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5 Situations Where She Wants You To Fight For Her

5 Situations Where She Wants You To Fight For Her

Giving up is easy, fighting takes guts. It seems that nowadays everybody is concerned about how something looks on the outside.

So they prefer playing it cool rather than sticking their neck out for something they believe in. For something as meaningful as love.

Men have leading roles in playing it cool. Women also but not to such an extent.

Men are afraid that they will come out looking like wimps if they go after women they love. It will endanger their manhood and the picture that society has of them.

But, are there still men out there brave enough to fight for women they love?
I sure hope so.

These are the situations where a woman would want you to fight for them:

When things are hard and all odds are against you.

When there is distance between you and it’s so strong you can almost feel it, she wants you to fight alongside her.

She wants you to reassure her that everything is OK and that you will come out even stronger from this.

She wants to see you working and moving forward through everything that life throws at you.

When you know you are wrong.

There is no need to be stubborn when it’s more than evident that you are the cause of your argument.

You did something wrong, you said something you shouldn’t and the words, ‘I am sorry’ just can’t find their way out of your mouth.

She wants you to admit that you were wrong. She wants you to apologize. A simple and honest ‘sorry’ is all the fight she needs.

She just wants to see that you care. She wants you to make a move. Don’t assume that she knows you are retreating from it if you don’t tell her. She needs to hear it. She needs to feel it.

When she’s not speaking to you.

If you know something is your fault and the millions of times you said, ‘I am sorry’ doesn’t quite cut it, don’t give up so easily.

Sometimes she needs space to process all that has happened. Sometimes she needs to see that you are able to man up and be persistent.

That you are truly sorry and that you are worthy of her time.

When everything is OK between you.

She doesn’t want you to take her for granted. She wants you to keep on giving your best every day.

She doesn’t want you to enter a comfort zone and to stop giving your affection and attention as freely as you used to when you first started.

Chase her even when she is already yours – it will make her stay.

When she is fighting for you.

She wants to know that you want this relationship as much as she does. She doesn’t want to go through the battle alone and be the only one fighting.

She needs you to believe in your relationship even when there are slim chances of survival.

If you have love and faith that it is going to work, almost everything else can be fixed.

She expects you to fight by believing that the two of you can conquer anything.