I’ll Never Let Another Man Consume My Time And Energy Without Deserving Them First
I believe in equal effort. Lack of effort shows me nothing but a lack of interest and that’s not how I imagine my relationship to …
I believe in equal effort. Lack of effort shows me nothing but a lack of interest and that’s not how I imagine my relationship to …
Do you ever get sick of men pretending they don’t know what they did wrong? What’s worse, they expect you to forget about it or …
Many times women complain about having a big dip in their relationships. Everything seems fine, you’re enjoying each other and then all of the sudden, …
They say you get over everyone and everything sooner or later. You just need time. And they are partially right. Time does heal most of …
I wish I could say that I hate you. I wish I could say that my love faded away and that I’m done because we …
This time I quit! I quit on you and everything that you represent. I am tired of being the one who cares more. I am …
I was told once that Valentine’s Day was created for men who hadn’t made any effort throughout the whole year, to make amends for behaving …
‘The women with the highest walls have the deepest love.’ – R.H. Sin Some women love too much. Sadly, they often end up hurt for …
We never had a chance. Honestly, we were doomed from the very beginning. You were already in love with someone else. Your heart was full …
I am done. And this time I mean it. I know we went through this a million times. I would say, “I am done, I …