I’m Single Because One Toxic Man Was Enough For My Whole Life
People keep coming at me with these questions that are so none of their business. They keep giving themselves the right to invade my privacy …
People keep coming at me with these questions that are so none of their business. They keep giving themselves the right to invade my privacy …
1. Because having standards doesn’t mean you are high-maintenance It’s okay to have standards. That doesn’t mean you see yourself as a God-given gift to …
Shut down all those voices telling you that you have to be in a relationship to be happy and complete. Shut down all those voices …
1. You become a selective dater You don’t go on a lot of dates anymore because you have been on too many that looked like …
Why is being single considered to be the loneliest a person can be when being in the wrong relationship brings you so much more loneliness? …
Let’s face it. Even though being single rocks, sometimes it might get lonely. Sometimes you wish nothing for else but to have someone to cuddle …
I’m not single. Well, I am in one sense of the word. I’m single in the sense that I’m not dating anyone right now, sure. …
When you’ve been put through hell by different people, when people who should’ve loved you chose not to, when you gave all of yourself to …
Cute pics of happy couples on social media, romantic movies and the pressure of your close friends and relatives regarding your solo status all contribute …
Stay single until you meet a guy who will erase all the insecurities you have. Stay single until you meet a guy who will walk …