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116 Really Cute Messages For Him And Her

116 Really Cute Messages For Him And Her

1. Seeing your face makes my heart skip a beat.

2. There will never be a day where I won’t wait for you.

3. Your hugs are the best medicine when I’m feeling down.

4. Love means always having someone you want to hang out with.

5. Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face. I love you baby.

6. Just wanted to let you know I can’t stop thinking about you.

7. When I don’t feel like smiling, you’re the only thing that puts a smile on my face.

8. Wrap me in your arms and never let me go. That is my idea of heaven.

9. When I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach.

10. There is nothing purer than the love you and I share.

11. Being without you is like a constant cloud hanging over my head.

12. I’m so happy I get to call you mine. Cannot wait for a lifetime of happiness together.

13. I hope our children take after you.

14. A minute with you is worth more than a million minutes with somebody else.

15. Nobody will ever compare to you.

16. Seeing your face in the morning is the most beautiful start to a new day.

17. Thank you for letting me share my life with you.

18. I promise your happiness will always be my number one priority.

19. Sitting with you in complete silence is a million times better than meaningless conversations with somebody else.

20. You are my home.

21. There is nobody else I could ever see myself with.

22. Looking at you is like looking at my future.

23. Your laughter is music to my ears. Never stop laughing.

24. When you’re happy, I’m happier.

25. I don’t remember life without you. It’s like I’m alive for the very first time.

26. I chose you many years ago, and I will never stop choosing you.

27. If you will let me, I would like to keep making you happy for as long as we live.

28. Being with you is like constant summer.

29. You are my best friend and my ally for life.

30. I would be a mess without you.

31. My life started the day I met you and not a second before.

32. You have stolen my heart and I never want you to give it back.

33. Every ounce of fear has vanished from my mind since the day I met you.

34. You are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me and I promise never to take you for granted.

35. You are the most cherished thing in my life.

36. You come first and the rest of the world comes second.

37. You’re the most frequent visitor of my mind and I wish you would never leave.

38. I love you today, I will love you tomorrow and for as long as you will have me.

39. Whenever I think about the future, you’re the only thing I am sure about.

40. I’m counting the minutes until I see you again. Can’t wait to grab your waist and pull you close to me.

41. You are my happily ever after.

42. You are the part I’ve been missing my whole life.

43. My favorite thing in the world is making memories with you.

44. I cannot wait to tell our grandchildren about the love we’ve shared.

45. Perfection may not exist but you are the closest thing to it.

46. I thank God every day for sending me an angel in human form.

47. I can honestly say that without you, I’d be lost. Thank you for finding me.

48. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I promise I will never stop loving every bit of you for as long as I breathe.

49. You are so dreamy and I’m glad you’re mine.

50. Thank you for saying ‘Yes’ all those years ago.

51. Even on the cloudiest days, you show me there is always sunshine to look forward to.

52. I just knew it was you the moment our eyes first met.

53. When I’m with you, the whole world stops existing. It’s just you and me.

54. Every day I discover a new reason to love you.

55. You keep me going when I want to give up.

56. You are the fuel that keeps my heart beating and my soul flourishing.

57. You have reignited the spark in me that had burned out a long time ago.

58. You are the most important thing that gives my life meaning.

59. How did I get so lucky to meet someone whose soul clicks with mine on every level?

60. I never want to stop making you happy.

61. When I think of you, there is an automatic smile on my face.

62. You make it impossible for me to stay mad for longer than a few minutes.

63. I love you. But most importantly, I love how you make me love myself.

64. You make me never want to give up on myself.

65. For as long as you are by my side, nothing seems impossible. Life is a challenge but one I will happily live with you.

66. You are the only one who can comfort me without uttering a word.

67. You are my calm on a stormy day.

68. I just want you to know, no matter what life throws at us and no matter how hard things get, I will never stop fighting for us.

69. My most favorite thing about you is how you can put a positive spin on everything.

70. You make my world spin around.

71. Seeing you sad makes my heart break.

72. I hope you get everything you hope for in life and more. You deserve it.

73. Words will never be able to do justice to explain just how much I love you.

74. I need you in my life.

75. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much.

76. Loving you is the scariest thing in my life.

77. When I’m thinking about you, I can’t concentrate on anything else. And I don’t want to.

78. Knowing that I will see your face after work makes me the most productive I have ever been.

79. No matter what happens, I’m only a call away. Please, never forget that.

80. Even if I’m not physically by your side, I am always there in spirit.

81. For as long as we are together, I will be your secret keeper, I will be your shoulder to cry on and I will be your number one cheerleader. For as long as you will have me, you will never know the meaning of the word ‘alone’.

82. You are my sweetest hello and most dreaded goodbye.

83. My life started making sense the day you chose to be mine.

84. Seeing your face first thing in the morning and last thing before closing my eyes is the only thing that makes me feel at ease.

85. You are my strength when I’m weak and my joy when I’m sad. When I’m down, you help me get up and when I’m facing an obstacle, you are what encourages me to overcome it. You are my one and only and I will never know how to repay you other than by loving you endlessly.

86. Nobody in this world is perfect, yet somehow, you and I make perfect sense.

87. I never needed someone to complete me but you made me feel whole on a completely new level.

88. It took me so long to find you and I promise never to risk losing you. Nothing is worth not having you by my side.

89. The day I realized that I loved you more than life itself is the day I knew what true love was.

90. I always felt like I was missing something but not until I met you did I realize what it was. And now, I am never losing sight of you.

91. When days are hard and nights are long, I just think of you and remember that you are what I have to look forward to and everything suddenly makes sense.

92. If I could have anyone in the world, I would still choose you a million times.

93. Thank you for loving me for who I am. Thank you for making me see the beauty in me when I don’t. Thank you for never making me insecure and for always knowing just what to say. You are my forever and I adore you.

94. Thank you for being my peace of mind. I never have to worry about anything when I’m with you. You know all my needs before I can even say them and I promise I will be the same for you. You make everything seem so easy and effortless.

95. It’s like I was sick my whole life and meeting you has made me the healthiest person in the world. You are my medicine and you don’t even know it. I only hope I mean to you as much as you mean to me.

96. You are a gift from God that was sent to make me the happiest human on earth. I am eternally grateful for your kind soul and gentle heart.

97. You make me feel things I never felt before.

98. Missing you is like losing a piece of myself.

99. I have never feared losing anyone as much as I fear losing you.

100. You have given my life a completely new meaning.

101. You made me fall in love with love all over again.

102. Now that I have you, there is nothing else I worry about. Everything just fell into place.

103. You are the embodiment of selflessness. You always put others first and their happiness is more important to you than your own. I wish I had your kind heart.

104. I wish you could see yourself from my perspective. Then, you would see how amazingly wonderful you are.

105. Nothing you do could ever disappoint me. Even on your worst day, you are kinder and more giving than anyone I know.

106. I wish you would see how much brighter you have made my life. Your laughter is my favorite sound, your face is my favorite thing to look at and your soul is the purest thing in this world. I aspire to be half the person you are.

107. You are my constant motivation to never doubt myself and always get up when I fall.

108. Why would I look at anyone else when everything I could ever possibly wish for sleeps by my side every night. You are it baby.

109. I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as your mere presence makes me.

110. I want to be the reason you smile.

111. Our souls are meant to be intertwined for as long as we live.

112. I never believed in love at first sight. But then I saw you.

113. When you are feeling sad, I want to share in your sadness and when you’re feeling happy, I want to share in your happiness. I choose all of you, every day. No matter how messed up you feel, I’ll always be here.

114. Nobody has ever managed to make me feel the way you do. I will never understand how you do this but I pray it never stops.

115. I want to be the person with whom you want to go to the ends of the earth . You are that person for me.

116. I’m never too busy for you, baby. Whatever you may find yourself needing today, please call me. Your voice is what keeps me going every day, and there is nothing more important than making sure you’re okay.