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7 Obvious Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

7 Obvious Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

“A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet.” ~ Dianna Hardy

From the moment we are born, our soul is destined to have a match. Before people meet and fall in love in the real physical world, their souls meet in the spiritual world.

They create an unbreakable bond which transforms into real touchable love.

You have to have your match—your other half—because we are all incomplete. As much as we would like to believe that we don’t need anybody, we do.

We need someone to share our burdens with. We need someone to be our rock when we get to those dark places of our mind.

We need someone to complete us.

That someone will help you be a better version of yourself. He will make you a better person. He will make all your positive traits overcome the negative ones.

He has the ability to make you almost perfect—the best you can be.

There is one little thing. I hear how people say that there is no such thing as a soulmate—that this idea is just a load of BS.

But, I disagree with that. You see, everyone has their other half—there’s no discussion about that. It’s just that sometimes people don’t know how to recognize it.

No one says that connecting with your soulmate is going to be easy because you’re meant to be. That doesn’t mean that the two of you won’t go through the same relationship problems as others do.

The beginning of every relationship is tough, so is the one with your soulmate. Don’t expect your world to be colored pink and flowery. It’s the same world as it was before.

The only thing that is different is that you’ve been given a chance to recognize your soulmate because he might be in a disguise.

Don’t gamble that chance away. Instead, try hard to make it work because, in time, all your hard work and all your investment in your relationship will pay off.

In case you’re struggling with figuring out whether he is your soulmate or not, here are some obvious signs that can help you make the blurry picture clearer:

1. He is supportive

You will never be left hanging. Whatever you decide to do, he will get your back.

Even if he thinks that might not be the smartest move in the book, he’ll be there for you because he knows how important it is to make mistakes.

You learn from them. He will let you make that mistake, but he will be there for you when you fail. And it will be ok. You’ll have his support to keep on trying.

2. It’s like you know each other

This happens when you meet someone you were destined to meet. You have the feeling you’ve met him already.

His face looks familiar and his moves look so natural—like you’ve seen his gestures a thousand times before.

And what about déjà vu? What about those times when you could have sworn the exact same situation with the exact same person happened? How is that possible when you met him just the other day?

3. You are on the same page

When the two of you meet, you talk about everything—you share your life stories, your hobbies etc. That’s how you create a deeper bond.

And somewhere along the way, you realize that you have, if not the same, then a similar set of morals and values.

You are the same kind of people. That’s why it so easy to talk to your other half.

That’s why he gets everything you say. That’s why he understands how you’re feeling. Because he can relate to that.

4. He makes you feel safe

Whenever you’re in trouble or you’re just feeling down, you crave his embrace. You just need to be in his arms.

The warmth of his body, his breathing, and his heartbeats make you feel safe. You are sure that nobody or nothing in this world can touch you.

Even when you’re radiating with negative energy, he has a solution for that. He sucks that energy out of you with his positivity. And once again you feel safe.

5. He is trustworthy

Never, ever, ever would you keep something from him. You don’t feel that pressure and embarrassment you might feel around others.

You can tell him absolutely anything. It’s because you know he will listen to everything you’ve got to say. He will give you advice if he’s got some.

That’s why you can trust him. Because you know he won’t judge you. He can only help you.

6. You feel for each other

It’s a telepathic connection. Even if you don’t want to tell him you’re in pain for some reason, he will know it—he will feel it.

Just one look into your eyes is enough to make him realize something is wrong.

And as much as you try to hide it, you will fail.

And when he sees you’re in pain, he will feel for you. He will feel that pain in his own skin—like something bad happened to him.

Because you are one. What hurts you hurts him, too.

7. You know it

Something deep inside you tells you that he is the one for you. That is something no one ever can explain in words.

That is something that is incomprehensible and therefore mysterious.

It’s like there is some kind of spiritual force that is pushing you towards each other, and each and every little thing falls into its place.

There you go. You are going to experience all of these signs sooner or later. Just be wise enough to recognize them.

There is only one soulmate. If you miss him, who knows if will you meet him again?

But, on the other hand, if you do miss him, does that mean there’s no one else there for you?

And if so—where do the all unrecognized souls go?