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22 Signs And Habits That Prove You’re A Modern Day Hippie

22 Signs And Habits That Prove You’re A Modern Day Hippie

Are you a modern day hippie? Do you use every opportunity to promote freedom, peace, and love? Do you prefer a more natural look instead of tons of makeup? Do you like wearing colorful clothes, headbands and flowing T-shirts?

Below you’ll find all you need to know about hippies, their movement, beliefs, style, and personality. If the majority of modern day hippie signs resonate with you, then you know you are one yourself!

Is There A Modern Day Hippie Movement?

Hippies were a youth movement that originated in the United States, starting in California, during the mid-1960s.

According to Urban Dictionary, they were known for their long hair, use of essential oils instead of deodorant, colorful clothes (DIY tie-dye T-shirts, headbands), and their love of life and freedom.

The hippie movement is present even today. Hippie lifestyle has continued through all these years inspiring people all around the world to identify themselves as modern-day hippies.

What Is A Modern Day Hippie Called?

Hippies are also known as free spirits, flower children, indigo children, bohemians, or naturalists who accentuate the importance of love and happiness.

It’s very often confused with having a “gypsy soul,” but there are a few key differences between these two cultures.

What Do Modern Hippies Believe In?

While listening to Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, hippies promoted freedom, peace, and love above everything. They also promoted tolerance and openness.

They advocated nonviolence with their popular phrase “Make love, not war.” This phrase has made them widely known as “flower children”.

Are you a modern day hippie yourself? Below you’ll find their unique style and a few signs that show you’re a modern hippie (because it’s much more than just smoking pot and singing about flower power).

Modern Day Hippie Style

Wear your hair down

Hippies tend to wear their hair down, letting it flow naturally with no products. Don’t use a flat iron or wear it in top knots; hippies love their hair to be as natural as possible.

Dreading your hair is also something that was promoted in the hippie lifestyle. Hippies also love their natural hair color, so you might not want to color it.

Wear long, flowing T-shirts

Hippies and boho style are in love with each other. They wore tie-dye T-shirts and headbands, and they loved floral prints.

And on your bottom half, you can wear long skirts and bell-bottom pants. If you want to know how to make your own hippie clothing, it’s easy to Google it and simply follow their simple steps.

Embrace your natural look and avoid wearing (heavy) makeup

Hippies were not really into makeup. They preferred to go as natural as possible. They were into skincare and that didn’t include wearing a heavy face of makeup.

If you are not as comfortable completely forgoing makeup, then simply embrace the au naturel look.

Instead of the black eye-liner, put on a bit of mascara, then add peach color on your lips and a little blush!

Stop shaving and let ALL (or some of) your hair grow

I know this is a bit of a weird idea nowadays, but if you want to truly embrace the hippie lifestyle, waiving shaving is the way to do it.

If you can’t make yourself stop shaving your legs, then you can let your armpit hair grow. That’s a start, and maybe later you’d be more comfortable letting your leg hair shine as well.

Sandals are the way to go

Give all of your heels and fancy sneakers a break, and try sandals!

Birkenstocks were the sandals of choice back in the day, but you can change it up and wear Chacos and Tevas today.

It’s the modern day hippies‘ replacement and it really works!

Accessorize to the max

Hippies were into crystals and their power of healing, so they used them in accessorizing as well!

You can wear lots of jewelry, like various stones and natural rocks that are all beautifully wrapped in copper wire.

For your head, you can choose a big, straw hat, or a flat-brimmed one for the more modern feel.

Turn to essential oils

Modern hippies no longer wear deodorants. They instead choose essential oils that are just as good as a replacement.

The most popular scent is patchouli, but any one is more than fine.

You can choose something that is more to your liking, and wear it as your new choice of fragrance!

Signs That Show You Are A Modern Day Hippie

You don’t worry about matching colors

Well, let’s start with the basics; the greatest symbol that the hippie culture had back in the day is their colorful clothes.

The thing is that they never wanted to match their colors, it was all about being a walking and talking rainbow.

You love to love

You love anything and everything. There’s no limit to the love you feel within for the entire world. This type of love is called agape love and it’s the most powerful of all.

You don’t know how to hate something or someone even when you know that you should be angry. Hating and hurting others simply isn’t your thing.

Even when someone hurts you, you don’t seek revenge. Instead, you pray for their soul to cleanse from all the hatred and negative emotions.

Your biggest wish is to make the world a better place filled with love and freedom and your everyday actions prove that.

You are compassionate toward animals

Hippies are known for their compassion toward people, but also animals in particular. Some would even say that you care too much.

You simply love all creatures because they are not able to defend themselves, and hippies have always thought that they should be a voice for the voiceless.

That’s why one of the biggest signs that you are a hippie is actually your compassion toward animals.

You might be a vegetarian or vegan because you don’t believe in the cruel treatment of living beings. You refuse to wear leather and wool simply because you don’t want the dead skin of an animal on you.

You choose organic

You’re a huge fan of a holistic lifestyle.

You might even operate an organic garden where you grow your own vegetables and fruits because you believe that it’s the healthiest way to live.

You are politically educated

Hippies have always been known for their political influences and protests.

You know that the political situation isn’t great and you always discuss with your friends the politicians now in power and what they’re doing.

You are very educated in conspiracy theories and you always talk about the things that you would do better if you were president (or someone else politically influential).

You love to move your body

Whether it’s dancing, running, or practicing yoga, you simply love to move your body to the rhythm of the universe – you believe that it’s the best way to align your chakras and become one with nature.

Losing yourself while dancing puts you in a state of euphoria and simply being in love with your body.

You are very spiritual

Hippies usually believe in a higher power – a higher consciousness that helps us on the way to becoming the best version of ourselves.

A sign that you are a hippie is that you love to read about the seven chakras; you love to know more about the pineal gland and the way karma works.

If these are some terms that you keep in mind, you’re almost certainly a modern-day hippie.

You own crystals and you believe in their power

Crystals and gemstones are wonderful gifts of nature and you love to collect them and learn more about them.

You deeply believe in their healing power and you always have one with you, even if it’s just a ring with a rose quartz crystal.

You love nature

It’s a no-brainer that hippies of the 60s were huge lovers of nature and they really made sure to never contribute to the pollution of rainforests and global warming.

All they ever wanted was to help mother nature. If you also love to take long walks in nature and you always look out for new ways to help the environment, then you probably are a modern-day hippie.

You have special taste in music

Your taste in music is a bit different for these times. You enjoy Bon Iver, but mostly you still listen to the good old rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Jefferson Airplane.

Indeed, classic hippie music is older music (usually rock n’ roll from the 60s and 70s). During this time period, the hippie counterculture was at its peak.

Also, the majority of young people who identify themselves as hippies enjoy newer styles of psychedelic electronic music.

You love those tunes; they make you feel alive. But you’re not limited to that, of course. You love to explore when it comes to music; it’s just that you always go back to the roots.

You love to walk barefoot

Walking around and feeling the earth under your feet makes you feel wonderful and connected to anything and everything.

Shoes are simply an option that you prefer to avoid whenever you can. Also, you don’t care about others telling you that you’ve lost your mind for walking barefoot because you know it’s one of the most beautiful things in the world.

You’d love to live somewhere away from people

You simply find people of today to be too violent and angry for you to actually fit into a society like that.

That’s why you dream of a life somewhere far, far away from them in order to be truly happy.

Maybe even a kick-ass tree house? Whatever and wherever it may be, just let it be somewhere in the woods where no one can reach you.

You’ve been called a hippie

Because of how you look and how you behave, people have often called you a hippie. Maybe even in an insulting way, because people do not understand.

They’ve called you a hippie, a tree-hugger, or a flower child. When others start comparing you to hippies, know that you really do have that vibe.

Your perfect date is a bit unusual

When someone calls you to go out on a date, you just think about lying underneath the stars and listening to their breath or taking a long walk through a forest.

You don’t want fancy dinners or clubs, you want those unusual and little things that mean so much.

The universe excites you

You love to learn about the planets and about astronomy. The whole universe amazes you and you find it to be the most exciting thing that there is.

You love to watch the stars for hours and to find meaning in the phases of the moon. (I have a sweater with the phases of the moon and needless to say that it’s my favorite one.)

You’ve got wanderlust

Wanderlust is in your blood! You love to explore the world and see every little corner of our planet.

Everything looks so beautiful, you want to capture that beauty with your eyes. You want to swim in the ocean in every part of the world.

You are not obsessed with money

Money doesn’t mean much to you. Sometimes, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a way of getting through the day.

If it was up to you, humans would pay with different types of hugs and LOTS of love. In your opinion, money is mostly used to turn us all against one another.

You are creative

Just like all hippies before you, you love to create.

Whether it’s writing, painting, or making music, you love to express your soul in one of these ways. Also, it means the world to you when people recognize your talent and actually compliment you on it.

Maybe it’s even the only way you make money – by selling your artwork. Art fulfills you on a deeper level.

You love adventure

Sleeping under the stars, camping and hiking are what you consider to be a vacation, and what you would like to do for the rest of your life if you could.

Adventures simply light up your soul and make you challenge yourself in completely different ways than a normal, everyday life ever could.

You hope for world peace

It doesn’t matter what the media says or what anyone else may think, you won’t give up on your idea of world peace.

It simply sounds too good to not become the truth one day.

You believe that people will realize how stupid they’re being with their guns and their fists, and that they will start a whole new life with happiness and joy surrounding them.

You have many house plants

It’s obvious that you love nature, but you also love it to the point where you (literally) bring the whole jungle into your home.

You love plants and you make sure that you surround yourself with them. They just bring that awesome vibe into your home. Plus, green looks so peaceful and calm.

You’re not ashamed of your sexuality

You believe that every human should be free when it comes to their sexuality and you don’t believe in a “right” way to love.

You are also a very sexual person. You love having sex and you always will.

Just combining two souls and bodies into one and having that rhythm with your partner makes life that much better.

Don’t Worry, Be Hippie!

It takes lots of courage and devotion to be a modern day hippie in a world where real values have been replaced with fake ones.

Being a hippie means living in the moment, and focusing on spreading love and happiness instead of holding onto negative emotions. It means being different from what society is telling us to be.

“Make love, not war.”

“Give peace a chance.”

“Live and let live.”