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Before Falling In Love With An Emotional Girl With An Anxious Mind, Know This

Before Falling In Love With An Emotional Girl With An Anxious Mind, Know This

If you were lucky enough to meet an emotional girl with an anxious mind, you should know that she is not like the rest of the girls.

She is a woman with a big, good heart, but sometimes she struggles to show that.

She would want so badly to show people that she cares and loves insanely, but her anxiety makes her a prisoner of her mind.

So, whatever you do, don’t push her and give her time to relax. Maybe it will take some time but I am assuring you that she is worth it.

In order to have good communication and make a stable relationship with her, here are some things you need to pay attention to:

Her anxiety makes her look like a bitch

This girl would love to show you how much she loves you and how much she cares, but her anxious mind has a different plan.

She can’t even sit calmly while talking to you and her eyes are always looking at the exit because there is a chance that she will get a panic attack, and she will have to run outside to get some air.

She wants you to like her and no matter how much she tries, she feels that you like someone else more than her.

That can hurt her so much, so whatever you do, don’t let her suffer.

Tell her that she is special and unique in her own way and that you are honored to date her. Trust me, it will mean the world to her!

She is extremely fragile

Even if you don’t feel that way, little things mean so much to her. The problem is that she can’t express her feelings very well, so you will get the idea that she doesn’t care about something so much.

That is just her anxiety speaking, so don’t listen to it. Try to find a way to her soft heart and her emotions, and tell her that it is okay to say what she wants.

Don’t let her overthink and sweat the small stuff, and give her credit for even trying to explain something to you.

You need to understand that she is in a complex state of mind where her thoughts just keep rushing, and she doesn’t have time to process them all.

Be her support by giving her all the time in the world, so she can finally be herself.

She always gets attached easily

She is incredibly emotional, so it doesn’t take long for her to let you into her heart.

She is sensitive and she suffers when she sees the injustice and pain in this world.

If you get to know her better, she will let you in every corner of her heart, so you should go an extra mile to gain her trust and never do anything that would make her sad.

She is a woman to love and if you break her heart only once, she will find it very difficult to completely recover from it.

Don’t take her for granted and be the man who is worth the wait.

She will constantly worry

Sweating the small stuff is her daily routine. She will be worried about that new project at work, she will be worried if she will have enough money to pay the bills and above all, she will be worried that you don’t love her.

If she just notices that you are not as attached as you were before, her anxious mind will make a brutal scenario that you were cheating on her.

And I must say that it is very difficult to live that way.

She is scared

She is the person who thinks that she is not good enough for you and that you can replace her with another woman.

She knows that she is a little bit broken and that’s why she thinks that there will come a time when you will be sick and tired of her insecurities.

But deep down, she is a lioness who will fight for what she wants with all the means necessary. She just needs to dig a little bit deeper to pull out that positive energy.

She will love you unconditionally

Frankly speaking, that is the only way she can love. She is a woman with her heart on her sleeve and she always gives more than she takes.

She will give you all of her love but she will also want you to feel that way.

Her soft heart wouldn’t stand that you make a fool out of her, promising her something that you can’t provide.

She plays by her own rules

A girl like this is pretty stubborn. She will sometimes do things that are maybe not the best solution but she wants to try her luck out because she has a good feeling about that.

In all that mess with dating and love things, she always relies on her sixth sense and doesn’t listen to what people have to say.

So, if you were lucky enough to meet a girl like this, cherish her like the rarest jewel because she is the type of a girl you won’t meet twice in your life.

If you truly love her, protect her from all the bad things that might happen to her and teach her that with the right man, she can finally be herself!

  1. Jessica says:

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  2. Rajee says:

    Literally true

  3. Garrett Shaw says:

    I’m currently in love with such a wonderful lady, so I can relate.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Wow, great writing and very me.

  5. Brady caddick says:

    I love this !!