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A Relationship Coach Shocks Everyone By Saying Why Women Stay With Cheating Men 

A Relationship Coach Shocks Everyone By Saying Why Women Stay With Cheating Men 

While infidelity is a deal breaker for many, some people choose to stay with their partner for many different reasons. 

If you never experienced it, it might be hard for you to understand why would anyone stay with a cheating partner. However, it’s more complicated than it seems.

Some people say it’s because the person has low self-esteem and they think they can’t do much better. But then, why the hell would Beyonce stay with Jay Z? That woman is the epitome of confidence!

One TikTok really made me think about this whole topic but also kind of triggered me, to be honest. In the video, a relationship coach said something that caused a huge debate!

“Women that accept cheating men are cheating women”

Sadia Khan (@sadiapsychology) has a totally different view on cheating that’s quite controversial. She was in a podcast where she talked about women who stay in a relationship even if they get cheated on.

According to her, they are no better than their partners, as she says they are also unfaithful. She explained this by saying:

“Women that accept cheating men are cheating women. And women who don’t accept cheating men are the loyal ones.”

Source: TikTok

She also added that no loyal woman would accept that behavior:

“Only unfaithful women are okay with that deal. I promise you. I work with them every single day.”

Well, this will ruffle some feathers for sure! I don’t think it’s really fair to generalize women since I know a lot of them who got cheated on but were always loyal. I’m sure there are women who might be okay with it but definitely not everyone!

Sadia explained her point by saying why loyal women would never stay and tolerate infidelity. However, women in the comments weren’t happy with her explanation and said she was completely wrong. 

The truth about women who choose to stay

According to the relationship coach, loyal women can’t tolerate and handle cheating because they could never betray their partner like that.

Source: TikTok

As Sadia said:

“What happens is that the woman that’s actually loyal and really loves you, she can’t handle the anxiety of it, she can’t do it ‘cause she’s too loyal, she’s too loving. She disappears, she makes her life hell, she’s horrible but she tends to be loyal.”

On the other hand, unfaithful women will not care if their partner is cheating because they’re usually in the relationship for other benefits:

“A woman who’s there for a paycheck and who is there sneaky accepting this and the other, I promise you, she’s plotting her revenge.”

I think it’s much more complex than that. My friend stayed with her boyfriend because she believed he made a mistake and regretted it. She realized later on she should’ve never forgiven him.

And then, as one user commented, there are women who stay because of their kids and because they don’t want their families to fall apart.

One user even said she stayed because she had nowhere to go since she couldn’t financially support herself. And this is a pretty common situation. Another user commented:

“I disagree. Sometimes u stay in the hope the other person will change or because u can’t see yourself start over again. Ppl think they know it all this days.”

Only a few people agreed with Sadia and one even admitted she’s one of the women that tolerates cheating because of other things that relationship provides for her. She wrote:

“I’ve been cheated on. I stayed not because of love but because of all the other benefits. And yes, I’m plotting my revenge.” 

As I said, Sadia was definitely right about some women but her point can’t be applied to every toxic relationship since everyone has a different situation and views on infidelity. 

Ultimately, deciding whether to stay or dump them is never easy. Whatever someone decides, we can’t judge them since we don’t know their full story.

However, tolerating disrespect and betrayal shouldn’t be normalized. This is why conversations about boundaries and self-respect will always be important. If you’re currently with a cheating partner, just know there’s always a way out and you deserve someone who’ll truly love you!