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17 Creative Third Date Ideas To Make Your Date Memorable

17 Creative Third Date Ideas To Make Your Date Memorable

Even though most people will give you numerous date tips when it comes to first date ideas, what they seem to forget is that the third date is actually more important than the first date.

Every piece of date advice you hear or read will tell you that this is the date in which you should seal the deal and the date which will determine the future direction of your relationship with this person.

This is the date which will bring your relationship to the next level, if you play your cards right, and this is why you want it to be a memorable experience.

This is the moment when you need to deepen your relationship with the other person, if you plan on having one. This is when you need to be your best original self.

On the one hand, you’re aware that you have to do something which will make you stand out from the crowd and something that’s worth remembering.

However, on the other hand, you feel like you’re out of creative date night ideas because you’ve outdone yourself on the first date ideas, and now you simply don’t know what to do.

If this is the case, you’ve come to the right place because you’re about to find everything you’re looking for.

Here are some of the best third date ideas which will definitely make your date memorable.Just pick one of these date night ideas, and you are good to go.

Of course, you can use most of them on your fourth date, as well, because you don’t want to ruin the impression you’re about to make, right after making it, do you?

Just remember to do your best because the third time’s the charm.

Movie night

If you google “third date ideas winter”, binge watching your favorite TV shows or movies on Netflix is probably the first thing you’ll run into.

Although this can be considered one of the most typical dates, it is something most couples enjoy doing in all seasons, and it will never go out of style. This date will help you to get to know your potential partner better.

You can see their movie preferences, and their opinions about different things happening in the movie you watch will help you find out more about their tastes.

Besides being a chance to casually hang out and flirt, it gives you a lot to chat about afterward; you two will surely discuss the movie and share your impressions about it.

If you want this date to really be special, you should wake up your creative side and arrange a different kind of movie night.

You could invite your date to a night in, where you turn your room into a real cinema.

You can bring in some special lighting, buy popcorn, and make a real spectacle of it.

Trust me—this way, you’ll give Netflix and chill a whole new dimension, and the movie you’ve watched will be a great conversation starter for the rest of the evening.

Taking your date to an open-air, outdoor cinema, where you will watch a movie surrounded by nature and where you can take a long walk in the park afterward, will also be a date worth remembering.

If it gets cold, you two could snuggle as much as you want. On the other hand, if you guys are not that much into watching movies, you can skip a movie date and instead, play some video games in the privacy of your home or somewhere outside.

Forget about the prejudices that video games are for kids and nerds—relax and have a blast!

Flip a penny

One of the great date ideas includes flipping a penny. Have you run out of creative ideas of where to go, but you know that you both want to have fun or are you simply unable to find a compromise?

Well, then, flipping a penny is the perfect thing for you, and something that can make your partner fall in love with you like crazy. There are a few rules to this date, and they are pretty simple.

When you and your partner meet, let them choose a number between 10 and 20.

This will be the number of times you will flip the penny in total.

To start, choose a physical direction: forward/backward OR right/left.

You always need two choices but only two because there are only two sides to a penny. Now, grab a penny, and flip it.

The penny will make your decision for you. One side of the penny tells you to go left and the other one tells you to go right (or forward/backward).

Follow the penny’s decision, and every time you come to a junction, flip the penny, and let it decide in which direction you will go.

Continue flipping the penny the number of times your partner picked in the beginning.

When you get to that number, stop, look around, and make a date wherever you are.

If you find yourself in front of a coffee shop, you need to have coffee there; if you are in front of a club, you need to go in; or if you find yourself in nature, just sit in the car and enjoy the view…or take a romantic walk.

You may think that this date idea is complicated to pull off, but trust me—your partner will remember it forever because it is anything but ordinary. Also, this is exactly what kind of impression you want to leave.

Questions game

Another piece of creative third date advice is to play a question game in which you ask your partner questions to get to know them better.

Besides being a fun activity, this date idea will bring you more good things than you think.

It helps you get to know your partner better, and it gives you an opportunity to present yourself in the best possible light.

First of all, you need to choose a quiet place for this game because obviously you can’t play it in a crowded club.

When you’ve done that, if you want to make your partner fall and stay in love with you, you both need to decide to be honest toward each other because if you don’t, this game doesn’t have any point.

Besides, if you choose to be dishonest, it will come to the surface sooner or later, and it will only show that you weren’t your true self in the beginning.

Of course, it is OK if one or both of you don’t want to tackle some topics.

After all, you are just on your third date, and it is reasonable if you still want to keep some things private. When you’ve set up all the rules, you are good to go.

You can ask each other questions about your past, questions regarding the expectations of this relationship, questions about future plans and goals or some more intimate questions.

If nobody has asked for any topics to be removed from the conversation, you can also ask one another about your favorite sex positions or what the craziest place you had sex with someone is.

If you want to really make the other person think, you can ask them questions like who they would like to have dinner with, given the choice of anyone in the world, or what are their biggest regrets in life or when was the last time they were truly happy.

You could also find out your partner’s opinion of you or the feelings they might already have by asking them to name five things they like about you and five things they would gladly change about you.

Either way, maybe it is best to start with more simple questions, such as the type of music they like to listen to, who is their favorite author and why, or about the place they would most like to visit and see in which direction the night takes you.

It is possible for you or your partner not to be relaxed while answering the questions in the beginning but trust me—you both will open up to each other as the night goes on.

Cooking dinner together

You and your date partner have probably already had dinner as your first or second date idea, so you want to make the third one more special and different.

One of the things you can do to make that happen is to have this dinner at your or your partner’s place.

Of course, you can always order takeout or check out some food trucks, but it is a better idea if you cook together.

It doesn’t matter if your cooking skills are not professional or perfect; this is the way you are showing your partner that they are worthy of your efforts.

Make sure you keep things simple because cooking some extremely complicated meals will take all of your attention off of your date.

Also, you should prepare as much as possible so that you can pay most of your attention to your date when they come over.

Just make sure to leave some simple tasks for your partner, so they can feel involved.

You can find numerous, different, easy dinner recipes before your partner arrives and then let them choose what you’ll be making. It will at least show that you’ve put some effort into this date.

Also, make sure not to serve anything messy or difficult to eat because getting sauce on your shirts can feel awkward for both of you.

After all, this is only your third date, and you are still probably not that comfortable around each other.

It’s your choice whether you’ll get all your supplies at the farmer’s market on your own or you’ll include your date in the purchase because going to a farmer’s market together is also a great date idea.

On the other hand, if you’re not much of a cook, you can always order take out and rearrange it, telling your partner that you’ve made dinner yourself.

It will be much more romantic than directly presenting your date with take out food from a restaurant!

A massage

If you really want this date to turn into a more serious relationship, you will want to make your partner as relaxed as possible in front of you.

One of the ways to do so is to take them on a couples’ massage. This will deeply connect the two of you and will be an enjoyable experience.

You and your partner can spend an entire day together; you can go to the spa or the sauna but if this is something you find hard to afford, remember that you can create something similar at home.

You can start by making a spa day invitation for your partner, with the location being your house.

If you are creative enough, you can almost recreate a real spa center in your home.

The first thing you need to do is prepare bathrobes for both of you, one of which you will hand out to your partner the second they enter the door.

Make sure to have a warm bath waiting for them, which you can fill with aroma salts.

Also, you can have some wine or fresh fruit to make the entire event even more enjoyable.

After you are done relaxing in the bath, you can continue by giving each other a massage.

If you don’t have a massage table, you can even use your bed.

Neither of you is probably a professional, but this sensual massage you give to each other can be the magnificent start to something more.

It gives you both a chance to show that you are ready to put some effort into the other person, and it is a great end to a stressful, busy day.

Besides, giving each other a massage is one of the most intimate things to do with your partner.


Sometimes, you have wonderful and romantic date ideas but you simply can’t afford most of them.

If this is the case, stargazing is perfect for everyone on a budget because it is practically free, yet memorable at the same time.

You don’t need anything for this romantic date to be perfect besides some beverages, snacks, a warm blanket and a map of the stars.

Looking at the stars has always been considered romantic, and your partner will definitely know how special they are to you if you decide to share this experience with them.

Before you plan this date, you need to take into account the weather conditions because this is an outdoor activity.

Although you probably think that a night with a full moon is the best timing for observing the stars, you are actually wrong.

It would be best for you to pick a night when the moon is the smallest because otherwise, it alone will light up the sky, and it will be difficult for you to see the stars clearly. Another important thing is the setting that you choose.

This date requires a peaceful, natural environment, so you want to move away as far as possible from a crowded city for it to be more romantic…and to see the stars better. City lights make it difficult to stargaze.

Prepare some takeout from a nearby food truck or make some sandwiches if you get hungry.

Also, some soft background music to help you set the mood.

If you want to come to this date prepared, research the stars a little bit, and it will help you explain some things to your date.

You can also bring a map of the stars so the two of you are familiar with what you are looking at.

Just make sure that your focus always stays on your partner, no matter what.

Besides, if you or your partner has a romantic soul but a dirty mind, this date idea is perfect for you; it brings romance into the relationship, but it also gives you two a chance to snuggle, which can be the start of something more.

Karaoke bar

One of the greatest third date ideas, which you can also use as your fourth date idea when you two become a little more relaxed is going to a karaoke bar.

This is something that may not be the first thing on your mind when you plan a date but trust me—it will be a great and fun experience for both you and your partner.

First of all, the atmosphere in every karaoke bar is already full of energy, so this date will be anything but boring.

Although this is not your first date, it is possible that you and your partner are still not very comfortable with each other, and karaoke night will definitely be one of the icebreakers you need.

This way, you can have a great time without feeling you are at an interview. Also, this is an affordable option if you are looking for one.

Besides, you can also make a karaoke night in the privacy of your own home if you or your partner is anxious about singing around strangers.

There are numerous karaoke apps which you can download for free so that you and your date can sing as much as you want.

The only thing you need to remember is that this date is not about your ability to sing, so don’t feel embarrassed while doing so.

It should be a bonding experience and one of the most memorable dates you’ll ever have, so be free to fool around as much as you want.

A photo booth

When you plan (and hope) on having a meaningful relationship with someone, you want to start making your memories right from the start.

One of the best ways to do this is to take your partner to a photo booth date.

If you want to make this date even more exciting and memorable, you can pack a bag of funny and creative props which will make your photos goofy.

You can buy these props all around you, but you can also make them without much effort.

You can make paper glasses, hats or mustaches. It would also be fun for you to make or buy matching props for you and your date, just in different colors.

The next thing you need to do is get inside a photo booth, and start making memories.

If you don’t have a photo booth anywhere near you or you are on a budget, there is a solution for you as well.

Just download a phone or computer app that has a photo booth effect.

Since we live in the age of social media, taking a photo with someone is anything but special.

Therefore, if you really want your date to be unique and memorable, print those photos, and give a copy to your date.

This way, both of you will have something to remember each other forever, even if you become one another’s distant memory and even if it happens that you don’t remain friends on social media forever.

If you stay with this person for a long time, I am sure you both will be happy to have a lasting memory – e.g. a photo of one of your first ever kisses.


In the old days, dance dates were almost mandatory, and sadly, in our times, this seems to be a forgotten art.

However, if you are looking for some always fashionable date tips and always good third date ideas and if you really want to leave a good impression on your partner, taking them out to dance is something that never goes out of style.

And I am not talking about going to a crowded, noisy club here.

You can take your date to a restaurant which has a dancefloor or to a dance night for couples, which will show your partner that you are a hopeless romantic and that you don’t follow the rules of modern dating.

Also, you can always take them to dancing lessons, which is both beneficial and fun for both of you.

On the other hand, if you are low on funds, you can also have a dance night right in your living room.

Just make sure to get some romantic, slow ,and that is everything you need.

Remember that you don’t have to be an excellent dancer—just let the rhythm carry you.

The process of dancing itself requires that you and your partner hold hands, so this is a great chance to break the ice when it comes to physical contact, and it is a great bonding experience.

Beer or wine tasting

It is perfectly natural for both you and your date to be a little bit shy and uncomfortable around each other in the beginning.

This doesn’t mean you don’t like each other. On the contrary, the two of you are probably head over heels for one another, and consequently, you are both nervous.

This is especially the case when it comes to the third date because you both know that it is the most important one so far.

Therefore, if you want to loosen up the mood and to remove the tension, you need something to relax you.

And what is better than alcohol? You could take your date on a brewery tour.

This can be interesting because you two will have a chance to learn something new besides tasting new types of beer.

Another great idea is to go to a cheese and wine tasting. You don’t have to go anywhere fancy to do this—you can even arrange it at home.

Instead of buying one big bottle of wine, you can buy a few small ones.

It is enough for you to buy three or four bottles of wine, and it is even better if you choose a few that neither you nor your partner has ever tried.

Now, you just need a baguette, several different types of cheese, some fruit, and you are good to go.

If you are creative enough, you can decorate the table in a proper way, which will make your date forget they are at home.

When you come to think of it, this date idea ends up being more affordable than a typical dinner or movie date, and it is definitely something worth remembering.

Although wine or beer tasting is quite simple, it will also give you a sense of emotional intimacy because it loosens the mood and gives you and your partner a chance to be more intimate.

Of course, you need to make sure not to get drunk on this date because that will leave the worst possible impression.

It will take off all the attention from the date, and it will show that you can’t control yourself.

Remember that nobody wants to be your babysitter while they are trying to enjoy their date.

Mini road trip

Since your dates until now were real successes, you may say you want to spend an entire day with this person.

One of the best ways to spend time together is to arrange a road trip with them.

No, you don’t have to google things such as “third date ideas NYC” or “third date ideas London” to impress your date.

This is just a one-day tour to a nearby place which will help you bond.

If you like to be spontaneous, you can just get in the car and start driving.

You two don’t have to plan where your final destination will be. Instead, if you want to be adventurous, you can just stop somewhere along the way when you get tired of driving around.

Trust me—you will discover great sites on the way. If you want to try something a little bit more predictable, you can plan exactly where to go.

If you want to make your partner happy, you can ask them what the nearby place they would most like to visit is, without them knowing the reason for your question. This way, you can surprise them by taking them there.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is to adjust your route and time spent in the car with the fact that it is just your third date and your first time going somewhere outside the city.

No matter how much you like someone, spending eight hours in a car with them, for example, can become awkward.

Make sure you bring some music on this date. If you and your partner don’t have similar music tastes , make a compromise or bring an audiobook or something similar.

Which music to choose can be a great conversation starter, and it will help you get past any awkward silences.

A sports activity

What is better than rooting for your favorite sports team next to the person you like?

Even if you guys aren’t fans of the same team, watching a football or basketball game together can be a fun experience which will make you even closer.

The best part is that you don’t have to stop there. You can take them to any kind of physical activity, such as a one-on-one basketball game or to take a swim in a nearby pool.

Of course, the best would be if you take your date to some physical activity they haven’t tried yet such as kayaking, mini golf or horseback riding, .

This way, they’ll always connect you with the first time they did something new, and you’ll remain in their memory forever, even if your relationship doesn’t reach its full potential.

This physical activity doesn’t have to be an exhausting one. If you two aren’t in such good shape, a long walk, a party of mini golf or a quick run will be more than enough.

On the other hand, if both of you are in the mood for something more adventurous, skydiving, bungee jumping, creeing (which is an extreme version of kayaking), cliff diving, horseback riding or parkour are the thing for you.

Garage sales

If you’re looking for some third date gift ideas, cruising your city looking for garage sales is a way to go.

After all, this is the person you’re just getting to know, whose taste you’re not yet familiar with, and if you want to get her a little something to remember this special day by, things you’ll find in these sales are the right choice.

Besides, you don’t want to be overly pushy and buy your partner something fancy and expensive.

You can see what they like while you two are going from one garage to another, and get your date a souvenir that will always remind them of you.

A comedy club

Let’s be honest—every time you take your date out, you want both of you to have a good laugh.

There will be plenty of occasions for something serious, but when you’ve just start seeing each other, everything should be fun and games.

That is exactly why a comedy show or a comedy club is one of the best third date ideas (which you can also use as first or second date ideas).

Taking your date out to see a stand-up comedy show is a way for the two of you to loosen up your nerves and to relax next to each other.

Besides, this date will help you out, as well. Instead of doing your best to be funny to surpass the awkwardness, others will do the job for you.

Animal shelter

Another one of the fun third date ideas (which you can also use as a second date idea) is inviting your date to hang out in an animal shelter.

Besides it being an extraordinary way to spend a day, it will also give you a chance to show your good personality qualities to the person you like.

You’ll get to show them that you’re compassionate, selfless, and that you empathize with those in need; that you care for all creatures on this Earth and that you adore animals, which is always a plus in the dating game.

You two don’t have to adopt an animal. You can just help the shelter with their chores or you can pass the word around about the animals in need.

Either way, I assure you that you’ll both feel great about yourselves for doing this charity work, and your date will be amazed by your idea.

Live music

There is no better place to flirt and achieve physical contact than at a live concert of your favorite band, and that is exactly why this is one of the best third date evening ideas you’ll hear.

Live music is even better as a second date idea because this way, you don’t have to come up with different topics to talk about during your night.

Instead, you can just enjoy the atmosphere, and let the music take you!

Just make sure to find out more about your partner’s taste in music before buying tickets for a concert.

If you guys like different music, try making a compromise or make reservations for something which will be new and different for both of you.

Take a cooking class together

They say that a way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. And trust me—there is some truth in that.

Therefore, if you want to avoid inviting your date to your place so you can cook together (so they don’t get the wrong impression and assume you just want to get into their pants), and if you’ve already used fancy dinner as your first or second date idea, one of the romantic third date ideas you should follow is taking cooking classes.

It doesn’t matter if you guys are beginners or if one of you is better at cooking.

There are many classes for all levels, and each one will give you a memorable experience.

Remember that neither of you two is a professional chef, so it is possible that your cooking turns out to be a disaster. Even if that happens, don’t consider it a big deal.

Instead, laugh at yourselves, and just move on to the first pizza place or food truck you run into, and continue your date there.