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4 Brutally Honest Reasons Why He’s Taking You For Granted

4 Brutally Honest Reasons Why He’s Taking You For Granted

Being taken for granted is one of the most humiliating and painful things you can go through.

It is especially difficult if your life partner is treating you this way.

This is exactly the situation you’re in right now.

Deep down, you are aware that your boyfriend or husband is convinced there is nothing he could do that would make you stop loving him .

You see that he is taking advantage of your kind heart.

You see that he enjoys your presence just because he likes having someone to love him that much.

And you know it very well that you’re on the bottom of his priority list.

However, why do these things happen in the first place? How does someone know that another person is a suitable victim of this treatment?

To be concrete, why is your boyfriend taking you for granted? Why is he using you, when that is the last thing a girl like you deserves?

Because he can

The first reason why anyone might be treating you the way they do is actually pretty plain.

They simply can do it. You allow them to behave like that and they have no conscience regarding their actions.

And your boyfriend is probably no exception.

Even though I’m not claiming that him taking you for granted is just your fault (after all, he is the one who is emotionally hurting you without thinking about the consequences), maybe it’s time to think things through and ask yourself whether you’re the one who’s been giving him permission to act this way.

Let’s make one thing clear. If a guy is an asshole, he’ll probably try hiding his negative personality traits in the beginning and start revealing them over time.

That means that your boyfriend wasn’t this big of a douchebag from the very start. Instead, he started with little things.

And just like that, he got away with it every time.

After a while, he realized that you’re giving him the green light for his behavior.

He noticed that he doesn’t have to show you any appreciation and you’ll still continue being there for him or do him favors, so he kept on taking you for granted more and more.

He doesn’t give a damn about you

I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but here is the harshest and the truest truth: if a guy is taking you for granted, he is probably doing it because he doesn’t care about you.

At least, not enough to think about your emotions and be careful not to break your heart.

He might like you enough to spend time with you, but he doesn’t give a damn whether he’ll emotionally damage you.

He couldn’t care less about you feeling underappreciated or hurt.

This guy is obviously a selfish jerk who only thinks about his own needs and could never put you first, despite everything you’ve been doing for him.

Remember one thing: if a man treats you like he doesn’t care , you better start believing him.

Besides, what better proof of his indifference do you actually need?

You’re too nice

Yes, there is a such thing as being too nice, too kind, or too loving.

You’re a girl who gives her entire self to a man who will never be able to reciprocate and that is exactly why you feel like you’ve been taken for granted.

You try too hard and you put too much effort into someone who clearly doesn’t deserve it.

Besides, you never get angry. Even when you notice his wrongdoings, you forgive him easily and he knows he’ll always get away with the way he’s treating you.

So, why would he bother changing his ways?

Consequently, the man you’re dating doesn’t have any fear of losing you.

He knows that you’ll stick around, no matter what he does, because you’ve convinced him in your love and you showed him your feelings.

Therefore, it is easier for him to lie back and enjoy the attention he’s been getting from you than to continue winning you over.

You don’t know how to say “no”

If you’re taken for granted, your biggest problem is probably the fact that you don’t know how to turn someone down.

You have trouble setting up boundaries and people, including your boyfriend, take advantage of that.

You’re someone who is always available and ready to do whatever it takes to please the person you love.

You’re always there when he needs a favor, a shoulder to cry on, or some company, while in his eyes, you’re ranked far from first place.

To put it simply, you are a professional giver of second chances and acceptor of false excuses.

Even when deep down you know that someone won’t ever change and doesn’t deserve a place in your life, you go against your principles and always take them back.