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He Calls Me Beautiful: Find Out What He REALLY Means

He Calls Me Beautiful: Find Out What He REALLY Means

I just melt at the very mention of my man. Every time he calls me beautiful, I know he’s referring to much more than just my physical appearance. And that’s so important.

Being a beautiful person isn’t just having soft features and a hot body. There’s much more to it than that.

And I want to help you understand all the things your man might mean when he calls you beautiful.

Having a partner who gets that beauty isn’t just skin-deep is priceless. I’m lucky enough to have a man and lots of guy friends who truly realize what being cute and beautiful means.

But if you struggle to decipher what your partner or male friends are attempting to convey by calling you a beautiful girl, you’re in luck.

Not only am I going to explain all the little things that are likely on their mind but I will also offer unique insight into what cute signifies in guy language!

So stick around to discover and be (pleasantly) surprised by the subtle messages behind guys’ sweet compliments!

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What Does He Mean When He Calls Me Beautiful?

1. He thinks you’re an all-round catch

Let’s start with the obvious one. When a guy calls you beautiful, it’s very likely that this is an all-encompassing compliment.

He thinks you’re hot and sexy. He loves your body language and the vibes you give out. He considers you to be girlfriend material and he wants to get it on with you.

And honestly, why not? Being considered a beautiful person is a compliment I’d be happy to receive any day of the week.

Bonus points if you’re in a long-term relationship. Clearly, the spark hasn’t withered and he still considers you just as sexy as the first time he saw you. (Congrats, you’ve got a keeper!)

2. He loves your beautiful personality

When a guy considers you a beautiful person inside out, it means ten times more than just being sexy. Why? Because it means he sees through your exterior.

He sees past your physical appearance. He sees what’s inside. And seldom do guys have such a deep capacity to appreciate such vital (yet often overlooked) qualities.

In this context, being beautiful conveys so many amazing messages. He loves your kind personality and curious mind.

He appreciates your very core and he is complimenting the most important thing in a person. And that is your soul.

3. He is complimenting your artistic side

If you’re a creative soul, he could be referring to this particular side of you.

He loves watching your artistic side come to the surface and he enjoys watching your creative mind come up with such uniquely inspiring things.

Are you into writing poems or creating artistic drawings? Are you a secret hippy who enjoys dancing barefoot on the grass? Do you have a beautiful voice that he has an opportunity to hear at times?

If so, this is what his compliment is conveying. To him, your artistic process is the most beautiful part of you.

And honestly, what’s more enchanting than a man appreciating the very thing that makes you you?

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4. He feels a deeper bond with you

When a guy calls you sexy, it’s a compliment on a physical level and that’s great. But sometimes, being called beautiful also means seeing long-term potential.

And that’s one of the secret meanings behind his words. He doesn’t just see you as a girl he wants to hook up with.

He sees you as a best friend type of girl who might actually be the one for him. And few things are more magical than having a lover who’s also your best friend.

To him, you’re the girl next door he sees an actual future with. And if this is what he means, you’ll be able to feel it in your bones.

5. He sees an unattainable side to you

To some men, girls who are a bit of a challenge are the ones they want to pursue. Why? Because it’s fun, exciting and in the end, very much worth it.

Having to win you over means he’s worthy of your time and attention. To him, that signifies much more than he’s letting on.

Some men love the chase. They enjoy the process because the end result is that much sweeter.

If he uses the word beautiful with you, he might see you as an unattainable girl but he loves it. Watch him try and get your attention in the most charming ways.

6. He admires your natural beauty

Guys adore women who are beyond comfortable in their own skin. A girl who can just throw on a pair of sweats, leave her hair in a messy bun and leave the house make-up free.

That’s what guys want. A girl who’s unbothered by her appearance. A girl who can dress to the nines and get him hot and bothered but then also dress down and be a tomboy the next day.

If you’re the type of girl who can just be her natural self around a guy, this is what he likely means. And to me, this is one of the vital components of a potential relationship.

7. He wants to show you off

When he calls you beautiful, he might very well mean he’s so damn proud of the person you are.

He’s adamant to show you off and let all of his buddies see what a phenomenal woman you are. He can’t wait to introduce you to his family and friends as he knows you’re the one.

Not only does he consider you a beautiful woman but he is also sure that his family will see it as well.

And this is the ultimate token of a man’s adoration. You’re the one he wants to be seen with. You’re the one he wants to grow old with.

He sees you for everything that you are and there’s not a thing he would change.

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What Does He Mean When He Calls Me Cute?

If he often refers to you as a cute woman, you’re going to want to hear this. There are quite a few things this compliment conveys and each one is better than the last!

1. He loves your soft femininity

Some women have a tendency to take being called cute the wrong way. They misinterpret it as being compared to a cute child but that’s not even close to what he means.

A guy who calls you cute appreciates your sweet nature. He enjoys your soft side and he loves your childlike qualities.

But in no way is he comparing you to an actual child!

This doesn’t mean you’re undesirable in a grown-up, mature way. It simply conveys a sweet message of an innocent type of beauty that reminds him of simplicity and tenderness.

2. He feels comfortable and relaxed around you

He sees you as a kind-hearted woman whose company he deeply appreciates. He loves your silly nature because he knows life’s too short to be serious all the time.

Never get offended by being called cute! It’s the ultimate compliment really. It means you’re so easy to be around and not many people make him feel this way.

Your curiosity and silliness are his favorite things about you. He never wants to move on from you because with you, he feels most like himself.

To him, you’re a gentle individual with a zest for life he admires more than you’ll ever know.

3. He thinks you’re mellow and easy-going

He might be referring to your adorable personality. He loves how relaxed and chill you are with him and everyone around you!

He enjoys you not taking yourself (or anyone else) too seriously. He gets on with you with such ease because you’re really easy to have a conversation with.

Consider this a big compliment as he genuinely sees you as a no-drama type of girl! And it’s no secret that guys aren’t fans of female dramatics.

You’re too laid-back to get easily offended and if something does bug you, you don’t stress over it too much. You know what you can just shrug off and what requires your attention.

4. This is how shy men try to get your attention

And that’s the cutest part of it all! He clearly finds you amazing but he’s not the kind of guy who’ll just openly say it.

He prefers calling you a sweet name and getting you to put two and two together. In a way, isn’t that the most adorable thing?

Try to see through his words. If he’s not an extrovert and you don’t see him talk that much, give him something to hold on to (if you like him back of course!)

He won’t want to sound presumptuous, so he’s sticking with cute but to him, you’re probably much more than that.

Do you dig him? If you do, throw him a bone! It’ll give him a boost of confidence to take it to the next level.

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5. He’s flirting with you

He’s being playful and trying to see where you stand. Being called cute is just enough to get your attention but not too out there to cause a stir.

He’s testing the waters before he makes a real move. The only question is if you will meet him halfway.

Chances are, this guy knows you pretty well and he’s eager to start up something a bit more serious. Consider your options.

Are you into him on a deeper level? Do you wish to explore your options with him? If so, tease him right back. Stimulate his mind and everything else can come afterward.

See where this adventure takes you. Some of the most beautiful romances have started out as friendships and yours might be one of them.

6. He wants you to stop friend-zoning him

This guy may be alluding that he has developed a crush on you and he’s eager for you to notice it.

Oftentimes it happens that guy friends start having feelings for their female friends but they don’t want to risk losing the friendship. Therein lies the conundrum.

Are you ready to let him out of the friend-zone? Are you prepared for being faced with how he feels?

You’ve made sure to nurture a deep friendship with him and know he wants to transcend to another level. It’s all up to you and how you feel deep inside.

If a long-term relationship is something you can envision, give it a shot. But if not, perhaps it’s best to be upfront with him.

Set some boundaries and don’t let the lines get too blurry. Recognize his attention and do what you know in your heart to be best.

7. He wants to snuggle you

This one is, by far, my most favorite meaning. If this is what he’s implying, you’re one lucky lady. This type of guy wants to get all cuddly and bake cookies at midnight with you.

He wants to braid your hair, lounge around, read your horoscope and laugh at what the stars are saying.

He loves being around your addictive energy and he won’t miss a chance to soak it all in. He just wants to spend an insane amount of time with you doing whatever your heart desires.

To him, you’re perfect. He loves your silly laughter, your cute nose, your loud personality and your inexhaustible energy.

He enjoys your silly dance sessions and your inclination to always strive to be your best self. You bring him pure joy and he doesn’t take it for granted.

When you’re capable of finding beauty in the simple things, that’s when you truly know what life’s all about. If you’ve got a guy who gets that, count your blessings and don’t let him go!

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To Sum Up

Luckily, I’ve always been able to tell exactly what my man means when he calls me beautiful. And now, I hope I’ve managed to give you an idea of what your guy means as well.

Some meanings are indicative of a deeper bond and a sense of maturity, while others signify appreciation of your gentle soul and kind heart.

If you know the person well, you’ll be able to tell which one he is referring to. If you’re in a long-term relationship and he calls you beautiful, you won’t have a problem deciphering that.

But if we’re talking about a guy friend who possibly has a secret crush on you, it’s all about reading between the lines. Look at the general context and observe his body language.

The most reassuring thing about these meanings is that they are all genuine, sweet proclamations of a certain type of affection.

They signify consideration, kindness, devotion and appreciation. Enjoy the sweet confession and be sure to offer a reciprocal answer if you feel the same way!