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7 Traits Of Irresistible And Sexy Women

7 Traits Of Irresistible And Sexy Women

In what way women do attract men? What is that something that makes a man say: “I want her? I’m crazy about her?”

Is it a coincidence? Of course, it’s not. Every woman has something special hidden inside of her. And the beauty of it all is that every woman is unique—every persona is one of a kind.

Each and every one of them has their own thing that is drawing men to them.

But generally speaking, there are some traits that work every time.

Make sure to nurture them and no man will be able to resist you.

1. Confidence

This one is so obvious. You can tell if you are confident or not just from reading your body language when you do the simplest actions—such as walking.

If you walk down the street with your head held high, you are a lady who is proud of herself.

But, if you’re walking closed up staring at the floor, you need to get your self-esteem back.

2. Happiness

There is nothing sexier than a woman who wears a smile on her face like the latest fashion trend. No handbags or high heels, not even all the fancy clothes, can beat a big sincere smile on your face.

Wear it proudly—it’s what makes you beautiful and irresistible. A woman who laughs sincerely is a woman who is happy.

3. Positivity

If you radiate good energy, you’ll attract people with positive energy because energy is transferable.

If you are in a bad mood, you can easily transfer negativity to the person who is not strong enough to fight it.

Keep in mind that by being negative, you’ll attract negative energy to come to you. Positivity shows in your face—it makes you beautiful.

4. Feeling good about yourself

There is nothing you would like to change about you. You don’t have any complexes because you have embraced yourself the way you are.

You were born that way and you are proud of it. That is what men notice.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look like a model—that is not the point.

You can look perfect, but if you don’t feel good about yourself and if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either.

5. Knowing what you want

You are not the type of person that can be easily controlled. You know what you want and you know how to make it come true.

You are independent. Real men love women who know how to take care of themselves.

They don’t want a dependent, clingy child by their sides. Independence is the new sexy.

6. Intelligence

The era of ‘dumb wannabes’ is so over. It is time for strong, intelligent women to take over the throne.

Real boyfriend material want their girlfriends to use their heads for more than just hairstyles.

They want someone to talk to and someone who challenges them. You know what? It’s your turn to get all the good ones now!

7. Generosity

No one wants a cold-hearted b**ch by his side. Who the heck even likes people like that?

The most beautiful trait you can have is that of a good heart.

It’s that something that drives you to help others. It’s the empathy which you feel for others—it’s your kindness and generosity.

See also: 8 Traits Of High-Value Woman