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220 Thought-Provoking Sibling Tag Questions You Must Ask

220 Thought-Provoking Sibling Tag Questions You Must Ask

The sibling tag questions, also known as the “sister tag” or “brother tag” questions, are a fun and interesting game you can play with your sibling.

It’s a true bonding experience. It gives you the opportunity to see how well you know each other.

You will definitely find out something you didn’t already know, and you are bound to have a good time.

You can make a YouTube tag video with your sibling, post it on your social media, some other video platform or save it for your eyes only.

Ten years from now, you will be happy to watch it, and see what changed over the years.

So don’t waste time. Grab your brother or sister, and start asking the sibling tag questions listed below.

Be brutally honest, have a laugh and prepare yourself for some unexpected surprises. And remember you are never too old nor too young to give sibling tag questions a try. So, ask away.

Interesting Questions For Sibling Tag

Have fun and find out some things you didn’t know before about your brother/sister with this collection of juicy and interesting sibling tag questions below.

1. Describe each other in one word?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. What’s your favorite memory you have of your sibling?

4. Who is older/younger?

5. What’s one thing you have in common?

6. Do you ever argue?

7. What do you argue about the most?

8. What did your sibling want to be when they grew up?

9. Who has dated more girls/boys?

10. What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?

11. What’s your favorite thing to eat?

12. What is your favorite drink?

13. Are you closer now or when you were younger?

14. What is the weirdest habit your brother/sister has?

15. What is the most embarrassing childhood memory you remember about each other?

16. Who is neater and who is sloppier between you?

17. Who is more sensitive?

18. Who has a bigger appetite?

19. What is your best childhood memory of your sibling?

20. Which one of you do you think will get married first?

21. Which one of you will have more than two children?

22. Which one of you will watch cartoons even when they already have children of their own?

23. Are you into sports? Which sport do you love the most?

24. Which of you is more humble?

25. Can you remember what your favorite drink was when you were children?

26. Do you love each other, more than anything?

27. Which sibling loves reading books more?

28. Does your sibling love sweets? Which are their favorites?

29. Which one of you is more spoiled?

30. Who’s in love right now?

31. Do you plan to study or have you already studied at the same university?

32. What is the one thing that has changed the most about your sibling as he/she has become older?

33. What’s your sibling’s favorite song and what song is their guilty pleasure?

34. Which one of you is more creative?

35. Which one of you is able to sing better?

36. What’s your sibling’s favorite movie?

37. Who has better dance moves?

38. Who cooks better?

39. Who is more pessimistic/optimistic?

40. Who is more introverted/extroverted?

41. Complete this statement: My sibling is very…?

42. Complete this statement: My brother/sister is really bad at…?

43. Complete this statement: My brother/sister is really good at…?

44. Is your sibling friend with any of his/her exes?

45. Do you remember your biggest fight? What was it about?

46. Does your sibling have a favorite animal?

47. Which one of you watches more tv series?

48. Do you like to go shopping together?

49. What’s the most expensive thing you ever got for your sibling?

50. What’s the most meaningful thing you ever got from your sibling?

51. Which one of you gets dressed the fastest?

52. Does your sibling have some habits that you would very much like to change if you could?

53. What’s your sibling’s greatest achievement in life?

54. Do you feel competitive towards each other?

55. Which school subject is/was your sibling’s favorite?

56. Which one of you is always late?

57. What is something you think your sibling should take more seriously?

58. What is your sibling’s favorite perfume?

59. What is your sibling’s biggest fear and worst nightmare?

60. What is your sibling’s wildest dream?

61. Who is your sibling inspired by the most?

62. What is his/her dream job?

63. What has been the happiest moment of your sibling’s life so far?

64. What has been the saddest moment of your sibling’s life so far?

65. What is your sibling’s dream travel destination?

66. What is the color of his/her eyes?

67. Do you know when his/her birthday is?

68. Who is your sibling’s favorite author, novel and protagonist?

69. On a scale of one to 10, how much does your sibling care about social media?

70. Who is your sibling’s favorite celebrity?

71. Who is a better driver and who is a danger on the road?

72. What is your sibling’s biggest regret?

73. What are the qualities and the personality traits your sibling appreciates the most in others?

74. What are your sibling’s three most common habits?

75. Are you each other’s best friends?

76. Do you think your sibling made the right career choice?

77. Who is more sociable?

78. Did your sibling ever help you get out of trouble?

79. What do you argue about the most?

80. Who is better at party planning?

81. Is there any song that reminds you of some memory you have with your sister/ brother?

82. Do you have a TV series you watch or have watched together?

83. Have you ever been to a concert together?

84. What is your favorite game to play together?

85. Do you like sharing your clothes/shoes/food?

86. Do you remember if your sibling ever had chickenpox?

87. Does your sibling have any scars?

88. Can you rely on your sibling to have your back at all times?

89. Who is more charismatic?

90. Which one of you has a short fuse?

91. Do you have one favorite song together?

92. Who is moodier?

93. Are you each other’s ‘in case of emergency’ persons?

94. Which one of you is scared of getting old?

95. What is your sibling’s favorite social media platform?

96. What was the last thing you or your sibling broke in anger?

97. Which one of you likes to bend the rules and which one does everything by the book?

98. What’s the best way in which you can cheer your sibling when they are upset?

99. Can you remember what was the last thing you were talking about before these sibling tag questions?

Fun Questions For Sibling Tag

To double the fun, I have compiled this list of amusing questions for sibling tag. Get ready for a hilarious conversation with your brother/sister.

1. If you get a call in the middle of the night that your sibling is in jail, what would be the first crime you would think of?

2. What keeps your sibling up at night?

3. Who is a selfie-maniac?

4. Which one of you is bold enough to jump from a plane with a parachute?

5. Which one of you would dare to go bungee jumping/zip lining/paragliding first?

6. Who is lazier?

7. Who can sleep longer?

8. Which one of you is more childish?

9. Can you imagine living together for the rest of your lives?

10. Have you ever dated someone and felt too embarrassed to tell your sibling? Tell them now.

11. Which one of you was a troublemaker as a kid?

12. Is there something your sibling might not know about you?

13. If your sibling was a flower or a tree, which would they be?

14. If your life was made into a movie, which actor would play the role of your sibling?

15. How does your sibling feel about pineapples on pizza?

16. Did either of you have some paranormal experience?

17. If they could be any hero they like, which superhero would your sibling choose?

18. If your sibling was to own an invisible cloak, where would he/she go first and what would he/she do?

19. If your sibling could travel back in time, which year would he/she go back to?

20. If your sibling got a chance to be locked up in a remote place with someone, who would be his/her first choice and why?

21. Would any of you do plastic surgery when you get older or would you age gracefully?

22. What would be the first thing he/she would do if he/she won the lottery?

23. What are three wishes your sibling would ask a genie to fulfill?

24. Who yawns all the time?

25. Who is the person, dead or alive, imaginary or real, your sibling would like to share a meal and a conversation with the most?

26. How often does your sibling shower?

27. Which one’s handwriting is the worst?

28. Which one of you snores?

29. Did you ever hide something from your sibling?

30. List 3 of your favorite inside jokes?

31. What is the funniest thing you did together?

32. Do you know any of your sibling’s passwords?

33. Would you record a sibling tag video and put it on your YouTube channel?

Brother Tag Questions

I’m sure your brother is your best friend. However, are you sure that you know everything about him? This list of fun questions to ask your brother will help you find out some things he never told you before.

1. What’s a weird habit of your brother?

2. What is one thing your brother can do that you can’t?

3. If you are making a sandwich for your brother, which ingredients would you use?

4. Who’s your brother’s favorite YouTuber?

5. What is something that you find the most annoying about your brother?

6. What is your brother lousy at?

7. Who was the gal your brother loved the most?

8. How old was your brother when he had his first kiss?

9. Why did your brother break up with his last girlfriend?

10. Does your brother have a favorite hobby? What is it?

11. What is the most memorable argument you had with your brother?

12. How tall is your brother?

13. What’s your brother’s favorite soda drink?

14. Does your brother like coffee? If yes, how does he take it?

15. Which food do you like that your brother hates?

Sister Tag Questions

I will also share some very interesting and cool sister tag questions that will show do you really know your sister as much as you think you do.

1. What’s your sister’s favorite game to play?

2. What is your sister’s favorite brand?

3. What is the funniest memory you have that involves your sister?

4. Does your sister have a YouTube channel?

5. Have you ever sent such a long text to your ex or current boyfriend that could be classified as a “letter to boyfriend”?

6. What is your sister good at?

7. Does your sister own some unique talent?

8. According to your standards and perception, who is the perfect guy for your sister?

9. If your sister could travel or move to any country, which country would that be?

10. What ice cream flavor does your sister prefer above all others?

11. Do you remember what the name of your sister’s last boyfriend was?

12. Given a choice, would your sister choose success or good looks?

13. What’s one thing your sister cannot live without?

14. What is your sister’s favorite outfit?

15. How much does your sister weigh?

16. What is your sister’s favorite place to eat or hang out?

17. What are the funniest boyfriend contact names you ever heard your sister use?

18. Do you share makeup?

19. Does your sister have a favorite mall? Which one?

20. What is the proudest you have ever been of your sister?

Who Is Most Likely To Questions For Siblings

Let’s take the sibling tag question game on a different level with this list of super fun and challenging most likely to questions.

1. Which one of you is most likely to have a secret crush on Justin Bieber?

2. Which one of you is most likely to fall for a fuckboy?

3. Who is most likely to have an affair?

4. Who is most likely to have a friend with benefits?

5. Who is most likely to have a cuddle buddy?

6. Which one of you is most likely to make the first move and approach a guy/girl he/she likes?

7. Which one of you is most likely to burp in a crowded room?

8. Who is most likely to be filthy rich?

9. Who is most likely to go bankrupt?

10. Which one of you is most likely to join the military?

11. Which one of you is most likely to be late to their own wedding?

12. Who’s most likely to become the CEO of a multi-million dollar company?

13. Who is most likely to laugh with the worst possible timing?

14. Which one of you is most likely to participate in some reality show?

Best Friend Tag Questions

Here’s a good way to test your friendship and see how well you really know your best friend. I’m sure these tag questions for best friends will dig up some juicy secrets and things you didn’t know about your friend.

1. What is your comfort food?

2. What is your shoe size?

3. What’s the funniest YouTube video you watched together?

4. What’s your favorite pastime?

5. Have you ever shared a secret your friend has told you with somebody else?

6. What is the best gift your friend has ever given to you?

7. Who was your first crush?

8. Describe the last thing you did with your friend.

9. Did you ever cry together?

10. Did you ever buy matching outfits? How did that make you feel?

11. Which one of you rushes into a relationship with somebody and which one doesn’t mind waiting?

12. Were you ever angry at your friend for something but stayed quiet about it?

13. What is the dumbest decision your friend has ever made?

14. What is the smartest decision your friend has ever made?

15. Do you have similar dreams and goals?

16. Do you think your friend is ready for a committed relationship or should he/she stay single and fabulous?

17. Have you ever both fallen for the same boy/girl? How did you manage the situation?

18. Who is more chill and who is high maintenance?

19. Is there anything in this world you don’t like doing together?

20. Do you share a favorite video game?

21. How would your friend behave if his/her boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on him/her?

22. How long did your friend’s longest relationship last?

23. Who was the guy/gal your friend loved the most?

24. Who did your friend take to prom?

25. Do you remember your friend’s first heartbreak?

26. Do you remember what the last text you sent to your friend was?

27. What is your friend’s current dream job?

28. What’s your friend’s favorite Netflix series?

29. Is there anything your friend would like to change about his/her body?

30. What is the thing you like the most about your body? Would your friend know your answer?

31. What is your friend’s Zodiac sign? Is it compatible with yours?

32. What is the craziest thing you have done together?

33. Do you feel like you can trust your friend completely?

34. What are the five things you would miss the most about your friend if you stopped hanging out together or staying in touch?

35. Can you describe your friendship in one sentence?

36. How much do you think your friend knows you?

37. What are your friend’s religious beliefs?

38. What is your friend’s middle name?

39. Do you know your friend’s phone number by heart?

In A Nutshell

The bond between siblings is the strongest and most precious one of all. They may be fighting like cats and dogs all the time but still, the love they feel for each other can’t be measured with anything else.

If you need something fun to do with your brother/sister, this collection of sibling tag questions is the right choice for you. Choose the questions you think are the most appropriate for your sibling and let the party begin.

With this game, you’ll evaluate how well your brother/sister actually knows you and it’ll also remind you of all the fun things you did while you were kids.

You can also turn this fun game up by recording it and posting the video on your social media. Share the laughs with your friends and followers.