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15 Stages Empaths Go Through In A Relationship With A Narcissist

15 Stages Empaths Go Through In A Relationship With A Narcissist

Is it impossible for you to imagine a cold and harsh ‘human’ being (entitled as human because, sadly, there is no other official word to identify this species) in a relationship with a sweet, sensitive, and loving empath?

I get the chills just at the sound of this, but I’m afraid it’s not impossible at all.

You’d think that such opposites would never cross each other’s paths, yet they somehow almost always end up together and the result is devastating.

The only thing this relationship can give birth to is a wounded and broken victim, scratching the surface of the glass prison to get out – trying and failing from one day to the next.

You see, everyone from the outside thinks that an empath trapped in a relationship with a narcissist is free because that’s the overall image.

Actually, that’s the narcissist main game – to molest and manipulate, while appearing completely innocent himself.

Therefore, the victim is found in a glass prison. It looks like she is free, yet in fact she is trapped.

If you’re wondering what it feels like to be a prisoner of narcissism, read the stages every empath goes through in a relationship with a narcissist.

1. A boy sees a girl. Their eyes meet and the love story begins.

The girl thinks she has found the love of her life – the man of her dreams.

The truth is, she has found the man not of her dreams, but from her worst nightmare.

Their eyes meet and the love story begins. The girl thinks she has found the love of her life – the man of her dreams.

The truth is, she has found the man not of her dreams, but from her worst nightmare.

2. The narcissist convinces the empath that she is the person he’s been waiting for.

He gives the empath everything she’s ever dreamt of.

He lies and pretends to be something he is not to gain the empath’s trust – to get her to believe everything he says, which is not strange because his behavior at the beginning is supported by a sweet and almost unrealistic guise.

3. After stage 1 and 2 are over, the narcissist enters the most important stage of manipulation and control.

Over a long period of time, he works on destroying the empath’s self-esteem and self-love.

Through a number of tactics, he succeeds in his plan.

He will assume the role of the decision maker in the relationship, making sure the empath has no saying in any of it.

4. The empath will never stand up to the narcissist at this point in their relationship.

The empath will pull back and unwillingly accept the labels the narcissist is putting on her, which will gradually lead to her really believing she is incompetent and unworthy of love and respect.

5. Empaths will put their heart and soul in their relationship.

Their intentions are pure and their love is selfless.

After all, you can’t choose who you’ll fall in love with.

Sadly, sometimes you fall in love with evil and you get your heart crushed, finding yourself at the lowest point in your life.

No one can count on that. No one can predict or avoid it.

Empaths fall into this trap a lot because they are unselfish. They are givers – exactly what every narcissist needs.

6. Slowly, the empath realizes that the relationship she is in is not healthy.

She gradually realizes that the narcissist cannot love anyone but himself. Unfortunately, by then it’s too hard just to get out.

The empath is still under tremendous stress and she feels enormous fear because she knows everything the narcissist is capable of.

So, she keep indulging every one of his needs just to avoid problems.

7. For as long as the empath does everything the narcissist wants, there will be no problems in the relationship.

And the more love and devotion the empath puts into it, the more the narcissist feels in control.

Narcissists know that for as long as empaths fight to keep their relationship alive, they are in control of everything.

Once the empath starts breaking the unhealthy bond, the narcissist starts feeling threatened.

8. Finally, the empath takes action.

She ultimately accepts she has been abused and she doesn’t want to be in that kind of relationship.

She needs more; she needs true and selfless love and she is not getting it. The narcissist is not happy with this realization.

Actually, he feels threatened and that makes him even more dangerous.

9. What actually happens is that the empath realizes that the narcissist can’t get enough of attention.

And none of her actions and making the narcissist’s wishes come true will ever satisfy his insatiable hunger for attention.

10. Desperate, the narcissist switches to over manipulative mode.

His next move is to convince the empath that every bad thing that has happened in their relationship is her fault.

He will convince her that she is too needy and high maintenance.

11. Then, the empath will stop and wonder.

Since her self-esteem still hasn’t been restored and she is still pretty vulnerable, she will buy his crap and seriously start doubting herself and her behavior.

That’s exactly the narcissist’s end game.

12. The problem is, the empath doesn’t understand she’s been manipulated.

After the narcissist gets inside her head and messes a bit more with her mind, the empath will go back to him and open up.

She will tell him how she really feels and how much pain she is in.

Sadly, those emotions won’t get through to the narcissist, who will instead shift the blame back to her without feeling guilty.  

Empaths will openly admit they think they are losing their minds.

Nothing makes a narcissist more happy than hearing that because, right then, the empath once again becomes easily controllable.

13. This is when the empath makes the biggest mistake.

She believes the lies the narcissist tells her.

Instead of accepting the pain and understanding that how she feels right now is normal because she’s been hurt, she usually blames herself and thinks she’s done something wrong.

14. After a long fight, the empath will find a way to get away from the narcissist!

Despite the misfortune that hit her, the empath will find a way to calm herself down, take a step back to reevaluate the situation, and try to figure out the mess she’s found herself in.

15. Empaths have to understand that not all people are worthy of their love and attention.

They have to believe that there are unfortunately bad people out there, people who only look out for themselves without any fear of crushing anyone who stands in their way.

Empaths need to recognize that not everyone is like them.

The story ends with the empath struggling to get back on her feet, feeling defeated, embarrassed, and broken.

Meanwhile, the narcissist moves one without any regrets, like nothing ever happened, like the empath never even existed.

That’s the sad truth.

You invest your heart and soul and get hurt, while the ‘human’ moves on to destroy someone else’s life.