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7. Don’t fall for his love bombing

I hate to generalize, but you know how most men are. They act as if they’re ready to do everything in the world for you – until they get what they actually want.

For some, it’s your heart; others just want to sleep with you, while some are after your trust. Either way, the moment they get what they are after, they change their ways.

Suddenly, there is no more Mr. Nice Guy from the beginning. Now, you’re the one who has to beg for his attention and the one who chases him around.

So, how do you prevent this from happening? Well, if you want to keep him interested, don’t take everything he says or does for granted.

Look, don’t be paranoid and question his every move. That will drive you crazy as well.

But please, pay attention to the difference between genuine emotion and love bombing.

If he plans the future the first time he sees you, if he starts putting pictures of you two together on his social media right after the first date, or if he starts with some huge romantic gestures even if you haven’t met each other right, he’s probably deceiving you.