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How To Tell If A Man Is Genuinely Interested In You (According To A Man)

How To Tell If A Man Is Genuinely Interested In You (According To A Man)

Hello gorgeous! I know that we are confusing as hell. Do we like you? Or don’t we?

There are so many misconceptions and misread signs about if a man truly likes you or not.

Women tend to overlook some of the things that are truly obvious to us, but for some reason, they think that we’re rejecting them or that we just want to be friends.

Well, in order to free us all from the unwanted pain and wasted time, let’s just go through all those things a man does to show you that he’s really, genuinely interested in you.

We will try to impress you


When I just find a girl that I really like, the odds are that I will try to impress her and show her that I’m a true man.

Any man will show off all those things about himself that he’s proud of.

For example, he will lift heavy things for you, show off his skills in something or simply be super polite to you and the people around you, just so he can impress you.

We will try to keep up the conversation

We love to talk to you and listen to you talk. So, for that same reason, a man will do anything needed to continue the conversation.

Most of the time men will ask the dumbest questions and tell the most stupid jokes just to see you laugh and continue the conversation.

What I like to do is ask a meaningful question where she is one to do all the talking because I am kind of shy (believe it or not).

Eye Contact

There is nothing more pure and interesting that a woman’s eyes. We love the wonderful colors and the way our face reflects in them.

So, we will try to get you to look into our eyes and if you try to avoid our look, we will definitely find a way back.

If you want to test out if a man is truly interested in you, try looking down and hiding your face from us.

If the first thing you see when looking back is our eyes piercing through you and examining your eyes again, then you know that it’s you we want.

RELATED: 25 Signs He’s Scared Of How Much He Likes You (Without Realizing It)

We lean towards you

Because of the fact that we simply want to be as close to you as possible, you might see us leaning towards you while talking with you.

Even if there’s a group of people there, watching, you are the main priority to us.

So, watch for the guy who excessively leans towards you while talking. He likes you for sure.


We all know that men aren’t as comfortable with showing feelings as girls are and for that same reason, we tend to do it in an uncomfortable, teasing kind of way.

Of course it’s very gentle and we don’t do it excessively, but please don’t get mad at us.

It’s just a way we cope with all the emotions that are overwhelming our bodies.

So we will say stupid things and maybe insult you without even realising it.

We love physical contact

Of course, when we really like a woman and we have just met her, we won’t overdo it.

But if some time has passed, we will throw in occasional physical contact that may include: our hand around your waist, holding your hand while explaining something, touching your hair, or in general any kind of physical contact.

We always find a stupid excuse to touch you.

We WILL treat you differently

If a man says he likes you but he’s not treating you differently from other women, then he’s just a lier.

Don’t believe a man who isn’t even trying to show you that you are very special to him. It’s not even just my opinion, it’s a fact.

If you truly want to see if a man likes you, look for those little things that make you more special than the other girls.

He might always ask for your opinion on a certain topic but never ask another woman nearby.

by Owen