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Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

Learn from your mistakes. Let your past guide you to a better future and don’t gamble away the best thing that has ever happened to you due to childish fears!

In this day and age, it’s really hard to find someone who you share an incredible chemistry with – one that is based on more than just sex and lust. It’s rare to find a person who genuinely cares about you for no reason other than loving the shit out of you.

If you’ve got a girl who’s got your back, who gives you her time, and provides you with everything you could possibly want, don’t let her get away.

If you’ve got a girl who shows up in 5 minutes in your moment of crisis, and who doesn’t check her schedule to find out if she has time for you, you’re luckier than most!

Learn to appreciate the unassuming and unselfish love she gives you because she’s been hurt too. She just doesn’t let it dwindle her relationship with you. She’s really trying and you should show her double the effort.

If your girl does these 7 things for you, she cares about you more than you’re ready to know!

Don’t let her be the one that got away. Appreciate her while she’s yours, because girls like this are hard to find and even harder to keep!

And this girl desperately wants you to keep her.

1. She remembers the smallest details you told her about yourself

A year ago, you mentioned how your parents went to this tiny, gorgeous place in the south of France and you would give anything to get a chance to go there someday.

And guess what, not only did she remember, she also got you tickets to go together!

See? She listens and she keeps everything in that beautiful head of hers. And as soon as she has the chance, she’ll find a way to surprise you in the most pleasant way possible.

It’s not always going to be a fancy vacay, but it will be so important because it shows her commitment.

2. She gives you the advice you need to hear, no matter how harsh it may sound

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

Your friends will sugar-coat it and your parents will try to find the best in the situation you’ve got yourself in.

But your girl, she’ll tell you exactly what you need to hear in order to get your shit together.

She knows that’s the only way to grow, learn from your mistakes, and move forward with a clean slate.

And with time, you’ll realize that was the best thing anyone has ever done for you.

3. She asks about everyone in your life with genuine interest

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

If you’ve got a sick aunt, she’ll ask about her every day, wondering if there’s anything she can do.

If your parents are going through a rough patch, she’ll be your rock and your shoulder to lean on when it hits you hard.

And if your sister gets a promotion or your brother gets engaged, she’ll be over the moon for them!

She will feel everything deeply and immensely, just like it’s her own family. And if that’s not something that makes her super special, I don’t know what is!

4. She pushes you when you’re feeling down and never lets you feel sorry for yourself

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

She knows you’ve got hopes and dreams. She understands how hard you’ve worked at making them come true. And this is why she will never let you give up when the going gets tough.

She’ll never let you feel sorry for yourself because she knows that if you can dream it, you can achieve it!

And with her support and the amount of hard work and perseverance you put into it, giving up is NOT an option. Not today, not ever, and she’ll make sure you know that.

5. She’s the BEST at showing you love at the most random (yet most needed!) moments

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

She has this way about her that makes it so easy for her to read your every mood.

You may not tell her you’re going through something, but she’ll know. And at that time, she’ll make sure you’re overcome with love and affection.

She’ll text you the sweetest thing during your day and she’ll pick you up after work to take you to your favourite place.

She’ll cook your favourite meal and give you dessert in bed! Whatever you need to feel like yourself again – she’s on it!

6. She never plays games (she tells it like it is)

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

Probably one of the most awesome things about her is that she’ll never make you guess what she wants and how she’s feeling.

She’ll always tell you how it is, no matter how good or bad. If she’s feeling like shit, she’ll tell you. If she’s mad, you’ll know it!

But one thing she’ll NEVER do is play mind games. There is no time to waste on such childish behavior, when honesty makes everything better so much faster.

So with her, you never have to worry about where you stand. She’ll always make sure to be one hundred percent honest.

7. She will defend your name in your absence

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You

She’ll get mad at you in person and she’ll act accordingly. But when you’re not there, she’s got your back at all times. If she hears someone slandering your name, she’s going to make sure to tell them how wrong they are. 

If somebody tries to cross you behind your back, she’s going to tell you to beware of them.

Whenever somebody has bad intentions that you’re not aware of, she’ll fiercely guard you and never let somebody make that mistake twice. 

Because that’s what couples do. They may fight in private, but they keep each other from harm in public.

And they make sure everybody else is aware of it. With this girl, you can be damn sure you’ll never get crossed. She’s got you, as long as you’ve got her.

Never Push Away A Girl Who Does These 7 Things For You