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With The Right Man, Every Day Is Valentine’s Day

With The Right Man, Every Day Is Valentine’s Day

I was told once that Valentine’s Day was created for men who hadn’t made any effort throughout the whole year, to make amends for behaving lousy, and that those who do make the effort celebrate love every day.

I learned in life that this is the absolute truth…

I think I was more wrapped up in the whole idea of Valentine’s Day when I was single. I thought that I was missing out on something.

I used to torture myself by looking at Instagram photos of all those happy couples and thought I was never going to be one of the lucky ones and that I’d spend my life ‘forever alone’.

It’s funny how now that I am in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is not in any way important to me.

It’s just a day, much like any other day and there’s no need to make a big fuss about it.

After all the crappy and emotionally exhausting relationships and after large gaps of time when I was single, I learned to appreciate a man who is good to me all the time.

The truth is once you find yourself wrapped up safely in the arms of the right man, each and every day with him is Valentine’s Day.

You don’t wait for special occasions to tell one another how much you care because every day is special. You just need to put in the effort to make it that way.

Every day is a good day to cook for each other or go out to eat.

Every night is perfect for cuddling on the couch and watching TV. Every dream is sweeter when you kiss right before you fall asleep.

There’s no need to wait for Valentine’s Day to show affection and to give each other attention.

It just happens naturally when you are with someone who wants you and cares for you just as much as you do for him.

It’s all about the little big things and your ability to notice and enjoy them. When you are in a happy relationship, Valentine’s Day isn’t any different from any other day in the year.

Even the days when you can’t see eye to eye are not so excruciating because the problems you bump into are a part of life and you always find a solution and a way to forgive and make up.

It’s not about everything being perfect all the time, it’s about making everything great most of the time and dealing with imperfections when they cross your path.

You see, life is not a romantic movie and everything that you see on Instagram and Facebook as #relationshipgoals is not love.

You only know what love is when you are with your forever person and then every day is Valentine’s Day.

So if you are single, don’t allow Valentine’s Day to bring you down as it did me once; it’s just another day in February and you never know what all the other days and months in the year might bring.

Maybe by the next Valentine’s Day, you will find a person who will make you see that you weren’t missing out on anything, you were just on your way to meet them.