea or coffee?

34. Would your spouse rather go see a movie or go for dinner on a date?

35. Will the bride take her husband’s last name?

36. Will the newlyweds try to have a baby right away?

37. What is the first thing the newlyweds will do when they retire?

38. What is the one thing that your spouse’s dream house must have?


1. How long can your spouse go without making love?

2. What is your favorite part of your spouse’s body?

3. Who needs to wear more deodorant?

4. Who uses more toilet paper?

5. Who is a better lover?

6. Who is going to have more energy for tonight?

7. Who is better at cuddling?

8. Who tends to be the big spoon?

9. Which spouse is more likely to say, “Not tonight”?

10. Which spouse is more likely to want to get intimate?


1. Which thing does your spouse do that always makes you smile?

2. Which is the one thing your spouse is the best at?

3. If you could give your spouse anything in the world, what would you give them?

4. How do you know when your spouse is in a bad mood?

5. What career would your spouse choose if it wasn’t the one they already have?

6. What would your spouse pack to take to a desert island?

7. If your spouse could eat only one thing for the rest of their life, what would it be?

8. If your spouse could only listen to one musician for the rest of their life, who would it be?

9. If your spouse could only watch one TV show for the rest of their life, which show would that be?

10. If your spouse could have dinner with one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?

11. If your spouse could time-travel to one period in history, which period would it be?

12. Is there one thing your spouse is absolutely terrible at?


1. When your husband cooks for you, would he say that you love it, like it or hate it?

2. Would your husband say that he prefers you with make-up or natural?

3. Finish this sentence: “I wish my husband would pay as much attention to me as he does his _________.”

4. Would your husband say that you spend more money or he spends more?

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would your husband say that you would go?

6. Will he say you are a morning person or a night person?

7. What is the one thing of your husband’s that you would throw away?

8. What is the one thing that your husband does that drives you crazy?

9. What would your husband say is your go-to website?

10. What is one word that your husband uses that you wish he wouldn’t?

11. Which one of your relatives would you say your husband likes the least?

12. It’s double date night; who does your husband want to go out with?

13. Which one of you would be the most likely to look at your phone during the main event of the date?

14. What was your husband’s first job?

15. Which one of you is the biggest procrastinator?

16. How would your husband complete this sentence? “My wife is a natural-born ___________.”

17. How would he complete this sentence? “I knew I had found the love of my life when she _______________.”

18. How would you fill in the blank? “My husband is the world’s best ___________.”

19. How would you fill in the blank? “My husband is the world’s worst ___________.”

20. What celebrity does your husband look like?

21. If your husband could have a different job, what would it be?

22. What was your husband’s first vehicle?

23. Has your husband ever cried during a movie?

24. What would your husband say he loves about you the most?

25. It’s your night to pick the movie, will you pick something action-packed, lol funny or tissue-worthy?

26. What was the name of his first girlfriend?

27. How many cylinders does his car have?

28. What is the one material thing your husband owns that means the most to him?

29. Which of the following candies best describes your first kiss? Starburst, Hot Tamales, Goobers or Milk Duds?

30. What gift that your spouse gave you came as the biggest surprise?

31. If your husband died and came back as a dog, what breed would he be out of a Chihuahua, Lab or bulldog?

32. How long would your husband say it takes you to get ready to go out out of fifteen minutes, an hour or three hours?


1. Which of the following breakfast cereals best describes your wife’s family’s opinion of you when they first met you out of Just Right, Oatmeal Squares, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms or Froot Loops?

2. When did you last give your wife flowers?

3. What was the name of your wife’s childhood pet?

4. If you told your wife that tomorrow you would do any one item from her Honey-Do list, what would she choose?

5. What would your wife say is the first thing you do in the morning?

6. Is your wife always late, always early or always right on time?

7. What’s the name of your wife’s favorite store?

8. What household chore do you do better than your wife?

9. What was your wife wearing on your first date?

10. If your wife is texting someone, who is it most likely to be?

11. If your wife could spend a day in the life of someone else, who would it be?

12. Finish this sentence: “Every time my wife goes shopping, she brings home another __________.”

13. What was the last thing you did for your wife that she never expected?

14. What would your wife say is her favorite time of the year?

15. Would your wife say she prefers out of gold or silver?

16. What are two things your wife made you get rid of before moving in together?

17. If you were to look through your wife’s purse, what are two things you would always find?

18. Your wife found a genie lamp; can you name one of her three wishes?

19. What is your wife’s favorite day of the week?

20. When your wife goes to the grocery store, what two items does she always come home with that aren’t on the list?

21. What is your wife’s favorite animal?

22. What are the names of your wife’s two best friends from high school?

23. If your wife could send you to a body repair shop, what part of you would she have fixed?

24. What percentage of the housework would your wife say you do?

25. If your wife could be married to a movie star, who would she choose?

26. What food does your wife just refuse to eat (not related to allergies)?

27. If you were given $500 to spend on your wife, what would you spend it on?

28. What item of clothing does your wife wear that you just can’t stand?

29. What was the last book your wife read?

30. If your wife could be reincarnated as any animal, what would she choose?

31. What was the most your wife ever paid for shoes?

32. If your wife could hire a band or singer for a private performance, who would it be?