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Friends Bucket List: 13 Challenges You Have To Do With Your Best Friend

Friends Bucket List: 13 Challenges You Have To Do With Your Best Friend

Who is the one person in this world who won’t judge you no matter what you do? It’s your best friend.

There is no better person in this world to do a stupid and reckless thing with. It doesn’t even have to be stupid or dangerous, it just needs to be fun.

For some, fun is pouring a bucket of ice-cold water on your head and for others, it’s lying on the couch and watching movies all day. But it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it with the right person.

Whatever challenge you decide to take, no matter how stupid, funny or disturbing it is, it will bring you and your friend even closer than you are and it will guarantee that you’ll have the best time ever.

On the other hand, you’ll create some great memories together that you will remember for the rest of your lives.

Here is a list of challenges that you most definitely have to do with your best friend.

Movie marathon

Lie back, grab a tub of popcorn and your favorite friend, snuggle on the couch and enjoy spending the rest of your night watching your favorite movies.

This will bring you even more close to each other and you will create one beautiful memory you’ll talk about for years to come.

Pickle challenge

If you like pickles, then this challenge is made for you. To cut a long story short, the point of the challenge is to eat a jar full of pickles and drink its juice.

Whoever eats the contents of the jar first wins the challenge. To make things more interesting, set a time limit and in the given time, whoever eats more pickles is the winner.

Travel across the country

If you really want a memorable challenge, there is nothing better than taking your friend across the country.

There will be a lot of challenges on your trip and a lot of adventures and when you look at it, isn’t it better to have fun that way instead of lying around in your house scrolling down your screen out of boredom?

Say anything challenge

This game is better played with more friends, but it will work just fine if there are just the two of you.

The game works like this: you have to say the first word that comes to your mind when it’s your turn and the person after you has to say a word beginning with the letter the first one ended with.

So, for example, if you said ‘car’ the other person has to say a word beginning with ‘r’, like ‘riddle’. You can’t repeat words and you can’t pause.

If someone breaks the rule, they will be punished and you can decide what kind of punishment you will use.


You know all those cool things you’ve bookmarked on Pinterest? Well, if you don’t try them out with your best friend, you will never do anything about it. Have a Pinterest party and find out your craft talent.

Eat it or wear it challenge

Take various food items and place them in a see-through bag. Each player has to have one bag with the same food items in the same order.

The challenge begins as the players take out a food item and either eat it or wear it until the bags of both players are empty.

The trick is that you can use smelly and sticky food, and whatever your friend is disgusted by.

No mirror make-up challenge

Gather around your friends or your best friend and try the no mirror make-up challenge. Basically, you have to put your full make-up on without using a mirror.

The result will be absolutely hilarious or surprisingly genius. To make things interesting, try to go out for a coffee afterward. Include it in the challenge to see how brave you are.

Scavenger hunt

No, this is not a game only for kids. Send your friend to find certain items in your city by leaving them different clues or puzzles to solve in order to find them.

If she finds all the hidden items, she gets a home-cooked dinner as a reward.

Blindfolded food tasting

Put on a blindfold and try different food that your friend gives you. It’s pretty simple. You just have to guess what you’re eating.

But, be careful, as not all food you taste has to be delicious. This is the perfect game for your friend to screw with you, but no hard feelings. It’s just a game.

No thumbs challenge

Tape your thumbs and try to do a series of challenges that your friend gives you. You’ll see, it’s not easy to do anything without being able to use your thumbs.

You can try to write your own name, open a bag of chips or make a sandwich. And also, if you’re doing this one with your lover, you can turn it around into doing some dirty things instead.

Blindfolded drawing

This can be hilarious, especially if your friend doesn’t have much of a drawing talent. Take an object, take a good look at it, put on a blindfold and try to draw it.

The person who has the best drawing is the winner. Believe me, doing this challenge will make you laugh your ass off.

Whisper challenge

This challenge is so simple and so much fun at the same time. It’s pretty easy. Your friend puts on headphones and listens to loud music while you whisper a phrase or a word.

Then after taking off the headphones, your friend has to guess what you whispered.

Smoothie challenge

This is a challenge only for those who can take pretty much any kind of disgusting things.

You gather around tasty smoothie ingredients such as strawberries, bananas, kiwis, and yogurt in one pot and in another pot, you gather less delicious ingredients, such as mustard, horseradish, soy sauce, etc.

Write each ingredient on a piece of paper and put it in a jar and then take turns drawing pieces of paper from the jar until it is empty.

Make a smoothie with the ingredients you’ve drawn from the jar and have a race of who will drink their smoothie first.