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10 Signs That You’re Just A Booty Call To Him

10 Signs That You’re Just A Booty Call To Him

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the concept of a booty call.

But when you want a serious relationship, when you’re ready to commit to your lover, because you see how compatible you are, being a booty call isn’t really something you want.

If both partners are defining the relationship like that, then it’s not a problem.

When the guy in the relationship doesn’t want to commit or isn’t willing to take the relationship further, even though you are starting to fall in love with him, it can get really painful.

Without having to be direct with him about this topic, there are some signs you can look out for to know for sure if you’re only a booty call to him.

He doesn’t text you at a reasonable hour

He won’t text you throughout the day to see if you’re doing okay, he won’t even call to ask to see you during the day.

He will probably text you past midnight and he’s probably horny.

He probably couldn’t find another girl to go home with him, so he calls his plan B—you.

All your dates end up in the bedroom

You know that you might be his booty call if your ‘dates’ don’t include walks, restaurants or bars (or anything related to you two being in public), but rather just a little chat with you before he takes you to his apartment.

He’s never there for you

He simply disappears every time you need emotional or mental support.

He doesn’t want to know about your problems and if you start talking about them he will just say that he has other plans and that he needs to rush off.

When you call him saying that you’re not feeling too good, he might just tell you that he’s busy.

You’ve never met any of his friends or family

He doesn’t include you in group activities. Ever. He doesn’t want you to be around his friends, because they might know by now that you’re nothing but a hit-and-run’ girl.

And also, in case his family don’t live halfway across the country, he makes sure you don’t cross paths with them.

If you have never seen any of his family members or met any of his friends, then you might be just a booty call to him.

Everything is about sex

If every time you try talking with him or even texting him, he turns it into an opportunity for him to tell you how much he looks forward to hooking up with you, then you’re just a booty call.

Of course, in relationships, partners tend to get horny when apart and talk about how they would like to have sex right now, but if everything he’s talking about refers to sex, then there’s a problem.

He never stays overnight

He doesn’t want to cuddle after sex and he’s gone right after it’s done. He simply never stays the night.

You’ve seen him flirt with other women

He does it constantly. In front of you, behind your back, and he might even be flirting with your friends.

Also, somehow, he always mentions other women in conversations.

He may not be dating them, but he makes sure that you know that you’re not the only woman in his life.

He doesn’t want to talk about serious topics with you

He just runs away or he puts up walls so you can’t talk to him.

He doesn’t want to talk to you about your relationship because you might find out that he doesn’t have feelings for you and you’ll bring him into an awkward situation.

You’re simply not important enough for him to talk with you about this, because, believe me, he won’t shed a tear if you leave.

He doesn’t plan a future together

He never talks about your future, and he doesn’t even plan dates in advance.

All he does is call you and demand to see you right away, because planning might give you the false idea that he really does like you.

He changes his behavior after sex

Before you lie down with him, he’s the cutest, sweetest guy alive, but right after he gets what he wants, he turns into a real asshole. This is the biggest warning sign out there.