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7. They get jealous over nothing

Let’s say you are having a girl’s night out for the first time after you started dating. There is nothing wrong with it, but he is making you feel guilty.

He is saying things like: “I thought that we are doing something tonight?” , “ Are you really leaving me alone?”, “Do you really have to go? I will miss you.”

By doing this, he is guilt-tripping you into staying by his side instead of going out, and if you go, you will still be under the impression that he is oh so lonely at home.

He also might have other types of jealous displays. In any case, it’s not a good sign and you should be careful about it.

It’s not easy to tell if somebody is genuinely in love and going over the top to make you happy or they are love bombing you because they have some hidden agenda.

In any case, you have to be careful and watch out for the red flags.

The honeymoon period of a relationship is the most important part for the love bombers because that’s the part that lets them get under your skin.

So, later on, when their behavior shifts and starts getting worse and worse, you are unaware of what’s going on exactly.

You start convincing yourself that it’s just a phase and they will change back to who they were at the beginning.

It’s important to know the signs of love bombing, so you will be able to recognize and avoid it. But more importantly, you have to rely on your gut feeling.

If you feel like something is off trust that feeling.

Leave any situation in which you don’t feel completely comfortable.