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Smile Status: 180+ Quotes To Truly Brighten Your Day

Smile Status: 180+ Quotes To Truly Brighten Your Day

How much do you really smile in your day-to-day life?

The truth is, a smile is the most wonderful, adorable gesture there is.

Sure, we see people smiling on social media whenever we scroll through our feed but are we truly looking at a real smile?

The cutest thing and the most beautiful gift someone can give you is a genuine, honest smile.

Seeing any person smile usually makes you smile too and isn’t that a wonderful way of sharing friendship and positive emotions among us?

Just like a picture, a smile is worth one thousand words and creates a connection between otherwise distant souls. It truly is a wonderful way to communicate.

It’s there to show life can be beautiful, depending on the way we look at it.

If you’ve been thinking about smiling or want to share some positive energy on your status, choose one of our carefully picked smile status quotes.

The best smile status for WhatsApp:

1. “A smile is the only prettiest thing you can wear.” – Unknown

2. A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.” – Dalai Lama

3. “Nothing shakes the smiling heart.” – Santosh Kalwar

4. “Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension.” – Sri Chinmoy

5. “Smile, shine and take it one day at a time.” – Christina Smallwood

6. “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.” – Peace Pilgrim

7. “The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.” – Bryant H. McGill

8. “The people who make you smile from just seeing them, those are my favorite people.” – Koi Fresco

9. “I love those who can smile in trouble.” – Leonardo da Vinci

10. “Silence and smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.” – Unknown

11. “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur Ward

12. “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

13. “Smile at the obstacle, for it is a bridge.” – Medusa

14. “One smile can brighten the darkest day.” – Unknown

15. “The most beautiful curve on a woman’s body is her smile.” – Bob Marley

16. “Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s eautiful.” – Rashida Jones

17. “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.” – Joe Goodwin / Larry Shay / Mark Fisher

18. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Ludwig Jacobowski

19. “A smile is the universal welcome.” – Max Eastman

20. “A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.” – Dr. T. P. Chia

21. “Every scowling face also contains the shapes of engaging smiles, just waiting to be released.” – Dr. SunWolf

22. “A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.” – Denis Waitley

23. “My cheeks explode when I smile. That’s why I have to look so nonplussed.” – Rufus Wainwright

“A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in one’s life.” – Emmet Fox

24. “Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears.” – Demi Lovato

25. “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” – Martin Charnin and Charles Strouse

26. “Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.” – George Eliot

27. “A smile is something you can give away and still keep.” – Unknown

28. “If the world’s a veil of tears, smile till rainbows span it.” – Lucy Larcom

29. “I’ll smile for today, I won’t cry over yesterday’s mistakes and I won’t fret over the uncertainty of tomorrow. I’ll smile because

30. I’ve made it this far. Will you smile with me?” – Jacob Moneaux

31. “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” – Mother Teresa

32. “Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.” –  Steve Maraboli

33. “A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one.” – Masashi Kishimoto

Beautiful smile status quotes to make your day:

1. “Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” – Connie Stevens

2. “The living should smile, for the dead cannot.” – George R. R. Martin

3. “Peace begins with a smile.” – Mother Teresa

4. “You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.” – Charlie Chaplin

5. “I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” – Santosh Kalwar

6. “It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.” – Steve Maraboli

7. “If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.” – Les Giblin

8. “Wear a smile, one size fits all.” – Unknown

9. “Hide your craziness behind a beautiful smile. That’s all you need.” – Paulo Coelho

10. “It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body… the heart.” – Unknown

11. “A smile is often the key thing. One is paid with a smile. One is rewarded with a smile. One is brightened by a smile. And the quality of a smile can make one die.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

12. “Get out of bed forcing a smile. You may not smile because you are cheerful; but if you will force yourself to smile, you’ll be cheerful because you smile.” – Kenneth Goode

13. “If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

14. “Every time a man smiles, and much more when he laughs, it adds something to his fragment of life.” – Laurence Sterne

15. “Whatever comes in my way, I take it with a smile.” – Kubra Sait

16. “A face that cannot smile is like a bud that cannot blossom, and dries up on the stalk.” – Henry Ward Beecher

17. “I wondered if my smile was as big as hers. Maybe as big. But not as beautiful.” – Benjamin Alire Sáenz

18. “All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.” – Chris Hart

19. “Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.” – Christie Brinkley

20. “A smile is a friend maker.” – Bangambiki Habyarimana

21. “Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you’re up to!” – Unknown

22. “I love those random memories that make me stop and just smile.” – Unknown

23. “If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.” – Chad Sugg

24. “It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

25. “Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.” – Les Brown

A smile status worth sharing with your friends:

1. “Smile! It increases your face value.” – Robert Harling

2. “I wake up every day with a smile on my face.” – Henry Ian Cusick

3. “Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray

4. “Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.” – Paramahansa Yogananda

5. “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” – Tom Wilson

6. “Smile; it the second best thing one can do with one’s lips.” – Unknown

7. “You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.” – Evan Esar

8. “It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it.” – Seneca

9. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

10. “Every day you spend without smiling is a lost day.” – Unknown

11. “A smile remains the most inexpensive gift I can bestow on anyone and yet its powers can vanquish kingdoms.” – Og Mandino

12. “I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness within your eyes.” – Jeremy Aldana

13. “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr

A cute and short WhatsApp status about smiling:

1. “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.” – Marilyn Monroe

2. “I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.” – Unknown

3. “Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile.” – Unknown

4. “Her smile, I’m sure, burnt Rome to the ground.” – Mark Z. Danielewski

5. “One of the most rewarding things in life is to always put a smile on your face.” – Dr. T. P. Chia

6. “Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” – Mother Teresa

7. “If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it.” – Andy Rooney

8. “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” – Mark Twain

9. “I love life and I love to smile… you can never smile too much.” – Sophie Hinchcliffe

10. “Smile, it’s better than a poke in the eye.” – Douglas Horton

11. “A good smile is a magic pill that can make you feel good in every circumstance of life.” – Unknown

12. “I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile.” – Charles de Lint

13. “I can sing and dance. I can smile – a lot.” – Chris Colfer

14. “Smile, it’s free therapy.” – Douglas Horton

15. “Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

16. “A smile cures the wounding of a frown.” – William Shakespeare

17. “Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things.” – Kenneth Branagh

18. “The source of a true smile is an awakened mind.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

A smile status to brighten your day:

1. “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.” – Yoko Ono

2. “Look back, and smile on perils past.” – Walter Scott

3. “If you didn’t start out the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing for tomorrow.” – Unknown

4. “Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!.” – Joyce Meyer

5. “Smile is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on you – always keep smiling.” – Unknown

6. “If you’re able to help some people and make them smile and make them realize that life is good, then that’s worth so much more than buying a pair of shoes.” – Maria Sharapova

7. “A smile also works wonders with your own family. A smile given to each child or spouse when you see them no matter where or when, will communicate you are open and welcoming.” – Byron Pulsifer

8. “If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don’t be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning ‘Good morning’ at total strangers.” – Maya Angelou

9. “Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain.” – Unknown

10. “The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” – Thomas Paine

11. “Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” – Marilyn Monroe

12. “A smile is something you can’t give away; it always comes back to you.” – Unknown

13. “Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life.” – Roy T. Bennett

14. “Never regret anything that made you smile.” – Mark Twain

15. “We all have our down days, but it’s not hard to smile and say, ‘Thank you.’” – Yvette Nicole Brown

16. “A friendly word, a pleasant smile. Help someone feel his day’s worthwhile.” – Catherine Pulsifer

17. “Sometimes you have to smile by faith. If you’ll smile by faith, soon the joy will follow.” – Joel Osteen

18. “People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.” – Lee Mildon

19. “There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.” – Unknown

20. “You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun.” – Al Capone

21. “Smile. Have you ever noticed how easily puppies make human friends? Yet all they do is wag their tails and fall over.” – Walter Anderson

A WhatsApp status that will make your friend’s day:

1. “Anyone can smile on their best day. I like to meet a man who can smile on his WORST.” – Lauren Graham

2. “You shouldn’t never regret something that made you smile.” – Bei Maejor

3. “A smile doesn’t always stand for a perfect life.” – Faraaz Kazi

4. “Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.” – Michael Jackson

5. “People with dimples have a divine role in this universe: smile!” – Toba Beta

6. “It’s hard not to feel happy when you make someone smile.” – Roy T. Bennett

7. “For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else’s face.” – Dejan Stojanovic

8. “That smile could move mountains. It could also break hearts.” – Kylie Scott

9. “An enigmatic smile is worth ten pages of dialog.” – Connie Brockway

10. “Teeth aren’t pearly, until you smile.” – Anthony Liccione

11. “The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.” – Unknown

12. “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller

13. “It seems to me that what we call beauty in a face lies in the smile.” – Leo Tolstoy

14. “Everywhere you go, take a smile with you.” – Sasha Azevedo

15. “Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” – Mother Teresa

16. “When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.” – Steve Maraboli

17. “Everyone smiles in the same language.” – George Carlin

18. “Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.” – Jim Beggs

19. “Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.” – Roy T. Bennett

20. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo F. Buscaglia

21. “The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.” – William Shakespeare

22. “Smile. Be open and welcoming.” – Ephraim Buchwald

23. “When things are difficult, smile by faith. Don’t wait until you feel better.” – Joel Osteen

24. “Learn to smile at every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability.” – Joe Brown

25. “A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.” – William Hazlitt

26. “To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.” – Albert Camus

27. “Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.” – Dennis Waitley

28. “The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” – Ashley Montagu

29. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

30. “It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.” – Lucille Ball

31. “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” – Unknown

32. “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus

33. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

34. “The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.” – J. M. Barrie

35. “A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it.” – Unknown

Inspiring smile quotes for your WhatsApp status:

 1.“One smile speaks louder than a hundred words.” – Abhijit Naskar

2. “The weaker the country, the stronger the smile.” – Howard E. Koch

3. “Smile. It will either warm their heart or piss them off. Either way, you win.” – Unknown

4. “Most smiles are started by another smile.” – Frank A. Clark

5. “Smile baby girl, the world is full of uncertain miles.” – Goitsemang Mvula

6. “A smile will even make the darkest of clouds shine.” – Anthony T Hincks

7. “Nothing beats a great smile.” – Karl Urban

8. “I enjoy making people laugh and making them smile.” – La La Anthony

9. “I don’t know why my smile has become a signature pose. I think it’s a nice change. I think people want to see happiness, so a smile is what can bring that. I didn’t make it my trademark on purpose.” – Arizona Muse

10. “When you see a person without a smile, give them yours.” – Zig Ziglar

11. “I like to smile. I smile even when I’m nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.” – Yani Tseng

12. “A smile, just like a moment of living consciously, can ripple out touching and changing everything in the universe.” – Steve Leasock

13. “Smiling makes a huge difference. A lot of people walk the red carpet and try to be sexy. I don’t do that; I always smile.” – Jazmyn Simon

14. “We should smile more often in life. Our smiles make us look better and make us feel happier!” – Avijeet Das

15. “Smile is the sun shine of the soul.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

16. “I love being around positive people and making people smile.” – JaVale McGee

17. “I believe in the power of SMILE.” – Purvi Raniga

18. “My worst day, I’m just going to try and smile.” – Iman Shumpert

19. “Your smile is heaven.” – Rosangel Perez

20. “I like being able to look in the mirror and seeing a smile on my face.” – Clint Dempsey

21. “Smiling is one of our greatest defense mechanisms.” – Asa Don Brown

22. “It’s important to maintain an attractive smile as you age. A lighter, less beige, more white tooth color is key, but no Chiclets.” – Evelyn Lauder

23. “A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul.” – Therese of Lisieux

Smile status – Something to think about:

1. “A smile confuses an approaching frown.” – Hindi saying

2. “Smiling is a wonderful way to get a boost of happiness. The next time life presents you with a challenging situation, take a deep breath and smile.” – Morris Pratt

3. “A smile is the best defense against this offensive world.” – Terri Guillemets

4. “Smile doesn’t mean that someone is happy. Sometimes it just means that you’re strong.” – Zayn Malik

5. “A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.” – Charles Gordy

6. “The shortest distance between two people is a smile.” – Unknown

7. “Smile. Say a kind word. Believe in the goodness of strangers.” – Cyndie Spiegel

8. “When I look out at the people and they look at me and they’re smiling, then I know that I’m loved. That is the time when I have no worries, no problems.” – Etta James

9. “The thing that goes the farthest towards making life worthwhile, that costs the least, and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.” – Wilbur D. Nesbit

10. “It is a great day anytime I can bring a smile to a girl or boy, knowing that I am helping to inspire them to always dream big.” – Normani Kordei

11. “A smile vanquishes loneliness, if only for a fleeting moment.” – Terri Guillemets

12. “The one who extends warm wishes, or a smile whenever you meet them are the ones that always make us feel welcome.” – Byron Pulsifer

13. “I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.” – Goldie Hawn

14. “Modest, kind or optimistic people often smile more than snobbish, unkind or pessimistic people.” – Dr. T. P. Chia

We hope you’ve found what you’re looking for and added one of these smile quotes to your WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram status. It’s sure gonna make your friends happier.

Remember one thing though—not even a thousand words can bring as much joy as one smile can.