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9 Types Of Women Men Fall Madly In Love With (Are You One Of Them?)

9 Types Of Women Men Fall Madly In Love With (Are You One Of Them?)

Do men fall in love with perfect women with perfect bodies or is there more to it?

The truth is the following: Men fall in love with women who are in love with themselves.

Men fall madly in love with women who touch their souls, who inspire them to be better people, and who change their life perspective:

Men fall in love with women who are special

Men fall in love with women who don’t follow the crowd or the latest trends.

They fall in love with women who create their own trends and who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd instead of blindly follow it.

Men fall in love with women who have an interesting, quirky personality instead of a perfect body because that’s what makes a woman truly special and unique.

Men fall in love with women who respect themselves

Men fall in love with self-respecting women who demand respect from other people.

They fall in love with women who don’t tolerate other people’s bullshit and who are not afraid to acknowledge it no matter what.

Men fall in love with women who make them work hard to win them

Men fall in love with women who make them multiply their efforts when pursuing them.

They fall in love with women who make them constantly work on improving themselves if they want to become a part of their lives.

They fall in love with women who don’t make excuses for their shitty behavior, women who have boundaries, and women who are sticking to them no matter what.

They fall in love with women who make them think twice before doing something because they cannot afford making mistakes and losing them.

Men fall in love with women who are happy and content with themselves

Men fall in love with women who enjoy their own company, who know how to have fun at any time of the day, who are genuinely happy and content with their lives, hobbies, and people they’re spending their time with.

They fall in love with women who take things into their own hands, who fight for their own dreams, and who don’t give up at the first obstacle.

They fall in love with women who are determined and who are ready to do anything to achieve their goals.

See also: Men Go Wild For Women Who Do These 5 Little Things

Men fall in love with women who are excited about life

Men fall in love with women who notice little things, who praise the beauty of nature, and who never miss the chance to smell every beautiful flower or say goodbye to every beautiful sunset.

Men fall in love with women who are in love with their life and every inspiring thing around them.

They fall in love with women who notice the real beauty around them instead of fake ideals advertised by the media.

Men fall in love with women whom they are afraid to lose

Men fall in love with women who don’t need men to make them feel special or take care of them because they are perfectly capable of doing it by themselves.

They fall in love with women who are strong and independent and who make them feel anxious about losing them.

They fall in love with women who don’t need them because they are perfectly good on their own.

They fall in love with women who notice their sacrifice, effort, and honesty.

Men fall in love with women who feel like home

Men fall in love with women who always give them space when needed and who respect their need to spend time with their buddies and do things they enjoy.

They fall in love with women who have their own lives and who don’t suddenly change their plans for them.

They fall in love with women who feel like home, who knows have to create a romantic and cozy atmosphere with their heartwarming personality without even trying.

Men fall in love with women who don’t take themselves too seriously

Men fall in love with women who are not afraid to laugh at themselves or at the stupid things they sometimes do.

They fall in love with women who always think positively and look at things from a different perspective instead of instantly judging or becoming anxious about it.

They fall in love with women who are not ashamed to be who they really are and who don’t bother with trivial things.

They fall in love with a woman’s cute, innocent smile; her playfulness, stubbornness and courage.

Men fall in love with women who don’t give a shit about what other people think about them

Men fall in love with women who are bold enough to say what they really mean, demand it, and do what they think is right—not what other people are telling them.

Men fall in love with women who don’t give a shit about what other people think about them, their jobs, their friends, and their choice of men.

Men fall in love with women who are not afraid to make mistakes or take a risk sometimes.

They fall in love with inspiring women who are not afraid to speak their mind and respect other people’s opinions at the same time.

See also: 10 ‘Bad Girl’ Traits All Men Fall For