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Beach Date: 10 Things You Must Know For A Fun, Successful Outing

Beach Date: 10 Things You Must Know For A Fun, Successful Outing

Having those regular date nights is so important to keep the spark alive and remind yourselves why you’re together in the first place.

Planning a romantic evening takes work, especially if you’re due for a memorable getaway to some of the various romantic places in the world.

Romantic moments are priceless, and if you want to surprise your partner with some romantic summer fun by planning the perfect date (or romantic date night ), I’ll share with you some amazing tips for an unforgettable beach date so you don’t have to google any more date ideas . I’ve got you covered!

I’ve always been such a fan of the beach and being able to wear a bikini or a swimsuit while playing beach ball , making a sand castle , strolling down the boardwalk and enjoying quality time with my man! Summer fun is my favorite pastime!

So I’ve decided to share with you all some of my romantic beach-date necessities for the perfect date and some awesome beach-date ideas to surprise your partner and mix things up a bit!

If this is your first date , you need to really take note because you don’t want to mess up something as fun as a date on a beautiful beach that offers so many amazing possibilities you absolutely must cease.

Playing in the water with your date (and wearing tons of sunscreen) while the sun is shining, the vibes are chill, and you’re making sure to hold hands with your partner as the sun starts to set on your exquisite day is simply priceless.

Being able to just forego your T-shirt , flaunt your new swimwear , and have some fun in the sun is so liberating and calming that one must resist the urge to stay on that divine beach forever!

If you’re in need of some unique date night ideas for the beach, here are some tips and tricks to be mindful of when planning the perfect beach date !

And trust me, once you’ve sorted out everything I’m about to share, your partner won’t be able to hide their excitement!

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After having experienced a truly magnificent beach date with my man just recently, I can honestly say that a day such as this one takes a whole hell of a lot of planning, but the end result is SO worth it!

There’s a lot to consider when going around a beach, what with all the rules, clothes, weather and equipment, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Your date night will be one for the books if you give it enough thought and have everything worked out so that there are no surprises once you get to your beach of preference.

A romantic getaway or a day at the beach—it’s all the same when you’re with the one who makes your heart sing.

So get your bikini (or swim trunks) out, prepare yourself for some note-worthy beach date ideas for some summer fun (or fun during any season actually), and start planning a day to remember!

Be Mindful Of The Seasons

Before you embark on your beach date (wherever in the world you’re going) check out what the weather is like over there and what it’s going to be like for the amount of time you’re there.

You don’t want the following things to catch you by surprise:

A romantic as it sounds to enjoy a warm day at the beach for hours on end, I’m going to have to burst your bubble. Beaches get really cold at night. So you might want to ensure to bring spare clothes and a warm blanket or two. It’s kind of romantic sitting under a blanket with your date, watching the stars and not freezing your ass off!
On some beaches, it might be a bit difficult to be able to enjoy yourself at a time of your pleasing as some of them provide a safe haven for wildlife!
So if you are aiming for a particular beach, make sure it’s not turtle season (when they lay eggs) or that seals aren’t occupying the beach!
Familiarize yourself with the law about fires on beaches. Hopefully, you’re aware that not all beaches allow fires, so you don’t want to risk getting a ticket and paying a fee.
Even those that do allow you to light a fire, you’re probably going to need a permit, so check that off your list before anything else.
On some beaches, you’ll be allowed to park your RV (or camper) for a certain amount of money. Find out what beaches offer discounts and deals and be sure to keep track of what they say. Also, always have a plan B in case you need a tow truck!

Things To Bring With You

Other than your swimsuit and sunscreen , there’s also a lot of other stuff you need to bring along, in order to be able to enjoy to the fullest. Just imagine…

Your beloved and yourself, sitting on a cozy chair under a soft blanket and right next to the ocean.

Waves are gently crashing on the shore and making the most mesmerizing sound, while there’s no one else there but you two.

You feel like this romantic evening couldn’t possibly be any better, until your lover turns their head, looks you deep in the eye, and plants a warm, soft kiss on your lips, making the moment better than you could’ve ever anticipated.

The vibes are just right, your beach date couldn’t possibly be any more of a success and every little thing has been taken care of.

You can have ALL that if you make sure to bring the following things with you, for a smooth, uninterrupted romantic date that’ll be remembered for a long time.

A functioning radio (fully charged) to create just the right atmosphere with a little help from some romantic, slow jams playing in the background.
A thermos so that you can always have a warm drink of your lover’s choosing!
Chairs that you can fold and easily take with you.
Warm blankets (preferably two).
Some soft slippers you can just slip into once your feet get tired of your shoes.
A beach umbrella.
Sunglasses and sunscreen (always protect yourself from the sun).
Lots of water. I cannot stress enough how important it is to always stay hydrated.

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Mind The Tide

For a second there, you just don’t think it’s all that important to worry about the tide.

After all, the whole point is to go to the beach, get soaking wet (or moderately… no judgment!) and enjoy it to the fullest. But you’d be foolish not to check the tide schedule first.

The water is cool and all—until you see it nearing your chair and threatening to ruin your evening.

That’s precisely why you need to find out about the tide schedule to be able to plan your beach date accordingly and come out and leave just at the right time.

Also, make sure to know how big the waves are expected to get and always triple check your info.

You can never be careful enough with planning a date around water.

You want to come at the perfect time when there are no unexpected and unwelcome surprises to throw you for a loop.

Your Ideal Beach Must-Knows

Once you’ve found your ideal beach (yay!) it’s time to find out everything about it and plan your date night (or the whole day!) around it.

Learn the things I’m about to list here about your beach and don’t go without checking all of these boxes:

Is there a bathroom near the beach and what’s the fee for using it?
Where can you find a spot to rinse off all the unwelcome sand that’s literally covering your entire body?
Is the beach open 24/7 or is it limited to certain hours? You definitely don’t want to be crashing a closed beach.
Can you park your car there and for how long without it getting towed?
Where exactly are you supposed to park your car? Is the place secure? How much does it cost and what’s the payment method (cash, credit card or a third option)?
Have you checked the beach online with regards to its reviews and how safe it is?
Is there an ATM nearby?
Where can you get food and beverages along with sunscreen in case you forget to bring yours?
Is there a lifeguard on duty?
And finally, where can you change from your swimwear to your T-shirt and pants/skirt?

I know this seems like a lot to process, but when you think about it, these are all vital pieces of information that mustn’t be neglected when embarking on a beach date .

You don’t want to arrive there only to find out that there’s no ATM nearby and nowhere within a mile radius to get food and water!

So always stay on top of things and ensure a successful, fun romantic day.

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Abide By The Following Rules

It would be so awesome if you could just go to your perfect beach and enjoy it without caring about any rules and regulations, but that’s a dream that will never come true.

All beaches have their rules which are there to help keep it safe, taken care of, and easy to use in case of misguided information.

All beaches likely have rules about the following things, and you should abide by them if you don’t want to ruin your romantic date night .

Rules with regards to acceptable clothing
Rules on dogs (are they allowed to be off the leash or should you always keep them on a short leash?)
Rules on picking up after your dogs
Acceptable swimwear
Tide warnings (low tide or high tide, you never want to mess with those)
Emergency calls
Open hours (never crash a beach that’s closed for visitors)
Things you’re prohibited to bring to the beach
Loud noises and music (best not to test the boundaries)
Rules on parking

Useful Tidbits You’re Likely To Forget

In your mind, you’ve got it all figured out. Warm, light breeze, constant sun, and zero worries. But the reality is a bit different.

You’re likely to forget about some basics so let me remind you of things you should never forget to keep in mind.

The wind is going to disturb your plans whether you like it or not, so it’s best to count on it and come prepared.

If you want to sit around on the beach, play games and sip your favorite beverages, you’re going to have to bring some type of windbreaker.

The wind will likely blow everything over, you’ll end up annoyed, and the date could be ruined. So count on the wind acting up and take precautions to avoid getting blown away.

Sun is a dangerous thing. You never want to risk unprotected exposure so sunscreen is your best friend!

Apply it every so often and never allow yourself to be too lazy to do it. It might cost you burned skin, and since it’s so avoidable, it would be silly to be so irresponsible to yourself.

Drink lots of water. Hydration is crucial, especially when you spend the day in the sun.

You might not feel thirsty, but trust me, you always need waterespecially if you’ve been drinking anything alcoholic, then double the intake!

And lastly, what’s that thing you always seem to forget where you put it? Oh, yes… Your keys!

Put your keys in a place that you can’t forget about, in order to not lose them on the beach (it would be an almost impossible task to look for them in all that sand).

You can put them in your shoes or in your big beach bag—wherever you feel is the safest.

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So many people struggle with severe allergies that most of their close friends have no idea about. Always make sure to check with your date about their possible allergies.

You don’t want to find out that they’re allergic to sand mites by seeing them develop a huge, red rash all over their body on what was supposed to be a day to remember!

One, it’s really uncomfortable and could be extremely dangerous, so you never want to put anyone in that position.

And two, it’s immediately going to put them off and ruin your entire beach date ! Allergies are NOT to be messed with.

Bottom line, you don’t want to let possible allergies ruin the night you have planned.

If your date has certain allergies to be mindful of, accommodate their needs and plan accordingly. Everyone’s health and well-being should always come first!

What’s For Rent?

One of the amazing perks of going on a beach date is being able to rent some pretty cool features to improve the quality of your date!

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’m about to make your day.

There are some spectacular things I’ve seen on plenty of beaches that are for rent, and they could take your entire day to a whole new level of awesomeness.

If you’re a daredevil and yearn for some energized fun on the water, you could rent out jet skis or water skis!

But if you’re into a more peaceful option, you can always rent bicycles or golf carts for some fun outside of the water.

For some fun under the water, you can go scuba diving (there is scuba gear and snorkel gear for rent), and if you’re an avid surfer, then you’re lucky, as many beaches offer surfboards and boogie boards for rent!

There are probably more items for rent, so it’s really worth it to check it all out in advance so you can plan your activities according to the offer.

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Nearby Attractions

It’s always advisable to have a plan B in case the weather decides to mess up your plans.

I’ve personally experienced this a few times, so I’ve finally learned my lesson and now I always have an ace up my sleeve.

So, as you’re aware, the weather can be totally unpredictable.

One minute, the sun can be shining and the birds chirping and the next, it’s raining like hell and you’re forced to pack up and leave before you’re soaking wet.

Date ruined. But it doesn’t have to be!

There are always things to visit indoors that will blow your mind.

The only thing is you need to find out everything about the nearby attractions in order to save your romantic date and keep it going smoothly indoors!

For example. there are amazing aquariums that you could visit and see all the beauty in one place.

It’s a great save for the evening, as you’ll have your fun, see some beautiful new things, be in awe of the incredible sea life, and stay dry!

Check out your options in advance and find out if there are any coupons or discounts!

Either way, it’s useful to have all the information so that you can think quickly on your feet in case of a downpour and impress your partner.

Clothes You’re Likely To Forget

It’s an awesome thought to be able to sit on the beach in your swimsuit , just enjoying the sun and not being bothered by the weather, but at some point, this becomes but a dream.

During your beach outing, it’s important to always bring spare clothes so that you’re prepared for all the possible weather shifts.

Always bring your shoes . It’s fun to walk barefoot for a while there, but at some point, your feet will get annoyed, and you’ll be craving some comfy shoes. Do your feet a favor and take care of them!

Pack a hooded jacket . Not only does it look chic and cool on you but it’s also really necessary and useful for the unpredictable beach weather!

Bring your comfy leggings to give your legs a rest! Trust me, there’s not much more frustrating than trying to pull up your skinny jeans on a body that’s just recently come out of the water. Do yourself a favor and always pack a pair of light, comfy pants or better yet—leggings.

A loose T-shirt is your best friend. Give your cute, tight tops a rest and bring a loose T-shirt that you can just throw on and feel beyond comfortable in. After all the food and drinks you’ll be consuming, trust me, you’ll be thanking yourself later.

Cover your shoulders with a bandana. After all the exposure under the sun, your shoulders will be aching for some much-needed coverage, and a soft scarf or a bandana will do the trick.

Powder for your dry skin. This has been a revelation for me. I can’t tell you how amazing this is for your skin! Just apply it to a place on your body that has been irritated by sand and you’ll be surprised how well it works!

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To Sum Up

Regardless of all the beach day essentials I just threw at you, a beach date is all about FUN!

Sure, you should definitely inform yourself about a bunch of things in advance, but that’s only to help you have the most perfect date with the person you cherish.

It doesn’t take away from the fun—it just gives you the peace of mind that you need for a successful beach outing.

For a fun romantic date on a beautiful, romantic beach, all you need is your person and some luck.

After all, you can make all the necessary arrangements, but if you’re with the wrong person, it’ll all be in vain.

So make sure you’re planning this memorable day for the right person, and no bad weather can ruin your day.

Come prepared, have fun, and focus on your date, not the things! Your partner is what makes the whole beach date worth every trouble.