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12 Simple Ways To Know You’ve Found Your Perfect Life Partner

12 Simple Ways To Know You’ve Found Your Perfect Life Partner

We all dream about true love, the one you read about in love novels or watch in romance movies but how often do our partners actually end up being “the one”? 

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish genuine relationships from toxic ones as we all become at least a little bit blinded by the love in the beginning.

Although there are no defined rules to be sure whether we have found someone we will spend the rest of our lives with, there are some common signs and patterns of successful relationships of those couples that make it until the end.

1. You Can Be Yourself Around Them


Sometimes we pretend to be someone we’re not just so people will like us. Although being in certain life situations requires us to act in some way, this shouldn’t be the case for our love relationships.

When you can freely be yourself around them, you also feel better! Pretending we are someone else just for them to fall in love with us can impact our relationship with ourselves.

2. They Love You For Who You Are


You may ask yourself – what if they don’t love how I act in reality? Well, that would be a good sign that you are just not perfect for each other. If a person truly likes you, they will love every single thing about you, even the things you don’t like about yourself.

3. You Often Talk About Your Future Plans And Goals


If they want to spend the rest of their lives with you, they will definitely show that! They will want to plan things together with you and not just think about themselves and their plans. They might even change their plans so your goals could align and they could be with you.

4. They Always Consider Your Feelings


Before saying or doing anything, they will consider how you may feel about it. A good partner will never do something with the intent to hurt your feelings or make big decisions without thinking about their impact on you.

5. They Encourage You To Be A Better Person


They make you feel like you can achieve anything and inspire you to be and act better. You will want to do better in everything and overall be a better, kinder person because of them and the way they act around you and other people.

6. You Are Not Afraid To Be Vulnerable Around Each Other


You should be able to share your feelings, thoughts, sadness, and fears with each other without being scared of judgment. They will always validate your feelings and make sure you know you are seen and have support in every moment.

7. They Are There For You In Every Moment


They will always back you up in every life endeavor you take and will be your biggest cheerleader. 

Your life partner will leave everything aside to help you when you need it and will be present for you even in the most difficult times. They will support your goals and ambitions so you can be the best version of yourself.

8. You Can Disagree And Still Love Each Other


It is completely normal to have different views and opinions about something but your partner shouldn’t make you feel stupid or not heard just because you don’t agree with each other. 

They will always make sure to be respectful and hear your side even in cases when they don’t necessarily agree with you.

9. They Are Your Safe And Calming Place


If you just got fired, your friend hurt you, you are not feeling well physically or life has just gotten overwhelming but you know they can calm you almost instantly – that is a sign of your forever partner. 

If just their presence and warm hug can make the whole world silent for a bit, that is genuine love.

10. They Don’t Make You Leave Your Hobbies And Friends For Them


Even though they love you the most and could spend all their time with you, they don’t make you leave everything just to be with them 24/7. They understand and support your hobbies because they know how important that is for your well-being and overall happiness. 

11. They Make You Feel Good


There is always some kind of positive energy and vibrations when you are together. You never get bored of each other and they charge your batteries when you’re feeling down. There is just something about them that makes you feel confident, comfortable, and happy.

12. The “Honeymoon Phase” Never Ended


They are trying to win you over and make you fall in love the same way they did at the beginning of your relationship. You always find fun in everything you do even if it’s just some boring household chore. 

I know this can sound cheesy, but it’s really true! At the end of the day, you will simply know when you find your life partner and they will tick all of your boxes. They will always find ways to keep the fire going and make life more passionate and enjoyable.