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How To Kiss A Man To Make Him CRAZY About You

How To Kiss A Man To Make Him CRAZY About You

How to kiss a man to drive him crazy and make him want more? These kissing techniques will turn you into the real kissing goddess!

It all starts with a kiss. When it comes to communicating the feelings you have for each other, you will say more with kisses than with words.

Kisses form a bond between two people and make them more connected, not just in the literal sense of the word, but kisses also build up a couple’s emotional attraction.

And though everybody’s kissing style and preferences differ, there are some universal tips for kissing that can improve your performance and make everything better.

There are 10 ways in which you can kiss a man and make him ABSOLUTELY and TOTALLY crazy about you!

How To Kiss A Man So He’ll Never Forget You: 10 Kissing Tips

Make sure you’re (adequately) prepared

There are different types of kisses. There are “greeting” kisses, spontaneous kisses, and the ones that you expect to happen. If you’re planning for a make-out session that will lead to lots of kissing (and something more), you need to make sure that you’re prepared for it.

Smell good ALL over your body

Kissing involves the sensations of touch, taste, and smell. Smelling good all over your body is a must if you want to enhance those sensations (and drive him WILD).

  • Add some lotion to make sure your skin feels soft to the touch and smells nice.

If you’re looking for a healthier and better alternative, I suggest using coconut oil. I’ve had a special bond with this oil for years now and every time a guy touches my skin, they express amazement at how smooth it is.

  • Put on some deodorant and (not too much) perfume

Lots of women overdo when it comes to applying perfume (including myself as well). I’ve realized when I’m feeling anxious about the first date with a guy, I lose my sense of smell and apply a little bit too much perfume.

Remember that less is more because you certainly don’t want to suffocate your guy with an intense scent while kissing, right? Also, if you’re not sure which scent is best, I suggest vanilla-based perfumes because they’re soft, sweet, and feminine (and the majority of men are CRAZY about it).

  • Don’t forget to prep your breath

Give your teeth an extra scrub and use minty mouthwash. Also, keep in mind that having a bad breath is far worse than being a bad kisser. Every good kisser knows that.

Prepare your lips

Make sure your lips are soft and kissable. To achieve that, use products that “exfoliate” the dead skin cells off your lips OR simply apply some lip balm and rub your lips with an old toothbrush in a gentle manner.

Avoid wearing too much makeup

Many men don’t enjoy kissing a girl who wears too much makeup. One of their biggest concerns is your lipstick smearing all over their face and clothes. So, applying lip balm and avoiding heavy makeup while kissing is usually the best bet.

Give subtle or direct hints

How to kiss a man, or better said, how to get a guy to kiss you? Well, there are two ways to do that: an indirect way and a direct way.

An indirect way (recommended)

During the conversation, start paying more attention to his lips instead of his eyes and face. But don’t give him a creepy glance. Be subtle in a seductive way. Glance down to his lips for a few seconds from time to time and wait for him to notice it.

Also, slow down your talking speed and lean in closer to him. In a nutshell, rely on your body language and this will help him make the first move. Once he decodes your intentions, he will start mimicking your body language, and sooner than you know you’ll be locking your lips.

A direct way (for bold ones)

How to get a guy to kiss you? Well, if he’s one of those men who are too bad at reading between the lines and decoding a woman’s body language, then try something like:

“I’ve had a great time with you today and I’d really like to kiss you right now. Would that be okay?”

Or, if you’re feeling super-direct, you can try something like: “Hey, wanna make out?”

Usually, guys are crazy about girls who feel confident to initiate things, so I don’t see how you could go wrong with using a direct way if you really like each other.

RELATED: 13 Unmistakable Signs He Wants To Kiss You

Use the power of eye contact

How to kiss a guy perfectly and make him fall in love with you?

When it comes to learning how to kiss a man, you need to pay attention to the power of intense eye contact as well. Before kissing him, lock his eyes with him and wait for the magic to happen.

Your passion will become so intense that once you start kissing you will not be able to stop. You can use the power of eye contact in between kissing pauses in order to intensify your kissing session.

Start slowly and softly

Avoid making one of the biggest kissing mistakes and that is rushing things. Take it slow; there’s no need to rush things.

A slow passionate kiss is ten times more powerful than the rushed one, so pay attention to that.

Start with gentle kisses, enjoy every moment, and take it all in. Whatever you do, try not to overthink it, just let it play itself out.

But don’t freeze either. Move from fast to slow, from sweet to passionate, follow his lead and listen to your feelings.

Use your hands to enhance the feelings

How to kiss a man? Well, don’t focus only on your lips but also use your hands to enhance the feelings (if you know what I mean).

By using your hands in your kissing session, you are making bonds and intensifying things. All the receptors in your body will be working overtime, and the intensity of the kiss will be heightened.

Physical touch will make the whole experience more intimate. You can run your fingers through his hair, or gently touch his face while kissing. Well, you can use your hands in numerous ways and all you need to do is be creative.

Master hand placement while kissing and you’ll turn into a real kissing goddess.

Gentle bites

Enhance your lip-locking game by implementing gentle biting and nibbling into the kissing sessions.

This is something that should be done delicately. You don’t want to hurt him. You want to spark his imagination.

It’s really simple. All you have to do is make little additions to your kissing session.

While you are in the middle of kissing, gently and lightly take his lower lip or upper lip between your teeth, and pull it slowly back.

It will drive him crazy because this is a huge turn-on. You can be sure that he’ll be hungry for more.

French kissing rules

How to French kiss your man? Regardless of whether you’re a newbie at French kissing or a pro, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t press your lips together too tightly
  • Avoid opening your lips too wide
  • Drool (too much saliva) is a huge turn-off to the majority of people
  • Warm up with light touches before French kissing
  • Lean gently into the kiss
  • Place the tip of your tongue into your mouth (don’t overdo it)
  • Switch up your tongue movements (change speed and tongue pressure)

More tips:

Before placing the tip of your tongue into his mouth, you might want to first lick his lips with your tongue. You can also lick the edge of his teeth (if you’re into that). Also, note that some people are fans of wet kisses while the majority aren’t.

There are also those who prefer light tongue type of French kissing while some prefer deep tongue French kissing. We all have our own unique kissing style and preferences so before doing anything, make sure to know your partner’s preferences and if you don’t – go slowly and explore.

Switch things up during kissing

Spice up your make-out session with a variety of sensations and touches. Don’t focus only on touching his face but also his neck and other parts of his body.

Also, every good kisser knows that changing your head position is a must. Switch up your tongue movements as well so that you don’t appear uninterested.

Diversity is the key when it comes to kissing so don’t be afraid to experiment with different sensations.

Don’t forget about his sensitive areas

Wondering where do men like to be kissed? Men are just as sensitive as women are, but you have to know what will trigger their senses. You shouldn’t focus only on his lips and ignore the other parts of a man’s body. For starters, their ears are one of the most sensitive areas a man has.

Other men’s sensitive zones include his scalp, inner arms, inner wrists, the palm of his hands, fingers, and so on. You can kiss or touch these powerful sensation triggers.

Kiss his nape in a gentle way, whisper into his ear and you’ll turn him in a second! After kissing his lips, you can kiss his jawline or play with his beard with your fingers.

A lot of men wouldn’t admit it, but their stomach is also one of their weak areas. Place kisses and pecks on his stomach, and see how he responds.

Be imaginative and experiment. Also, you shouldn’t forget to use your hands in the most playful ways possible. In ways that will drive him crazy!

See also: A Kiss On The Cheek – Meanings And 12 Different Types Of Kisses

How Do You Kiss A Guy For Beginners?

If you’re a beginner, don’t rush things but go gently and slowly. That way you’ll be less nervous about your kissing sessions.

Feel free to follow the above tips on how to kiss a man. Here are some extra tips for you as well. The most important tip of all is the following one: Don’t overthink things!

The truth is, your anxious thoughts are the number one thing that can ruin your kissing session (including a bad breath, of course).

You probably worry about one hundred things at the moment (your head position, hand position, lip and tongue movements, you name it.) Well, the more you worry, the more you’ll think that you have no idea what you’re doing.

Kissing is not quantum physics so there’s nothing you should worry about.

Just go slow, lock your lips and enjoy the sensations. You can massage his lips with yours before going in for a deep kiss. As a matter of fact, you don’t need to rush into a deep kiss if you’re not ready for that yet.

Don’t overthink it but focus on being in the moment and you’ll know exactly what to do.

How Do You Kiss Someone For The First Time?

Touch their lips softly with yours. Continue kissing them for five or ten seconds. Stroke their hair, cup their face, or caress their neck with your hands while you kiss.

“The first kiss can be as terrifying as the last.” – Daina Chaviano

The first kiss is like a prelude to a book. It’s short and descriptive of what’s to come.

Still, don’t judge everything by the first kiss

Don’t worry if the first kiss doesn’t go as you imagined. Sometimes our expectations are not easy to reach, especially when we’ve imagined the kiss a million times in our head before it ever happened.

Instead of worrying about how to kiss someone, know that kissing is a skill in itself, and it gets better with time and practice.

We all have different kissing styles, and yours and your partner’s might not match right from the start.

That happens often to people, and it’s the most natural occurrence. That’s why the best thing to do is to stop over-analyzing, and start practicing more often. As long as you are into kissing them, everything will be more than ok.

Deepen your connection and make your relationship perfect.

How To Kiss My Boyfriend Romantically?

A kiss is a romantic gesture in itself but to make it even more romantic, you need to lock your eyes with him before a kiss. Prolonged eye contact will intensify sensations and will make your bond stronger.

After a few seconds of intense eye contact, touch his lips softly with yours. You can pause a little bit (to intensify your feelings even more) and then proceed with the kissing session. Don’t forget to stroke his hair, and caress his neck.

You can pause from time and time to get some air and to lock your eyes again. Romantic kissing often turns into steamy kissing after a few minutes. If you stop earlier, you will end your kissing session “on a romantic note”.

Kiss, enjoy, repeat!

Now that you know how to kiss a man and amaze him with your kissing skills, congratulations, you’ve stepped up your kissing game!

Kissing is one of the essential parts of a strong relationship. The more you kiss, the deeper your bond becomes. Here’s my favorite definition of a kiss by Ingrid Bergman:

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.”

So, when words become superfluous, you know what you’re ought to do!