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7 Things That Happen When You Lose A Girl With A Soft Heart

7 Things That Happen When You Lose A Girl With A Soft Heart

When you lose a girl with a soft heart, you lose a precious gem. Only now that you’ve lost her, will you realize what you had.

You took her for granted. You used her goodness and you spat on it. You crushed it because you didn’t know how to appreciate it.

Now that you lost her, you regret you acted the way you did. But, these girls don’t give second chances. They will wear their hearts on their sleeves and they will give you everything they’ve got—but only that one time.

When you blow it, it’s over. There’s no turning back. At least not for her.

1. You lose your best friend

You lose the one-time opportunity of having the best friend you could ever have. You lose someone who will be there for you for better or worse.

You lose someone who sees you for who you really are—someone who loves you for who you really are. You lose someone you can show your true feelings to. You lose someone who will hug you and comfort you when you need it.

2. You lose unconditional love

When you lose a girl with a soft heart, you lose someone who loves you with all her being. You lose someone who will stand by your side no matter what.

You lose someone who will go to the moon and back for you. She is the girl who gives you her heart completely. She is the girl who loves you unconditionally and forever.

3. You lose someone who believes in you

No matter how many times you messed up, she never gave up on you. She had faith in you when everybody else turned their back on you.

You always had her to come back to. And you always did. When you needed her, you came to her. But, when she needed you, you were never there. That’s why she’s gone.

4. You lose someone who would sacrifice for you

When you lose her, you lose someone who would take a bullet for you. You lose someone who would say something stupid to take the attention off you in an embarrassing situation.

You lose someone who will put all her s**t aside just to help you, to comfort you if you’re feeling down. You lose someone who makes you her priority. You didn’t know how to cherish it. You took advantage of it.

5. You lose someone who makes you a better person

You lose someone who would never let you give up on yourself. You lost a girl who made you better. This girl challenged you to be as good as she is.

This girl had the ability to lead you to success. You weren’t even aware of that until now, when you lost her.

6. You lose a chance to be happy

You gambled your ‘happily ever after’. You gambled your only chance to stand at the end of the aisle while she’s approaching in a beautiful white dress. White suits her.

She is innocent. She is pure-hearted. You sold all that for something short-term. You sold a lifetime of happiness for a moment of passion. You don’t deserve her anyway.

7. You lose respect

No one ever will respect you like she did. No one will look at you like her, with her eyes bursting with love. No one will treat you like she did. You didn’t even earn her love but she gave it to you anyway.

She gave you her trust, her respect, and her love.

You gave her nothing.

You’ve lost a girl with a soft heart.

You won’t be getting another one.

See also: You Are A Fool For Letting Her Slip Away

  1. Clarence Bruce martin says:

    Wow that’s some heartbroken shit?