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450+ “Most Likely To” Questions That Are Perfect For Hanging Out

450+ “Most Likely To” Questions That Are Perfect For Hanging Out

The “Most Likely To” questions game is actually created for you to get to know your friends and your partner better. At random parties, gatherings, and the like, the biggest mood killer is when you don’t know what to do anymore and you end up sitting there, bored and frustrated.

But how about we spice things up a bit?

All you have to do is ask questions and guess who’s more likely to do a certain thing. It really is the perfect game for any family gathering, Christmas party, Thanksgiving, hanging out with friends or your significant other, or any other social get-together.

Most likely to” questions throw all the weirdness and awkwardness out the window, and what is left is pure fun. Before you know it, you and the person or people you are playing with will be laughing so hard, your stomachs will hurt.

If you decide that you want to play this fun game, you will have to have a long list of questions to ask, so you can all play along and have some fun together.

This list right here contains plenty of “most likely to” questions for the family, siblings, friends, and couples (including some naughty and funny ones). So, you will always have a fun question on hand when needed.

Good “Who Is Most Likely To” Questions

We all know that Most Likely To Questions, Truth or Dare questions or Never Have I Ever questions are party games, but most of these fun games can also serve as great conversation starters.

So, if this is your first date and you want to break the ice or if you simply want to have fun with your best friends and check how well you actually know each other, these ‘Most Likely To’ questions below will help you with it.

1. Who is most likely to sleep somewhere else because they have seen a spider on their bed?

2. Who would most likely be the richest?

3. Who is most likely to dye their hair blonde?

4. Who is most likely to develop a habit of playing video games all day long?

5. Who is most likely to go on a hunger strike?

6. Who is most likely to start a family?

7. Who would most likely love to spread rumors?

8. Who is most likely to write a best-selling book?

9. Who is most likely to be the most creative?

10. Who is most likely to fall in love with his/her best friend?

11. Who is most likely to embarrass a friend in public?

12. Who is most likely to get a girl by writing her a poem?

13. Who is most likely to take care of the others when they are sick?

14. Who is most likely to study at Harvard University?

15. Who is most likely to have a million followers on social media?

16. Who is most likely to meet the President?

17. Who is most likely to read a hundred books in a year?

18. Who is most likely to visit Australia?

19. Who would most likely be a philanthropist?

20. Who is most likely to catch feelings after a one-night stand?

21. Who would most likely never want to have a baby?

22. Who is most likely to visit the pyramids in Egypt?

23. Who is most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?

24. Who is most likely to fail all of their exams?

25. Who is most likely to be sad over an animal’s death?

26. Who is most likely to become an astronaut?

27. Who is most likely to visit the Taj Mahal?

28. Who is most likely to always be loyal?

29. Who is most likely to own a gun?

30. Who is most likely to dedicate their life to helping others?

31. Who will most likely be unable to keep a secret for just 30 minutes?

32. Who is most likely to travel the world?

33. Who is most likely to lock their key in the car?

34. Who is most likely to learn Japanese?

35. Who is most likely to have a disease named after them?

36. Who is most likely to make a long-distance relationship work?

37. Who is most likely to become CEO of a company?

38. Who is most likely to be so awkward around in-laws?

39. Who is most likely to lock themselves out of the house?

40. Who is most likely to have a long-lasting, serious relationship?

41. Who is most likely to disappear for a year?

42. Who is the most likely to win a video game tournament?

43. Who is most likely to go skydiving?

44. Who is most likely to become addicted to tea?

45. Who is most likely to fall for Hugh Laurie?

46. Who is most likely to have the most side hustles?

47. Who is most likely to learn to play the harp?

48. Who is most likely to play Fortnite for days?

49. Who is most likely to cry in a public place?

50. Who is most likely to dance in the rain?

51. Who is most likely to obey their parents?

52. Who is most likely to exercise daily?

53. Who is most likely to become a police officer?

54. Who is most likely to become a philosopher?

55. Who is most likely to open up a luxury restaurant?

56. Who is most likely to become a psychologist?

57. Who is most likely to have kids in the next five years?

58. Who is most likely to become the kindest person in the world?

59. Who is most likely to go over the top with a prank?

60. Who is most likely to fight with their partner all the time?

61. Who is most likely to go on a space mission?

62. Who is most likely to climb Mount Everest?

63. Who is most likely to develop a habit of biting their fingernails?

64. Who is most likely to dress like Sailor Moon?

65. Who is most likely to be a good parent?

66. Who is most likely to cry in public?

67. Who is most likely to have triplets?

68. Who is most likely to become the prettiest girl in the world?

69. Who is most likely to call in sick at work just to travel for a concert in another state?

70. Who is most likely to find a million dollars on the road?

71. Who is most likely to be indecisive with simple decisions?

72. Who is most likely to stay close friends?

73. Who is most likely to become a multi-millionaire?

74. Who is most likely to have more than one girlfriend at a time?

75. Who is most likely to own a beach house?

76. Who is most likely to finish their work on time?

77. Who is most likely to spend the most time on their hair?

78. Who is most likely to fall asleep during class?

79. Who is most likely to help the poor?

80. Who is most likely to become a rock star?

81. Who is most likely to get sick?

82. Who is most likely to spend the most on food?

83. Who is most likely to wear black for the rest of their life?

84. Who is most likely to find the love of their life at a party?

85. Who is most likely to eat spicy food every day?

86. Who is most likely to write a bestseller?

87. Who is most likely to become a vegan?

88. Who is most likely to move to Hawaii?

89. Who is most likely to listen to classical music?

90. Who is most likely to have more than 5 children?

91. Who is most likely to become a successful businessman/woman?

92. Who is most likely to find a job they love?

93. Who is most likely to stay at home on Friday night?

94. Who is most likely to open up a bar?

95. Who is most likely to go crazy at the mall?

96. Who is most likely to become an actor?

97. Who is most likely to buy healing crystals?

98. Who is most likely to do something stupid on a night out with their kids?

99. Who is most likely to study naturopathy?

100. Who is most likely to color their hair in a weird color?

101. Who is most likely to develop a habit of checking their hair/eyebrows/makeup/nails?

102. Who is most likely to go to a thrash metal concert?

103. Who is most likely to clean up everybody’s crap without asking?

104. Who is most likely to hug everyone in the room?

105. Who is most likely to be the Grinch on Christmas?

106. Who is most likely to have the highest grades?

107. Who would most likely get the most tattoos?

108. Who is most likely to become a doctor?

109. Who is most likely to fall off the stage at a televised event?

110. Who is most likely to watch chick flicks with their girlfriend/boyfriend?

111. Who is most likely to suffer over a break-up?

112. Who is most likely to commit suicide over a scandal?

113. Who is most likely to have a cute daughter?

114. Who is most likely to work at NASA?

115. Who is most likely to be the first to get a car?

116. Who is most likely to work at Microsoft?

117. Who is most likely to get kicked out of class?

118. Who is most likely to sleep off while watching tv?

119. Who is most likely to donate money to the poor?

120. Who is most likely to become a minimalist?

121. Who is most likely to develop a habit of snacking?

122. Who is most likely to start living out of a van?

123. Who is most likely to get a tattoo?

124. Who is most likely to be a bully?

125. Who is most likely to get bullied in school?

126. Who is most likely to be in a choir?

127. Who is most likely to own thousands of dresses?

128. Who is most likely to have a crush on a co-worker?

129. Who is most likely to become a pilot?

130. Who is most likely to embarrass themselves in front of their secret crush / known crush?

131. Who is most likely to treat their spouse well?

132. Who is most likely to cry during an argument?

133. Who is most likely to take the stars off the sky for their loved one?

134. Who is most likely to become a President of the United States of America?

135. Who is most likely to cry because of a movie scene?

136. Who would most likely never go to college?

137. Who is most likely to have a crush on their boss?

138. Who is most likely to have never been in love?

139. Who would most likely get a snake as a pet?

140. Who is most likely to spend most of their time being productive?

141. Who is most likely to spend all their money on something stupid?

142. Who is most likely to be heartbroken?

143. Who is most likely to be in a commercial?

144. Who is most likely to eat the most?

145. Who is most likely to fall asleep on a date?

146. Who is most likely to become a psychopath?

147. Who is most likely to become addicted to clubbing?

148. Who is most likely to do something big in their life?

149. Who is most likely to fall asleep during prayers?

150. Who is most likely to collect snakes?

151. Who is most likely to become an atheist?

152. Who is most likely to drink beer for the rest of their life?

153. Who is most likely to get married before anyone else?

154. Who is most likely to worship the Norse Gods?

155. Who is most likely to talk to animals?

156. Who is most likely to be a supermodel?

157. Who is most likely to turn out like their parents?

158. Who is most likely to be a drama queen?

159. Who is most likely to live with their parents after they’ve turned 30?

160. Who is most likely to become a chess master?

161. Who is most likely to star in a movie as the villain?

162. Who is most likely to be a perfectionist?

163. Who is most likely to be a perfect kisser?

164. Who is most likely to get a piercing?

165. Who is most likely to be paranoid?

166. Who is most likely to become an artist?

167. Who is most likely to get stuck in a bathroom stall or on an elevator?

168. Who is most likely to fall in love in a foreign country?

169. Who is most likely to be a world traveler?

170. Who is most likely to admit when they’re wrong?

171. Who is most likely to get pregnant?

172. Who is most likely to develop a great board game?

173. Who is most likely to have a secret crush on a celebrity?

174. Who is most likely to win the lottery?

175. Who is most likely to be filthy rich?

176. Who is most likely to be the most athletic?

177. Who is most likely to go bankrupt?

178. Who is most likely to leave the heat on when they leave the house?

179. Who is most likely to outlive us all?

180. Who is most likely to try a bungee jump?

181. Who is most likely to have a bunch of children?

182. Who is most likely to become an actual singer?

183. Who is most likely to binge-watch an entire season of a TV-show in a day?

184. Who is most likely to win a burger-eating contest?. 

185. Who is most likely to set a world record at beer pong?

186. Who is most likely to win a drinking game?

187. Who is most likely to break the world record in sleeping?

188. Who is most likely to become a wrestler?

189. Who is most likely to become an Instagram star?

190. Who is the most likely to have an enormous board game collection?

191. Who is most likely to move abroad?

192. Who is most likely to live for a hundred years?

193. Who is most likely to buy a house or an apartment someday?

194. Who is most likely to have the most piercings?

195. Who is most likely to raise sheep and live in the countryside?

196. Who is most likely to get upset for the most stupid reasons?

197. Who is most likely to star in a romantic movie?

198. Who is the most likely to watch a horror movie alone at night?

199. Who is most likely to move to the North Pole?

200. Who would most likely be awkward on their first date?

201. Who is most likely to stay faithful and loyal to their partner?

202. Who is most likely to move back in with their parents?

203. Who was most likely a nerd in high school?

204. Who is most likely to break their phone screen?

205. Who is most likely to change their name?

206. Who is most likely to arrive late to an important event?

207. Who is most likely to forget their child’s birthday?

208. Who is most likely to join the military?

209. Who is most likely to become a military wife/husband?

210. Who is most likely to adopt a child?

211. Who is most likely to find a part-time job as a waiter/waitress?

212. Who is most likely to look almost the same years from now?

213. Who’s most likely to perform a prank on their friends?

214. Who is most likely to have the lowest IQ level?

215. Who is most likely to quit their day job and work at McDonald’s?

216. Who is most likely to be the most emotional?

217. Who is most likely to walk along the Great Wall of China?

218. Who is most likely to own a weird pet?

219. Who is most likely to learn martial arts?

220. Who would most likely sleepwalk?

221. Who is most likely to be a cocktail master?

222. Who is most likely to fall in love with the wrong person?

223. Who is most likely to be an expert at all sorts of alcoholic drinks?

224. Who is most likely to get in a fight?

225. Who is most likely to fall in love on their trip to Cuba?

226. Who would most likely be considered to be the most powerful woman in the world?

227. Who is most likely to text their ex when they are drunk?

228. Who would most likely play in the WNBA?

229. Who is most likely to listen to the same lame pop song and hide it from their friends?

230. Who is most likely to be the best at math?

231. Who is most likely to become a priest/nun?

232. Who is most likely to miss an important event because they slept off?

233. Who is most likely to get divorced because of their gaming addiction?

234. Who is most likely to be afraid of watching horror movies?

235. Who is most likely to earn some serious money due to their groundbreaking idea?

236. Who is most likely to fail a driving test?

237. Who is most likely to become a high school teacher?

238. Who is most likely to already have a tattoo that is very well hidden?

239. Who is the most likely to cry at the end of a sad movie?

240. Who is most likely to forget their wallet/purse at a shop?

241. Who is most likely to fall asleep on public transportation?

242. Who is most likely to become a successful stand-up comedian?

Juicy “Most Likely To” Questions

Conversation games such as “Would You Rather”, “This or That” or “Most Likely To” questions are all aimed to have fun while getting to know your friends and loved ones better.

The best part is that you don’t need anything special to play these exciting games. You only need a few good questions and, of course, you need to be totally honest with your answers.

Here’s a list of juicy, interesting questions to spice up your social gathering. Write them down or try to memorize some of them and I’m sure these fun questions will make you the life of the party.

1. Who is most likely to take their clothes off in a public setting?

2. Who is the most likely to stalk their celebrity crush?

3. Who is most likely to change their gender?

4. Who is most likely to become famous?

5. Who is most likely to sneak out on a girls trip to flirt with a total stranger?

6. Who is most likely to cheat on their girlfriend/boyfriend?

7. Who is most likely to rob a bank?

8. Who is most likely to date a celebrity?

9. Who is most likely to get away with murder?

10. Who is most likely to squander all their money in a casino?

11. Who is most likely to accomplish their goals?

12. Who is most likely to be intimidated by their in-law?

13. Who is most likely to move to another continent?

14. Who is most likely to take drugs?

15. Who would have most likely gone to a gay club?

16. Who is most likely to have plastic surgery?

17. Who is most likely to get a divorce less than a week into her marriage?

18. Who is most likely to adopt a child?

19. Who is most likely to cheat with her girlfriend’s fiancé?

20. Who is most likely to quit their present job?

21. Who is most likely to be a sadist?

22. Who is most likely to win a Nobel Peace Prize?

23. Who is most likely to be the first to get deflowered?

24. Who is most likely to become a porn star?

25. Who is most likely to get pregnant after a one-night stand and keep the baby?

26. Who is most likely to have sex for money?

27. Who is most likely to be racist?

28. Who is most likely to join the secret service?

29. Who is most likely to be sexist?

30. Who is most likely to marry a foreigner for a Green Card?

31. Who is most likely to smoke weed with their kids?

32. Who is most likely to join a gang?

33. Who is most likely to get drunk tonight?

34. Who is most likely to end up in jail?

35. Who is most likely to end up homeless?

36. Who is most likely to marry a drug lord?

37. Who is most likely to become poor?

38. Who is most likely to become an alcoholic?

39. Who is most likely to be a single parent?

40. Who is most likely to develop weird phobias?

41. Who is most likely to become gay?

42. Who is most likely to abuse someone?

43. Who is most likely to cause a world war?

44. Who would most likely be admitted into a psychiatric hospital?

45. Who is most likely to tell the groom all that happened at the bachelorette party?

46. Who is most likely to catch their parents having sex?

47. Who’s most likely to snatch someone’s partner?

48. Who is most likely to stay forever single?

49. Who is most likely to fall in love with a stripper?

50. Who is most likely to leave Earth and live on Mars?

51. Who is most likely to marry someone, their friends and family hate?

52. Who is most likely to be the last person on Earth?

53. Who is most likely to smoke weed?

54. Who is most likely to kill an animal?

55. Who is most likely to become a freeloader?

56. Who is most likely to kill a person for money?

57. Who is most likely to go topless on the beach?

58. Who is most likely to change their religion?

59. Who is most likely to smoke a joint in a public place?

60. Who is most likely to be late for their own wedding?

61. Who is most likely to stay up late sexting with random strangers on the internet?

62. Who is most likely to have an affair once they get married?

63. Who is most likely to grossly exaggerate the truth?

64. Who is most likely to date Justin Bieber?

65. Who is most likely to be on a reality show?

66. Who is most likely to shave their heads for some reason?

67. Who is most likely to marry a celebrity?

68. Who is most likely to go on a blind date arranged by their mom?

69. Who is most likely to do weird things in public?

70. Who is most likely to marry a closet gay person?

71. Who is most likely to become a great leader?

72. Who is most likely to help a friend bury a body?

73. Who is most likely to catch an STD?

74. Who is most likely to elope with a lover?

75. Who is most likely to owe people money?

76. Who is most likely to own an illegal business?

77. Who is most likely to get married for the money?

78. Who is most likely to start a relationship with someone just because they have a great car?

79. Who is most likely to become a gold digger?

80. Who is most likely to date a real witch?

81. Who is most likely to get the whole gang in trouble?

82. Who is most likely to have a mental disorder?

83. Who is most likely to help a thief escape?

84. Who is most likely to be interested in the same sex?

85. Who is most likely to have a failed marriage?

86. Who is most likely to establish a scientific law?

87. Who is most likely to backstab their friends?

88. Who is most likely to become the next senator of our state?

89. Who is most likely to use the kids as an excuse to get out of a commitment?

90. Who is most likely to have legal problems?

91. Who is most likely to fake their death?

92. Who is most likely to end up on a deserted island (and who will they be accompanied by)?

93. Who is most likely to have a friend with benefits?

94. Who is most likely to be the heartbreaker in chief?

95. Who is most likely to have a cuddle buddy?

96. Who is most likely to be drunk at work?

97. Who is most likely to become a stripper?

98. Who is most likely to say I love you without really meaning it?

99. Who is most likely to go crazy and even spend some time in a looney bin, a few years from now?

100. Who is most likely to get detained for harassing a police officer?

101. Who is most likely to have something embarrassing about them go viral?

102. Who is most likely to post a topless picture on their social media page?

103. Who is most likely to marry their best friend’s ex?

104. Who is most likely to fall in love with their best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend?

Silly And Funny “Who’s Most Likely To” Questions

Everything is so much better when we add a small dose of humor to it, right? These funny questions below will definitely help you maintain a rocking atmosphere at your social gatherings.

Also, all of the fun examples below can serve as great conversation starters when you simply want to break the ice and loosen up the atmosphere on your date.

1. Who is most likely to become a vampire?

2. Who is most likely to snore the loudest?

3. Who is most likely to be a robot?

4. Who is most likely to live in a zoo?

5. Who is most likely to win a Guinness World Record for something very stupid?

6. Who is most likely to develop a habit of saying “umm” and “ahh”?

7. Who is most likely to fart loudly in a crowded room?

8. Who is most likely to go skinny dipping in winter when it’s snowing?

9. Who is most likely to become a cat lady?

10. Who is most likely not to take a shower for a week?

11. Who is most likely to kill their pet?

12. Who is most likely to become a superhero?

13. Who is most likely to have a foot fetish?

14. Who is most likely to die of something stupid?

15. Who is most likely to accidentally get killed?

16. Who is most likely to pick their teeth in public?

17. Who is most likely to become the eighth wonder of the world?

18. Who is most likely to be an Alien?

19. Who is most likely to laugh at lame jokes?

20. Who is most likely to forget where they parked their car?

21. Who is most likely to eat snow?

22. Who would most likely get hauled by a bear?

23. Who is most likely to be so bored that they yawn all the time?

24. Who is most likely to fall in love with a werewolf?

25. Who is most likely to collect butterflies?

26. Who’s most likely to get punched in the face?

27. Who is most likely to win a fart contest?

28. Who is most likely to be the dancing queen/king of the nursing home?

29. Who is most likely to go grocery shopping for one thing, and come back with everything else than the one thing?

30. Who is most likely to eat with their mouth open?

31. Who is most likely to meet a genie?

32. Who is most likely to fall in the shower?

33. Who is most likely to eat dog food?

34. Who is most likely to eat raw eggs?

35. Who is most likely to run away to join the circus?

36. Who is most likely to eat their birthday cake alone?

37. Who is most likely to eat cat food?

38. Who is most likely to get married on the moon?

39. Who is most likely to catch a golden fish?

40. Who is most likely to get arrested for walking around naked?

41. Who is most likely to own a creepy doll?

42. Who is most likely to jump off a moving train?

43. Who is most likely to eat a bug?

44. Who is most likely to live in a haunted house?

45. Who is most likely to eat a toenail?

46. Who is most likely to eat raw meat for money?

47. Who is most likely to become a baby again?

48. Who is most likely to outlive a zombie apocalypse?

49. Who is most likely to eat something off the ground?

50. Who is most likely to burp in a crowded room?

51. Who is most likely to have a crush on an anime character?

52. Who is most likely to meet a ghost?

Dirty “Most Likely To” Questions

Why wouldn’t we increase the fun with some nasty, interesting questions? However, you should be careful though, because these questions below really cross the line and they aren’t really stranger-friendly.

1. Who is most likely to have sex on a daily basis?

2. Who is most likely to touch a random woman’s butt?

3. Who is most likely to get caught hooking up in public?

4. Who is most likely to watch porn when they wake up in the morning?

5. Who’s most likely to make love on a beach?

6. Who is most likely to have a wet dream tonight?

7. Who is most likely to have incredibly dirty pick-up lines?

8. Who is most likely to draw a picture of their penis on a wall?

9. Who is most likely to send a dick pic?

10. Who is most likely to be caught jerking off in class/in the office?

11. Who is most likely to be horny a lot?

12. Who would most likely try a threesome?

13. Who is most likely to become addicted to sex?

14. Who is most likely to secretly watch porn?

15. Who is most likely to know the names of all the famous pornstars?

16. Who is most likely to own more than one “toy”?

17. Who is most likely to send nudes to their crush?

18. Who is most likely to have some hidden, kinky sexual desires?

19. Who is most likely to masturbate at work?

20. Who is most likely to have drunk sex?

21. Who is most likely to have a one-night-stand?

“Most Likely To” Questions For Couples

All couples should refresh their romance routine from time to time just to keep the spark in the relationship alive. If you want to make your date night a bit more exciting, this list of “Most Likely To” questions below is all you need.

Of course, if you’re up for some drinking, you can include your favorite drinks and make this conversation game into a fun drinking game. Each time you and your partner agree that you’re the person who is most likely to do what’s been asked, you must take a sip.

1. Who is most likely to forget their vows on our wedding day?

2. Who’s most likely to perform a prank on his/her partner?

3. Who is most likely to embarrass the other person while drunk?

4. Who’s most likely to get a tattoo while drunk?

5. Who is most likely to forget the birthday of their partner?

6. Who is most likely to say “I love you” first?

7. Who is most likely to make their partner lose weight?

8. Who’s most likely to cancel plans at the last second?

9. Who is most likely to make up cute nicknames for their partner?

10. Who’s most likely to walk around the house naked?

11. Who is most likely to cook a romantic dinner?

12. Who is most likely to forget their wedding anniversary?

13. Who is most likely to get cold feet on our wedding day?

14. Who’s most likely to buy the same gift more than once?

15. Who is most likely to get jealous over something silly?

16. Who is most likely to forget their first kiss?

17. Who is most likely to hold a grudge (for years!)

18. Who’s most likely to freak out over a pregnancy?

19. Who is most likely to win every argument?

20. Who is most likely to don’t like their partner’s friends?

21. Who’s most likely to spend an hour in the bathroom?

22. Who is most likely to cheat?

Fun “Who Is Most Likely To” Questions For A Bachelorette Party

Your best friend is getting married and she asked you to be her maid of honor? Well, congratulations to both of you but you have a very important task right now, right? Of course, it’s throwing the most awesome bachelorette party, yay!

Besides the obvious things (food, drinks, decoration) you also need something that will entertain your ladies. And no, I’m not thinking of a stripper but you can put that on the list, too.

Just kidding, but you do need to put the “Who’s Most Likely To” questions game on the list and use these incredibly fun and interesting questions below. It’ll surely be a bachelorette party to remember.

1. Who is most likely to get to the wedding venue late?

2. Who is most likely to be your best friend forever?

3. Who is most likely to keep the bride’s deepest secrets?

4. Who is most likely to get married next?

5. Who is most likely to find their soulmate at the wedding?

6. Who is most likely to give the bride a kinky gift?

7. Who is most likely to lose their phone or purse at the wedding?

8. Who is most likely to forget to buy the couple a wedding gift?

9. Who is most likely to stay sober throughout the wedding?

10. Who is most likely to buy the couple an expensive wedding gift?

11. Who is most likely to leave the wedding with a date?

12. Who is most likely to hook up with one of the groomsmen?

13. Who is most likely to take the most pictures at the wedding?

14. Who is most likely to get drunk at the wedding?

15. Who is most likely to call her ex after the wedding?

16. Who is most likely to get teary during the vows?

17. Who is most likely to get into a fight with a guest at the wedding?

18. Who is most likely to kill it on the dance floor?

19. Who is most likely to ruin their wedding dress before the wedding?

20. Who is most likely to bring a date to the wedding?

Wrapping Up

Keep in mind that “most likely to” questions is a funny and engaging game that you can play no matter how old you are.

This game is perfect when you want to get to know someone better and connect with them on a deeper level. It also provides you with once in a lifetime opportunity to ask all the questions you wanted to but never got the courage.

In case this list doesn’t cover all the “most likely to” questions you want, you can always use your imagination, be creative, and add some more questions to the list every time you play. We won’t mind if you decide to send us some because this is a game we also love to play.