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Romantic And Intimate I Love You Letters For Him

Romantic And Intimate I Love You Letters For Him

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that you can never tell a person you love how you feel often enough. No matter what kind of a person you are, if you are not good with words, and what not.

People need to know how you feel about them, in order not to feel like their love is taken for granted.

Even if you assume that your partner knows how you feel, don’t hesitate to show your affection. If you can show it physically, then you can definitely put it into words from time to time.

In order for you not to have to come up with the perfect and most thoughtful things to say, I have just the thing you need.

You can use one of these beautiful, love letters for him or her to show your partner your true emotions, and make them feel special and loved!

Here are some amazing ‘I love you’ letters for him!

For his birthday

To the most amazing person in my life,

I woke up this morning so thankful that you are a part of my life! I can’t believe I get to spend another birthday with the most special person in my life.

I promise to make this day one to remember! You’re going to get all the cake you can possibly imagine, and for dessert… you get me! I’m going to rock your world today (and tonight especially) like you’ve done for me for all these years. Happy birthday, handsome, hurry home! I love you so much.


Thank you for being my dream come true. You are the air that I breathe, the sun in my sky and the person that gave me faith that true love really does exist after all! I love you deeply and completely, and I am so happy to spend this amazing day by your side.

You are a part of my life that I never want to live without, and I will prove it to you today and for as long as we live. Happy birthday, my love.

For your anniversary

To my forever person,

I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing this amazing life with me.

I cannot remember how I ever lived without you, and I look forward to many more adventures and beautiful memories together.

Being with you has shaped me into the woman I am today, and I would be lost without your kind soul.

Thank you for lighting up my life, and here’s to many more happy years with each other! Know that my heart beats just for you! Love you!

My sweet babe,

I just love you so much! We are so amazing together. I love how we inspire each other, encourage each other and put each other first, always! Other than that, we are so dang cute, and I don’t care if it sounds braggy, it’s true!

I love the life we’ve created together, and there is nothing than makes me happier than seeing your face every morning! Thanks for being the most understanding partner anyone could ever wish for! Love you to infinity and beyond.

Happy anniversary, my love!

 When you’re feeling thankful


My sweet sweet love,

I just feel this need to thank you for being in my life, and for making me so happy. You are a very special person, babe.

The little things that others may not even pay attention to is how you prove to me just how selfless and thoughtful you are. Thank you for never forgetting things that are important to me.

Thank you for knowing when I’m in a bad mood and sending me the most beautiful flowers to brighten up my day.

Thank you for always making me feel like a priority. I feel like I don’t tell you enough how much I value you.

You are the most important part of my life! You are the only one I ever want to fall asleep next to.

You are my living angel, and just know that life without you is not a life worth living. I love you so much!


I know it’s not your birthday or a special date, but this is exactly why I’m writing this to you.

I don’t need an excuse or a big date to tell you how much you mean to me.

I know that things haven’t been easy lately, and that I have made it difficult to love me at times, I just hope you know that my love for you can never change.

It is the very thing that is keeping me together. It’s been a tough time for me, but I hope you can weather this storm with me, knowing that nothing can taint the love I have for you! I promise things will get better.

You are the only thing that runs through my soul so deeply, and I never want you to leave. I love you.

You are the most special person in my life, and I promise never to take you for granted. I thank my lucky stars for such an understanding man in my life every single day. Just know you are appreciated. Love you so much.

When you’re in the mood

Hot stuff,

When you get back tonight, go straight to the bedroom. There is a special, delicious gift waiting for you to unwrap it!

Hint……. It’s me. Wear something easy to take off. I promise you’ll be happy with my choice of attire.. or lack thereof. See you, don’t be late. XOXO


What do you say we spice things up a notch and book a hotel room tonight? I’m in the mood for some uninterrupted loving…

Oh, and the things I plan on doing to you are going to leave you exhausted… in the best way possible.

If you’re in for some hot times with this eager lady, text me, and I’ll take care of the details. You just show up, and bring a lot of energy. You’re going to need it. XOXO