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She Should Be Your Priority, Not An Option

She Should Be Your Priority, Not An Option

Let’s not beat around the bush here and let’s admit that it happens in many cases that when a man meets a good woman, he has no idea what to do with her.

He doesn’t know how to treat her, what to think or how to behave even to begin with.

Sometimes, when a man meets a good woman, he knows instantly that he wants her in his life, but somehow he messes things up.

It often happens that he will start overthinking and overanalyzing everything, from the smallest situation in his life, and he just ends up being toxic for himself and for the woman.

At some point, it appears to him that it’s too early to become serious about life, he is not ready or he is unwilling to settle down or to commit to a single woman, but he also doesn’t want to miss out on this opportunity to tie an amazing woman to himself.

So he will drag this good woman into something that might be a relationship, but it might also not be a relationship.

And it’s just wrong. It’s wrong on so many levels.

When you meet a good woman, and there is a mess in your head, there is one of two things you should do: either step up your game or let her go.

You either tell yourself, “This is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life,” or you say, “She’s amazing, but I’m not on the same page, so I’ll just let it go.”

When you’re unsure whether you want to commit or not, you don’t make empty promises, you don’t talk to her about the future and you don’t plan things if you aren’t ready to make them happen.

You don’t drag a good woman into something that you yourself have no idea what it is.

You don’t confuse her and you don’t hold her next to you and make her wait until you’re ready to commit.

Sometimes, life spices things up for us, but other times, things are not that complicated, you know?

Life is easier when both happiness and sorrow are shared with the right person.

So when you meet the right woman, you don’t come up with excuses of how you’re not ready or how now is not the time or God knows what. You either make it happen or you let her go.

There are women who love wholeheartedly, laugh from the bottom of their hearts, cry out loud, don’t play games and always tell the truth.

There are women who make things happen for themselves, women who don’t need men to complete them in life and who aren’t scared to live their lives to the fullest; you know, the kind of women who your mother talked to you about and your father told you to marry?

These kinds of women aren’t afraid to commit to a single man.

They are not afraid of spending the rest of their lives with a single man or building a family together with him, to invest in him and their relationship.

They aren’t afraid to say, “No” to other men and all the other possibilities.

This kind of a woman should be your priority, not an option.

This kind of a woman shouldn’t be lied to, shouldn’t be played or led to believe she has a future with you when you yourself are confused about what you want from your life.

You deserve this kind of a woman when, and only when, you know exactly what you want from her.

When you meet a good woman, you forget all about why it couldn’t work and you start thinking about what you could do to make it work.

You don’t come up with excuses, but you step up your game and make it happen. You tell yourself this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you don’t let yourself miss it.

When you meet a good woman, you put her at the top of your priority list. There are no buts, no other options, no playing games.

When you meet a good woman, you simply man up.

You start building your life up, you start building yourself up and you start realizing what it means to truly commit to someone.

You finally realize that you weren’t born to wander through this life, but to find your other half and be happy.

I remember the words my mother said to my brother when his head was messed up: “If she respects you, if she’s loyal and generous, kind and smart, don’t let her see any other man but you.

If she’s a good woman, don’t let her wait for you or give her space to doubt your intentions.

You take her hand, you tell her how much she means to you and you put her at the top of your priority list.”

If this isn’t golden philosophy on how to treat women, I don’t know what is.