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Thank God For The Bad Days – He Has His Reasons For Them

Thank God For The Bad Days – He Has His Reasons For Them

We all have days when we take a deep gaze into the sky and ask, “God, why is this happening to me?”

Why is life so unfair? Haven’t I deserved better?

This happens through all stages of our life but somehow the aches of the heart tend to hurt differently.

The pain that comes with a broken heart is its own kind of sharp.

We can’t wrap our mind around why our feelings and efforts and investing our soul weren’t enough to make things work.

We can’t understand why someone we gave our best to treated us like crap, played with our love and betrayed everything we once had.

But God understands and He has a plan for us.

A plan that’s better than everything that we could ever imagine.

So no matter how hard it is for you now and how broken your heart is, trust in God’s plan; trust in His reasons.

That rough patch, that ugly relationship that had a bad break-up, are just tough trials, lessons you had to learn even though you didn’t want to.

They were there to show you what love is not.

They were there to teach you to approach love differently when it finds you next time.

You are heartbroken because you deserve someone better.

God knows it and with time, you will know it too.

As you continue your life’s journey, you will see what you want from life and love.

You will realize you deserve someone better and when the time is right, God will send you a man you deserve.

You just need to have patience and trust His will.

Never doubt God’s infinite mercy, even though He gave you this temptation.

Don’t immediately forget about all the good things in your life and don’t focus only on the bad.

Don’t feel hopeless because no matter how many times you prayed for relief, nothing got better.

Many people think that they are being punished for some past transgressions and that God wants to teach them a lesson through that suffering.

You may feel anger and bitterness. You are a good human being, so why is something bad happening to you?

It’s a natural and common question asked by many people when they’re faced with sudden trouble.

We are always thanking God for the good times in our lives but we forget to thank Him when hard times come.

He is the one who sends us both good and bad days and those bad days are here for some purpose.

You just have to find out their purpose.

Do you know what the greatest emotion of all is? It’s gratitude.

And despite all circumstances, you always have to be grateful.

Always be aware of all the things God gave you and always show your gratitude for them.

He had his reason why He gave you those moments and you have to find the right way to respond to those temptations.

God is our strength and the key to our salvation is in His hands.

Never stop thanking Him and praying for His mercy.

Those days won’t last forever. They will pass sooner than you think.

However, it’s important how you’ll behave.

You have a choice to make; whether you will be grateful to God for sending you those bad days to remind you of the good things in your life, or if you’ll be bitter and angry.

If you are overwhelmed by everything that is happening, you feel like your world is crumbling down, then there is only one right thing to do.

Show your gratefulness to God and He will show you the path out of your worries.

Thank God for bad days as because of them you will be able to understand real happiness.

You’ll be able to appreciate what’s really important in life.

Thank Him for putting you through some hard times because you’ll cherish every moment of your life.

You’ll cherish your family more. You’ll be able to cherish everything in your life.

Thank Him for making you realize how wonderful life can be and how ungrateful we can be.

Thank Him for giving you a lesson. The bad days really do help us grow and give us something to learn from.

Our life is designed with ups and downs.

Thank Him for helping you to embrace even those bad days.

There is no point in fighting it. Be aware of the fact that you are not alone.

We all have bad days and we are all learning to cope with them.

Thank Him for teaching you that there’s a lot of good to balance out the bad.

You are surrounded by countless good things; God gave you so many blessings that it’s impossible not to see them.

Thank Him for giving you an opportunity to see and learn new things.

Whenever something bad happens to you, try to see something positive in it; that’s the only way you’ll have the strength to cope with the bad days.

Thank Him for making you a stronger person.

Those bad experiences shape you to be better.

They make you tough. Nietzsche said ‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger’.

That should be your life slogan.

Thank Him for making you believe in yourself. You didn’t quit and that is the most important thing.

You didn’t lose hope. Those bad experiences made you doubt yourself but you were stronger than that.

You found a way to make things better.

The bad days are the time to fight, they are here to remind us that we should be grateful to God.

To prove to ourselves that we are capable of fighting them. To believe that everything happens for a reason.

The bad days are a time to become a better person, to understand that only God can help us and to be patient in order to overcome those bad experiences.

Changes can’t happen overnight. After all, it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

Always remember, God won’t give you more than you can handle.

And after every storm, He will send the sun to come out and shine on you again.