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4 Crucial Principles Every Relationship Should Be Built On

4 Crucial Principles Every Relationship Should Be Built On

Despite popular belief and pessimism, there are numerous happy couples all around us.

Couples who have succeeded in building their romance the right way and who enjoy their life next to the person they love.

Couples that last, despite the period they live in.

Even though everyone is different and therefore everyone has a different established relationship dynamic, there are some things common to each one of these partnerships.

They stick to some crucial principles their relationship is built on from the very beginning.

Unconditional presence

You’re no magician and in fact, nobody expects you to be.

Therefore, you don’t have a magic wand to solve all of your partner’s problems, as much as you try to do so.

You can give your best but there are simply some situations in which you don’t have the capacity to help them.

They have to lead and win some battles on their own, without you assisting them in any way.

However, sometimes, being there and holding one another’s hand is more than enough.

This is exactly why one of the first principles every relationship should be built on is an unconditional presence.

It means that you will never abandon one another, no matter what happens, that you’ll remain next to each other and just say that everything will be okay.

You see, the worst thing you can do to your loved one is make them experience your absence during hardships.

It’s to make them feel alone when they need you the most.

Categorical imperative

Immanuel Kant said: “Act according to the maxim that you would wish all other rational people to follow, as if it were a universal law.”

Simply put, this means that you should never treat anyone else the way you wouldn’t like to be treated.

Instead, act toward others the way you would be happy that they act toward you.

Even though this is the principle you should follow in all of your relationships, it is especially crucial as a romantic relationship value.

Basically, every time you want to say or do something to your partner, put yourself in their shoes.

Ask yourself how you would feel if the situation was different and if you switched places.

When you follow this principle, you develop an incredible level of compassion toward your loved one.

You understand them better and consequently, you turn your relationship into a much better place.


Every piece of relationship advice will tell you that unconditional love between partners is a must if you want your relationship to work out.

Even though this is completely true, there is one type of love more important than this—the one you feel toward yourself.

When you first read something like this, you assume it’s quite selfish.

However, you can’t make anyone happy unless you make yourself happy, can you?

Well, you can never be happy until you grow to love yourself first, without jeopardizing anyone else.

You can’t build a healthy relationship with someone else until you have a healthy relationship with yourself.

Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that it’s not your duty to make the other person happy.

In fact, you both have one task only—to achieve inner peace and inner happiness that doesn’t depend on your relationship.

At the end of the day, when you have two fulfilled, happy people who love themselves, what is the most likely outcome?

Is it even possible for this type of couple to be in a toxic relationship?

Complete liberty

The number one mistake people usually make when it comes to romantic relationships is that they try to keep the other party next to them, at any cost.

Well, let me tell you one thing: You can never lose someone who’s really yours.

Therefore, what’s the point of this approach? What’s the point of fears, jealousy or possessive behavior?

An important principle every relationship should have is unlimited liberty.

It’s a notion in which both partners have complete freedom to basically do whatever they want.

No, I’m not saying that you should have an open relationship.

Instead, you should come up with a mutual agreement regarding the things that are acceptable in the relationship and about those you won’t tolerate.

However, this is where your job is done. The last thing you should do is waste your energy on trying to control your other half.

Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that you can’t prevent anyone from leaving you or being unfaithful. If they want to do it, they’ll find a way.

Besides, if you put them in a cage, they will just feel trapped and suffocated. Consequently, this just magnifies your chances of losing them.

So, please, let each other be. Your conscience will determine what is right or wrong.

Instead of forcing one another to stay in this relationship, wouldn’t you be happier knowing that they choose to stay even though nobody is forcing them to?