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If You’re Tired Of Your Big Heart Getting Broken Again And Again, Read This

If You’re Tired Of Your Big Heart Getting Broken Again And Again, Read This

I know it hurts you to have a broken heart over and over again. I also know that you spend so much time thinking about real love and the day when it will enter your life. And with every breath of yours, you want it to happen as soon as possible because that is what you really, but really, need now in your life. When people disappoint you and when they break your heart, you need a man who will hug you and tell you that everything will be okay.

You need someone who will sometimes be strong for the both of you. When you feel that you can’t anymore, when you feel like your world is falling apart, you need him to be the wall you can lean on. The one who will be there for better or worse. The right one. Please bear in mind that a man like that will eventually come into your life. I don’t know if it will take days, months, or years for that to happen but I am sure that he will soon be next to you. And once you hug him, you will feel that you can conquer the whole world with one hand if he holds the other one.

With a man like this you will forget what it feels like to have a broken heart and you will only focus on the blessings you earned and you will have time to enjoy them. You won’t think about all the bad people who took advantage of you, thinking that they had the right to do that. You won’t think about being fucked up every time that you wanted to have something real with someone.

When you meet the right one, all the things that bothered you before will be easier to handle right now. You will realize that after so many years of pain and agony, you get to live a perfect life with your perfect man. I know that you couldn’t believe that something like this would ever happen to you but you were wrong. And I will be happy that you met him. You see, good girls get to be happy eventually. If you are sad now that doesn’t need to mean that you will stay like that forever. Things can change for the best when you least expect it.

So, no matter what happens and how life surprises you, don’t give up. No matter how many times your heart gets broken, don’t give up. Don’t give up on love. Don’t give up on good people. Don’t give up on your happiness. Don’t give up on your dreams. Because no matter how far away something might be, if you truly want it, it will get to you. It just needs to find the right path, to your brain and to your heart.

So, my dear girl with a broken heart, I have a message for you: Don’t let your past define you! Don’t let that bitch let you down, telling you that you are not worthy. I know that some bad things happened to you and I know that you were hurt too many times but now is the time to get up and fight. Don’t be sad because one man told you some time ago that you were not enough. Listen to me: You are more than enough! And never let anyone convince you of the opposite.

You weren’t the perfect woman for the wrong man and that is all that you should know. You see, for the wrong one, all your best won’t be enough, while for the right one even your worst will be more than enough. So never surrender and keep fighting for all the things that you deserve. And trust me, you deserve so much. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be cherished. You deserve to be taken care of. You deserve to be chased. And most importantly, you deserve all that to happen naturally.

So, before you tell yourself that you can’t do it anymore, think about all those things that you could gain if you try just a little bit harder. If you just could fight for your happiness and the love you deserve, everything would be different. And whatever you do, don’t ever forget all your bad experiences because they made you the woman you are today. Because of them, you are way stronger than before, way smarter and now, you won’t give up just like that. Not after everything that happened to you.

So, accept all the good and bad things that will come into your life and be thankful for all the blessings that heaven sends to you. Be thankful for the wounds, for the scars and for all those shitty boyfriends that you had the chance to be with. If it weren’t for them, you would never have become the person you are now. You would never have turned into a woman worthy of fighting for. And just like that, you would never have had the chance to meet the man of your dreams.

The one who doesn’t want to fix you, but the one who holds you tight while you fix yourself!