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22 Reminders For Anyone Suffering From Anxiety During The Coronavirus Pandemic

22 Reminders For Anyone Suffering From Anxiety During The Coronavirus Pandemic

1. If you’re getting up every day and doing everyday activities – you’re doing great!

2. If you’re not feeling okay – that’s OKAY. People aren’t machines and we’re collectively going through stressful times. Everyone will understand if you’re feeling under pressure.

3. You shouldn’t feel bad for not exercising or learning a new language; doing what you can is ENOUGH.

4. You don’t need to have everything figured out right now. Nobody has!

5. No matter how hopeless this situation looks right now – nothing lasts forever; we will be out of this sooner than you think!

6. Once lockdown is over everyone will be more understanding towards people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.

7. If you’re feeling lonely at the moment, don’t forget you’re not really alone. There are people who care for you – always remember that.

8. Being separated from your loved ones will strengthen your bond even more. Remember that by practicing social distancing, you’re protecting them.

9. You don’t need to practice positivity if you’re not feeling inspired but you can always remind yourself of the good things you have in your life and be grateful.

10. By staying home we’re helping the environment and that’s awesome.

11. Worse things have happened to humankind and we survived. This is something we can and will control.

12. Your body is stronger than you think. Don’t underestimate your survival instincts.

13. People are coming together.

14. The things from the past and things from the future can’t hurt you now. Stay present.

15. Everything in this life is temporary.

16. Allowing yourself to feel emotions is practicing kindness to yourself.

17. Don’t believe your every thought is true – your mind is on alert because it’s trying to protect you.

18. The world might change for the better after this.

19. Remember that most of the time, the things we worry about rarely happen.

20. Don’t forget to breathe and do things that make you happy.

21. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is a brave act and you will be surprised by how many people are willing to help.

22. It’s enough to live day by day. You can do today.