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10 Memorable Things To Do On A First Date To Impress Your Partner

10 Memorable Things To Do On A First Date To Impress Your Partner

It doesn’t matter if you’ve met this special someone on a dating app or the two of you have known each other for a while, now is your chance to spend time with this person and you have to do everything in your power to make the best possible first impression. And a memorable first date (including a first date kiss) is surely something that will get you bonus points and help you get a girlfriend or boyfriend.

That is why you need to think outside the box and move away from traditional dates. We are giving you just the right dating tips and ideas to do so.

Indoor activities

When you think about modern dating, the first image that comes through your mind is that of two people sitting in a coffee-shop having ice-cream, in a restaurant eating dinner, or having a few drinks and talking to each other in a bar. But that doesn’t mean that your date has to look like this because here you have 6 of the most interesting indoor activities to take your partner to.

1. Go to the movies

So, this one is a classic but trust me, it always works, especially if you are shy or socially awkward. If you take your date to the movies, you’ll spend approximately two hours without having to think of the topics to talk about.

Besides, the cozy atmosphere in the movies gives you a chance for some physical bonding. This is an opportunity for you to hug or even kiss your date spontaneously, without it being awkward. Just make sure to follow their non-verbal signs and body language because that will help you not to cross any lines or boundaries!

And this is not even the best part because going out to the movies is a great ice breaker for every date, especially including the first one. After the film is over, you can have drinks or dinner because I am sure that you will want to share your impressions about it.

This gives you a great insight into their opinions and attitudes and will tell you a lot about their taste and preferences. Did you and your date like the same things about the film?

Just be careful when it comes to choice of the movie. It might be a good idea to examine the genre your date likes and then you can choose an appropriate film accordingly. If you plan on watching a comedy, prepare yourself for loads of laughter. But, on the other hand, you might also want to go see something more serious, which will give both of you a chance to offer some critical review of the film.

2. Visit an animal shelter, an aquarium or the zoo

First dates can be scary and are often a source of anxiety, despite the level of your self-esteem. After all, you like this person very much and it is obvious that you want to make a great first impression.

But, at the same time, you are afraid that you’ll be too nervous and that you won’t be able to show your best. You are scared that your anxiety will block you completely and that your date will give up on you before you guys even started anything.

That is why you should choose a relaxing and stress-free environment for your first date. And what is better than hanging out with some puppies and other animals to loosen the things up?

If you are looking for interesting first date ideas, visiting a zoo, an aquarium or animal shelters is just the thing for you. If an animal shelter is your choice, your date will be amazed by your empathy to other beings and they will immediately fall for your caring and loving heart. You might even inspire them to adopt!

It has been scientifically proven that petting animals reduces tension and anxiety and this is exactly the therapy you need. Besides, you are also doing a good thing because these animals need all the love they can get.

3. Take a cooking class together

There is a reason why people say that a way through someone’s heart is often through their stomach because food really does connect people on a special level. So, naturally, you want your first date to include eating.

But, at the same time, you want to stand out and that means that you should avoid taking your special someone out on a traditional dinner date. Inviting them over for a meal might be misinterpreted as a booty call and it is not the most appropriate thing for the first date because this is someone you are just getting to know.

Worry not, because you are about to find the best possible solution for your problems. nother bonding experience for you and your date can be taking a couple’s cooking class.

Besides being a fun date activity for both of you to work on together, it will also give you a chance to talk about each other’s taste in food and to do some small talk while doing the cooking. Trust me, this will be a date to remember.

4. Go to the art museum or to see a play

If you want to move away from noisy clubs and bars but do something different for your first date, a great idea is to go to the museum or to a theater. Similar to the movies, this gives you a chance to chat about everything you saw, while also giving you an opportunity to learn new things about your date.

This is an opportunity for you to express your knowledge about art and history and to fascinate your date with all the information you have. An opportunity for the two of you to discuss different social subjects and to move away from the traditional first-date small talk.

5. Karaoke, board games tournament or trivia night

Taking your date out on a game tournament, karaoke or trivia night can also be an interesting and a super fun way to spend the date indoors. These are all interactive activities that give you and your date an opportunity to spend a playful night, embracing your inner child.

You might think that karaoke is embarrassing but it is actually exactly the icebreaker you need to tackle the awkwardness right away. And the best part about it is that your singing skills are completely irrelevant here.

Karaoke will help you find about everything you need to know about one another’s musical interests and it will bring many topics to chit-chat about. What is your date’s favorite song, band or musician?

Besides, it helps you get to know your date better. Are they shy? If they hesitate going up on the stage, you can give them a hand by offering to sing a duet, which will be an amazing bonding experience for the two of you. Or do they enjoy being under the spotlight?

When it comes to trivia night and other date ideas that include playing games, they offer you and your date a chance to work together as a team and it helps you see the two of you as a couple, working against others. Besides, it helps you get rid of the pressure of avoiding awkward silence. Don’t mind if you don’t get all the answers right because that is not the point of this first date idea.

6. Take a dance class

Another romantic date idea that helps you and your date get physically and spiritually closer is definitely taking them dancing. You guys can take a dance class or just hit the club with your favorite music playing.

Besides being a form of artistic expression, dancing also gives you a chance to learn a lot about your partner. While dancing, the two of you will definitely kick things off on a physical note from the start.

It can also give you a hint whether you two will be compatible in the bedroom, because dancing skills are much related to sex skills, according to many experts.

See also: What To Text A Guy After A First Date: 70 Best Text Examples

Outdoor activities

The truth is that most of the people almost always refer to the first date as an indoor activity. But things don’t always have to be that way because some of the most exciting first date ideas include taking your special someone outdoors and here are 4 of them.

1. Do a sport together

If you invite your partner to do a sport together, it gives you a chance to express your vitality, which will surely make you more attractive to your date. Besides, this type of date shows them that you care about your health and physical appearance and that is always a huge plus.

Doing sports together also shows your adventurous side and that is definitely a positive quality in a potential partner. It shows that you are not a boring type and that you are ready to bring some excitement in your life.

Mini golf, hiking or a bike ride are always good ideas for this type of activity. In summer, you can ask your date out swimming.In winter, you guys can go skiing or visit an ice skate park.

2. Visit the amusement park

If you are looking for some adrenaline and excitement, visiting the amusement theme park is just the thing for you. Besides, this is also a way to awaken your inner child because who doesn’t have a childhood memory connected to a theme park? Amusement parks have a plenty of activities so you can be sure that you won’t get bored, even if your date doesn’t go exactly as planned.

It is scientifically proven that fear and sexual arousal provoke similar reactions in our body. It means that you and your date’s heart will be pumping and you guys will feel butterflies. And that is a great thing because it means that you date will always connect these feelings of arousal and excitement with you.

3. Pretend to be a tourist

Even though going on a road trip is a great date idea, it might be a little too much for a first date. After all, you don’t know this person just yet and you don’t want to travel with them right away.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t pretend to be a tourist in your own city. It is possible that you’ve lived here your entire life but I am sure there are still some things you would like to see or revisit and here is an opportunity to do so.

A great way to start this date off is for your partner to take you on a location they find interesting. After they tell you everything you need to know about it, it is your turn to show them around the city and for you to choose the next location.

This idea gives you a chance to learn a lot about your date. What are the sites they find interesting? Do you guys have similar preferences? Did you like the place they showed you?

4. Make a picnic

When you plan an outdoor activity, nothing can be a more memorable date idea than a picnic. This way, you and your date get to focus on each other, without any distractions.

And the best thing is that you don’t need much to make this date memorable. You don’t need to make some fancy and complicated meals because that is not what will impress your date. Just bring a comfortable mat, something to drink and some snacks.

Make sure to check the weather and the location before you engage in this activity because what is more romantic than having your first kiss under the sunset?