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7 Life Changing Lessons We Can Learn From Introverts During These Hard Times

7 Life Changing Lessons We Can Learn From Introverts During These Hard Times

It seems to me that my world changed in a minute. From rushing through life to lockdown and self-isolation. It was so difficult to get used to such changes.

Everyday I would wake up early, then go to work. After work, I would go shopping with my friends or just hang out with them in our favorite cafe.

After that, I’d run back home to prepare dinner, and then get ready and go out with my friends again.

On weekends, I would always plan a trip or something adventurous because I thought that life is just that – an adventure – and how we should enjoy every second of our lives.

That is why these changes scared the hell out of me in the beginning. I started to feel anxious all of a sudden. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to cope with so many mixed feelings.

Then I realized I had two choices: to continue feeling sorry for myself and be depressed, or to find a way to take advantage of this situation and learn new things.

I started thinking about introverts and how their way of living is highly misunderstood. It’s clear to me now that introverts have a lot to teach us.

I embraced my newly introverted life and it all got much easier for me. I still think that we should enjoy every second of our lives, but there are many other ways to do so.

Here are some of the lessons we can all learn from introverts, and trust me, they’ll make your life during lockdown so much easier.

1. Enjoy spending time alone

Don’t be afraid to spend time with yourself. Trust me, you won’t be lonely. Instead, you’ll find out so many things about yourself that you weren’t aware of before.

There is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. If you truly love yourself and learn to enjoy your own company, you’ll never feel lonely.

Sometimes it’s necessary to hit the pause button in your life and recharge your batteries. The best way to do that is by being alone.

Alone with your thoughts. You just need that time alone to rewind after going nonstop.

2. Work on yourself

If you are in lockdown, that means that you are left with yourself. In order to make your life more interesting during this period, first you need to work on yourself – that means making yourself more fun and interesting.

Introverts consider self-love to not be selfish. They are very self-aware, like we all should be.

These difficult times showed me that there is always something about ourselves that we can improve upon.

I’ve been working on overcoming my fears. I’ve embraced all my imperfections because I’ve finally realized that they are also a part of me.

I’ve created a more positive self-image. All that has affected my self-esteem and turned me into a more confident person.

3. Books are our escape

Being alone, enjoying the night in, reading a good book, and sipping on their favorite drink – these are an introvert’s definition of fun.

During my self-isolation, I’ve started reading more. With every book I forget about our current situation and it takes me to some other places.

Places I have never been before. Places where people are happy and healthy.

Books are truly my only escape from everything bad that’s happening around me.

4. Technology is truly a gift

My favorite dates from now on are those spent staying in, watching movies, eating my favorite food, and drinking my favorite drinks.

Technology is helping us all to go through these hard times. We can still stay in contact with our loved ones and be entertained by playing computer games or watching TV.

We get all news about the coronavirus online – even though we obviously have to exercise caution because many reports are false. Also, it’s where we can find out how to protect ourselves better.

Related: 40 Hobbies For Introverts: Have Fun Alone & With Friends

5. My circle of friends is not so big

I’ve always thought that I have so many friends that I can count on in every situation in my life. I’ve now realized that introverts are right once again.

They believe we can’t have many true friends and they consider themselves happy if they have one true friend.

Besides my family members, only two friends called me and messaged me every day during self-isolation. They were worried for me.

They wanted to show me how much they care for me and offered help with everything I need.

I’ve realized they are my true friends – the people I can truly rely on in these hard times. And I’m truly grateful for them, my two biggest blessings from God.

6. Be more creative

Experts say that introverts are the most creative people. They don’t like to spend their energy by going out or attending parties all the time.

Instead, they choose to keep themselves company and try to be more creative by doing crafts that’ll make their home more cozy.

This is a time when we all can be more creative. I googled some DIY projects and redecorated my home and I feel very proud of myself.

Feeling more productive has also affected my self-esteem positively.

7. Hard times bring out the best in us

Our everyday obligations have made us forget what’s really important In life. We’ve become selfish and haven’t paid attention to other people and their needs.

Introverts sympathize with others, because they are the best listeners. They maintain that sometimes we need to be more observant and listen to what other people have to tell.

We’re all listening carefully to the experiences of people from Italy, China, Spain… We sympathize with people from all around the world. We have to admit that this crisis is really bringing people together.