I’ll Know My Heart Has Healed When I Forgive You For Everything You Did To Me
This is probably something I shouldn’t be telling you after everything that went on. Something I should keep to myself as a secret, making sure …
This is probably something I shouldn’t be telling you after everything that went on. Something I should keep to myself as a secret, making sure …
She walks around with a glistening smile on her face, and she carries herself with such grace and poise. She is always the first one …
When you first walked away from me, besides being devastated, I was also terrified. How could I ever go on with my life without you …
Even though you aren’t aware of this, there are times when wanting and needing something are two different things. Times when you are convinced that …
When she loves, she loves with all of her heart and mind. She never gives up that easily, no matter how hard it gets. She …
Even though this is the last thing you would ever admit to anyone, including yourself, the truth is that after all this time, you are …
This time I won’t just stop at my words. This time I will leave you for good. Without tears running down on my face, without …
I didn’t think I could ever imagine myself falling for you. You were anything but my type of man. But, I guess, that’s the thing …
When you experience real emotional pain, it breaks you into pieces, no matter how strong you seemed before that. You feel like the weight of …
I know you keep hearing this guy tell you how much he cares about you. You keep listening to him swearing his love for you …