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10 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (But Won’t Admit It)

10 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (But Won’t Admit It)

Want to know what’s really going on in your man’s head and whether he’s genuinely interested in you?

Well, there isn’t a better way to find this one out than to look for good old signs he misses you !

The only better thing would be learning everything about the ways his mind works so you know how to turn it all into your advantage. But… is that even possible? It is now, with a course called His Secret Obsession.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a new relationship , a long-distance relationship , you’ve been on a date a couple of times (or you simply have a crush on him), there will always come a time when you will ask yourself: ” What the hell is going on in this man’s head ?” and start looking for some kind of validation of his feelings toward you.

After a few unanswered phone calls or unreturned text messages , you definitely decide that it’s time to start looking for little things , clues and sure signs he misses you .

And even if he’s saying those three words, ” I miss you , ” on repeat, you can’t really trust him to the fullest because it’s impossible to be one hundred percent positive that he’s being honest.

What if I told you there’s a way you never again have to worry about what he’s thinking? What if I promised you right now that you’ll get him to open up to you completely and give you all you ever wanted – his attention and devotion?

Well, there is, and I promise you it works. Infatuation Scripts are made by those who found the only way to get a man and keep him forever and decided to share it with the all the girls out there wishing to do the same.

You can’t be sure whether he is being sincere or he just wants to get into your pants.

Maybe you’re going to end up with a broken heart because you are a victim of a player or you’re going to be almost happy for the rest of your life in an almost perfect relationship. You definitely don’t want either, right?

So, to find out if a man really misses you, you can either ask his best friends , decipher his drunk texts or decide to take things solely into your own hands and observe his behavior instead!

By observing his behavior, I mean looking for obvious signs he misses you, which have probably been there in front of you the whole time but you just needed a little reminder of them!

1. He makes an effort to keep the conversation going

Well, this is a clear sign that he wants to communicate with you. Maybe he is feeling lonely and he wants to be in your presence.

Now, I know it’s not easy to conclude whether he is texting you because he wants something from you or he truly misses you because he wants to be with you.

But you can easily figure that out from the way he texts you and from the way you text him back.

To do a little experiment, try to ignore his texts for a few hours and see what happens next.

Pay attention to how long it will take him to answer you and how he will answer you.

If he has false intentions, he probably won’t go to the trouble of texting you again. He’ll read into your silence as a negative answer.

But if he texts you again, worried because you didn’t answer back, then you’ve got something on your hands. He would want to know if you miss him, too!

The bottom line is that when a man misses you, he will do anything to keep the conversation going with you because he misses you madly and he simply can’t satisfy himself with a short texting session or some small talk when he calls you!

2. He always talks about you

Have you heard from anyone recently that he’s been talking about you? If this is the case, then you can be one hundred percent sure that he really misses you A LOT.

You see, when we miss someone badly, we can’t ourself but talk about that person when they’re not around because by doing that, we feel like the person is with us.  And that’s exactly what he’s doing.

He wants other people to know how crazy he is about you and given that he’s constantly thinking about you, he wouldn’t be able to stop talking about you even if he wanted to! (So, if this is not a good sign that he truly misses you, then I don’t know what is!)

3. He leaves comments and likes your posts on social media

Okay, so missing someone doesn’t necessarily mean that you are in a relationship.

You can miss someone you’ve broken up with. You can miss someone you’ve only seen walking by you.

You can miss a guy who works at the mall where you bought your laptop.

Missing someone doesn’t have to have anything to do with being in a relationship.

If a guy ‘stalks’ you on social media and you never dated him, he’s probably head over heels in love with you and misses you because he never had you.

If someone you’ve been with sends you texts on social media or hits ‘like’ and comments on every picture you post, it’s definitely one of the biggest signs that he misses you and probably wants to date you again—he wants you back.

If you’ve been apart for some time and he still contacts you and is involved on your social media profiles, he has definitely not moved on.

See also: 143 Text Messages That Will Make Him Want And Miss You Even More

4. He wants you to send him pictures

This is definitely a sign that he misses you but in what way is the question.

This could be dirty AF but it can be completely innocent. It’s possible that he only has the hots for you and he wants you to send him your pictures to satisfy his needs.

But on the other hand, he might be asking you for a picture because he truly misses you and he wants to have you by his side, even virtually.

He wants to see your face because it makes him happy. He wants to be able to think of you whenever he takes out his phone.

He wants to use every moment of his free time to look at the face he misses the most—yours.

5. He insists on seeing you

When a guy misses you, he most definitely wants to see you. He probably insists on seeing you and when you meet, he talks about seeing you again.

This is one of the biggest bulletproof signs that he misses you and that he means business.

This really means that he is interested in you and probably wants something more than you already have (especially if it is your first time going on a date). Of course, this can go both ways.

He can say he misses you and have an ulterior motive and he just wants to use you.

The only way to know for sure is to wait for him to make an effort and do something about seeing you.

Words don’t mean anything if they are not followed by actions. So, be smart and patient and wait for him to prove that he really wants to see you and that he misses you.

6. He’s a little bit jealous

If he is jealous but not possessively jealous , it means he really misses you.

Guys have the need to show everyone that you are theirs. They want to let everyone know that you are taken and others better mind their own business and try to find their happiness somewhere else because you are theirs.

This can be very annoying. You may feel like he’s suffocating you but as long as it’s within normal limits, you’re safe.

On the other hand, there are people who have a serious problem.

There are guys who will start controlling you because they don’t trust you.

Maybe they are too scared that you’ll meet a new person and you’re going to leave them, so they imagine things and blow certain situations out of proportion.

And when you confront them about it, they will assure you that they love you and they act that way because they miss you. Be careful and don’t let anyone take away your freedom or restrict you in any way.

If you see that he is doing just that, then he doesn’t miss you—he just has a serious problem.

See also: 10 Effective Ways To Make A Guy Jealous And Want You More

7. His friends give you hints

Let’s say the two of you were in a relationship and you broke up. Some time has passed and you haven’t heard from him for a while but his friends and your friends give you hints that he isn’t over you and that he misses you.

They tell you that he constantly talks about the good times you two had or he’s all of a sudden checking your old pictures and asking about your love life.

He might also ask his friends about dating advice as well because this time he wants to make sure not to screw things up with you.

If he’s doing all of this, he is probably too shy to say it himself or he wants to give you your space.

This is definitely a true sign of missing someone and it means he wants you back.

Maybe he has realized what a jerk he has been and since he isn’t forcing you to talk to him or molesting you, maybe you should think about giving him a second chance.

8. He drunk-dials you

I know that most of you instantly get the idea that the only thing he wants is a booty call.

But, as in most cases, every story has two sides, and so does this one.

No, he might not give a damn about you and is probably in the mood for a little something and the best solution is to seek it where you’ve been getting it regularly.

So, yes, there is a big chance that he might be saying he misses you only to get in bed with you.

But there is also a possibility he wants to be with you. There is an equal chance that he truly misses you.

Maybe he didn’t have the courage to call you; maybe he didn’t know what to say to you.

You know that we all do stupid stuff when we get drunk but we are all so incredibly brave in those moments, too.

Maybe that was all he needed—a little push in the right direction to tell you that he misses you and still loves you.

There is one way to know this for sure but unfortunately, it doesn’t work every time because we are all different and there is no one hundred percent positive template of human behavior. That’s the beauty of it.

But after this wild night, if he calls or texts you the next morning to say that he is sorry about his behavior, then he is probably just being honest and was emotional the night before. If he doesn’t contact you, he probably wanted one thing—sex.

9. He suggests video chatting

When we really miss someone, we’re dying on the inside to see that person, right?

So, if he suggests video chatting on Facetime or other chatting apps with you, then you know he misses you like crazy and that spending time with you (even over cam) is his priority.

He misses your voice, your face and your aura and that’s why he can’t help but ask you to turn on that cam and make his day. He’s literally screaming: “I want you !”

Also, if you notice that he’s flirting or complimenting you during a video session, what else do you need? Girl, that boy is head over heels for you and he doesn’t only miss you, he misses you BADLY!

See also: 5 Proven Ways To Make Him Miss You Madly

10. He (honestly) says he misses you

This is the most beautiful thing a man can tell you but how can you know that he really means it?

When a man tells you, ” I miss you , ” your instincts will tell you if he is being himself and that his intentions are honorable.

And of course, not all men can stay cool and together all the time.

Even the ones who have the hardest exterior give in to the internal pressure that love evokes in them.

But the bottom line is you will know that he is being honest. You will be able to see it in his eyes.

And he will most definitely prove it to you. Because when someone misses you truly, he won’t feed you with empty words. Instead, he will make sure to show it to you!