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6 Things To Keep In Mind When Waiting For His Reply

6 Things To Keep In Mind When Waiting For His Reply

So, you texted him a few hours ago, a few days ago (or maybe a month), and he still hasn’t texted you back.

The longer you’re waiting, the more anxious you’re becoming, and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it but feel frustrated and confused as hell.

And this is probably not the first time that it has happened to you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship, if he’s your ex, if you’ve just started dating or you haven’t even met yet (in person), there will always come a moment when you will wait next to your cell phone waiting for his reply.

There will always come a moment when you will think that you’re not good enough or worthy enough of his time, and whenever you start feeling like this, please keep in mind the following 6 things that will help you go through the waiting phase!

1. “I am worthy!”

Every time you start feeling like you’re asking for too much and that you’re not worthy of being texted back, delete those thoughts immediately.

Remember that you’re a worthwhile human being and other people’s actions don’t define your worth.

Him not texting you back has nothing to do with your true value.

You should never take it personally because there are plenty of reasons why he was prevented from texting you back.

Maybe he forgot, maybe he was stuck in a place where he didn’t have a signal or maybe he’s lost his phone.

Or maybe he’s a manipulative asshole only playing hard to get.

Whatever it is, it still has nothing to do with you.

If he was prevented from texting you back, you will surely be notified about it in the future, and if he’s an asshole, even better.

You will never hear from him or see him again!

2. “Instead of waiting, I choose to live my life now.”

It’s really easy to lose yourself when it comes to waiting for someone to text you back.

But, instead of waiting, you should choose to live your life now!

Go out with your friends, drink your favorite beverage(s), reread your favorite book, listen to some inspiring music, draw, dance, or whatever suits you best.

The worst you could do is simply wait next to your cell phone because that is a recipe for losing your mind and overthinking.

Why would you waste your precious seconds on waiting for him to text you back when you can have both?

You can have the time of your life while “imaginarily” waiting for him to text you back. (And you will certainly not miss anything.)

3. “It’s probably a stupid or simple reason, and I’m overthinking it.”

If you think he’s not texting you back because he no longer likes you, because he’s thinking about breaking up with you or perhaps because he’s cheating on you, think again.

What is the probability that what you think is happening is really true?

There are thousands of possible reasons, and most of the time it’s a stupid or simple reason behind him not texting you back.

Be aware of the fact that you’re probably overthinking it, and there’s no need to torture yourself because, in the end, everything will be alright, and you will probably laugh when you hear why he couldn’t text you back!

4. “He has his own life.”

I understand that you’ve probably said a lot of important things to him, and you’re dying to see his reaction, but you need to understand that he has his own life, too (just like you).

We often forget that the reason why they didn’t text us back is because they have something important going on, that they’re busy, and they simply didn’t have time to deal with texting.

5. “It’s normal to need to wait for text messages sometimes.”

It’s normal to need to wait for text messages sometimes (if it’s a reasonable amount of waiting).

When we impatiently wait for something to happen, seconds turns into hours, and that is why you probably have the feeling that it’s taking him forever to reply.

It’s important to stay patient, and remind yourself that it’s normal to wait for a text message sometimes.

And if he never replies, then screw him! You’re better off without him anyway.

6. “No matter what happens – it’s going to be OK!”

No matter what happens, if he eventually texts you back or not, it’s going to be OK, and there’s nothing to worry about.

As already said, if he texts you back and apologizes for letting you wait too long for his reply – perfect.

If he still hasn’t texted you back and you’re convinced that he won’t, it’s perfect again because you know that he’s an asshole, and he definitely doesn’t deserve you.

You see, no matter what happens, you will still be the same strong and beautiful woman as you were, so take a deep breath, (stop staring at your phone) and live your life like a boss!

See also: 7 Things To Do When He Doesn’t Text Back