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7 Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Giving A Shit About What Other People Think

7 Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Giving A Shit About What Other People Think

In today’s world, it is really hard to be ignorant of other people’s opinions and judgments. Whatever we do, we somehow feel like everyone is judging us from their corner and waiting for us to make a mistake, so they can say that famous sentence: “I told ya!”

Living your life as you please has never been so difficult. There are hundreds of opinions, thousands of (unsolicited) pieces of advice, and tons of gossip. And somehow, they succeed in forcing you to care about all of them.

Other people’s opinions become your biggest concern when it shouldn’t really be so. You live your own life, and you are the creator of your own happiness. You shouldn’t really give a damn about what will that one person (or ten of them) think about you or your actions.

You are the one who deals with your own consequences, and you certainly don’t need another extra worry in your life. When you start applying all of this, you will witness these 7 amazing things happen once you finally stop giving a shit about what other people think!

1. You will be less afraid

Yup. Once you stop giving a damn about other people’s opinions, you will be less afraid. Constantly worrying about their opinions is extremely toxic for your well-being, and it is manifested as a real fear that can ruin you mentally and even physically.

When you’re afraid to follow your own gut and do what pleases you, you cannot be happy. Once you get rid of that toxic fear, you will feel like a newborn, and you will never want to get back to your old self. You will become a new person ready to do whatever feels good to you and ready to live the way you deserve.

2. You will be more confident

When you’re constantly thinking about what other people will think of your actions, words or decisions, you gradually start losing your confidence. After all, worrying is closely connected with confidence, and if they are not synced, you will not be able to reach your full potential and happiness.

But, once you get rid of all of it, you will instantly become more confident, and you will start doing things that you’ve never thought of doing. You will not give a fuck about what others will think if you decide to wear that particular T-shirt or if you decide to hook up with a guy whom they think is not good for you.

3. You will take more risks

When your actions are limited by your mind, you seldom indulge in taking risks. Other people’s opinions can greatly reduce your freedom and choices. Once you decide to discard their unsolicited advice or opinions, you will become brave, and you will take more risks.

And what is life without taking risks? It is all about deciding to do something that makes you happy, accepting the consequences for it or enjoying the results of it. You live your life, and you are responsible for your own happiness. Once you start thinking only about what you think, you will not give a damn about taking risks and seizing all those inviting opportunities.

4. You will do what you want to do

Is there anything better in the world than being able to do what you want to do? It is really weird how our mind can limit our decisions and actions and prevent us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. Not giving a shit about what other people think means doing what you want to do, whenever you want, and with whomever you want.

And there’s nothing better than that. That feeling of freedom when you know you’re the master of your own life and nothing and no one else can influence you is priceless. And you will experience it once you stop thinking about other people and their shitty opinions.

5. You will feel less guilty about the choices you make

We all make mistakes, and that is completely normal. If we were to be successful in every aspect of our lives, it wouldn’t be interesting at all. When you’re constantly thinking about others and not yourself, you automatically feel guiltier about the choices you make.

But, when you decide that from now on you will not give a shit about it, you will feel less guilty about the choices you make. You will be totally free to do whatever comes to your mind without fearing judgment or other people’s criticism.

If you fuck things up, you will only blame yourself for doing it which is ten times better than blaming others for convincing you to do something and fuck things up.

6. You will be less self-conscious

Other people’s negativity and shitty opinions can make us feel overly self-conscious and force us to look for every single flaw on our body, face and mind, causing us to think that we are imperfect. Why would we let someone do that to us?

If you think you look beautiful and if you feel good in your own body, you really shouldn’t give a fuck about what others think about it. What matters is you and your perception of yourself. The only thing that matters is that you’re feeling great about yourself, and that is exactly how you’ll feel once you stop worrying about what others think.

7. You will be happier and enjoy your life to the fullest

The day when you decide that you’ve had enough worrying and contemplating about what those around you might think about you, you will be instantly happier, and you will enjoy your life to the fullest (as you totally should).

You shouldn’t let yourself be the victim of other people’s minds and their irrelevant chit-chat. You deserve to live life as you please and enjoy every single second of it. So, it is high time to stop thinking about what other people think, and start thinking about yourself for a change. You owe it to yourself and those who care about you!