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Top 30 Fun Texting Games To Play With Your Partner

Top 30 Fun Texting Games To Play With Your Partner

Fun texting games to play are a great alternative if you have gotten bored of the typical texting conversation patterns.

I mean, we live in the 21st century, right? So, it would be a sin not to use the charms of modern technology to our advantage, don’t you agree with me? (I know you do.)

If you and your partner are in a long-distance relationship or you just want to spice up the usual texting habit, fun texting games are just the right thing for you! Apart from laughing your ass off, with each game, you will also learn something new.

The next time you pick up your phone to send your girlfriend/boyfriend a text message, pick some of the following best texting games to play instead! (I’m sure they will be surprised and amused with your choice).

The best part is that you can play each of these games over WhatsApp, Snapchat, FaceTime, Facebook, or any other social media; or you can just use good, old-fashioned SMS- the choice is all yours.

What Games Can Couples Play Over The Phone?

There are tons of texting games you can play with your better half. It only depends if you want to find more about them, spice things up, and use texting as foreplay, just have some fun or get your brain to work.

You can play different questions games, trivia games or flirty games. Your job is just to pick from the list below- the rest is on me.

Get To Know You Games To Play Over Text

This is the list of conversational games that help you get to the bottom of the person on the other side of the screen. It’s a great way to uncover the layers of their personality and to hack into their brain.

Discover their way of thinking, their past, present, and their future plan. And do all of it while having the time of your life.

Besides being a texting game, each one of the games listed below is a great ice-breaker for the first date and for speed dating as well.

20 Questions

The “20 Questions” fun texting game is about guessing, but in this game, you don’t provide clues for your partner.

Apart from being really fun to play, the game is perfect for boosting your creativity and thinking outside the box.

How to play: You have “an answerer” and “a guesser”. The answerer chooses a subject/object, while a guesser (as you might guess) poses 20 questions in order to find out what it is.

If your partner is an answerer when you pose him a question, they can reply with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If the answer is ‘Yes’, you switch the roles.

At first, you might think that this doesn’t have anything to do with getting to know your partner better. Well, trust me- it does.

This is one of the sneakiest ways to get to the bottom of the direction in which their thoughts go.

Don’t mistake it for the classic 21 questions game though, it’s not the same.

Would You Rather Questions

Would You Rather” is a perfect game for new couples. It gives you great insight into your partner’s mindset which will help you get a bigger picture of their personality.

You can pose tricky, funny or dirty questions. The choice is yours!

How to play: You ask your partner a question in which they have to choose between two things. You wait for them to answer then switch roles. You can also ask them to elaborate their answers and to tell you why they chose that exact option.


Would you rather…

  • …go into your past or into your future?
  • … makeup with your ex or hook up with your best friend?
  • …leave me or have me break up with you?
  • …be physically stronger than the rest of the people or be the most intelligent person in the world?
  • …accidentally send your nudes to your elementary school teacher or accidentally post them to your Snapchat story?

What If

From the insanely personal to the crazy, this game will sharpen your mind and give you a lot of topics to talk about for the next whole month. “What if” encompasses lots of interesting questions that can help you learn more about each other and the world we live in.

How to play: The rules are simple. All you have to do is ask your partner “What if” (something happens) and ask for their creative answer.

You’re free to come up with different hypothetical scenarios which will make them think.

When they answer, it’s your turn to show your wittiness by answering their question.


What would you do if…

  • …aliens abducted you?
  • …you had to choose between your siblings?
  • …you lost your job right now?
  • …the person of the same sex tried to kiss you?
  • …someone started stalking you?

Confession Time

Confession games are always inviting, and this one is perfect for you if you want to know your partner better and learn more about their past. But, you need to be honest with each other even if it is something you wouldn’t admit that easily.

How to play: Confess something that you’re guilty of or something funny from your past to your partner.

When you do it, it’s their turn to do the same. If you don’t have anything to confess, your partner asks you a question and you answer it.


Tell me everything about…

  • …the wildest thing you did as a kid.
  • …the strangest place you slept with someone.
  • …how your last relationship ended.
  • …the longest time you grieved over a break-up.
  • …your secret prejudice for people.

Lightning Fast

Different from the rest of the fun games you can play in person or via text, “Lightning Fast” is an association game in which you test your partner’s subconscious by giving them one word and waiting for them to tell you what came first to their mind when they read it.

How to play: You simply send one word and wait for them to respond with their association on the particular word and vice versa. If it is something interesting, don’t forget to ask each other more about it.

Word examples:

  • Love
  • Hatred
  • Happiness
  • Childhood
  • Tears

Deep Questions Game

The deep questions game is one of the best texting games to play. It really gives you a chance to know the other person to the core.

Of course, you have to be extra careful about this one. If you’re at the beginning of your relationship, you have to sense the vibe and see if you’re both ready to reveal some of your deepest secrets.

The last thing you want is to scare the other person away by asking them something too personal. But if you think that it’s time to level the game up and raise your relationship to the next level- this is the thing for you.

How to play: The first person starts with a thought-provoking question. After that, you change roles- the answerer becomes the questioner.

There are not many rules when it comes to this game. You can respond with one sentence or discuss one question for hours.

Actually, the only rule you must follow is to be 100% honest. Otherwise, there is absolutely no point in playing it.


  • Who was the person you loved the most so far in your love life?
  • What’s your deepest secret you don’t want anyone else to know?
  • Were you ever unfaithful?
  • What do you think about life after death?
  • What is the thing that scares you the most?

Yes Or No

Once again, we have a question game. But the difference between this and all others is that you’re only allowed to answer the other person’s question with a straight Yes or No answer, without additional explanations.

What makes this game especially interesting is the fact that it leaves you wondering. Let’s say that your partner tells you that they loved two people at the same time in the past.

But you can’t ask him how it happened when it was, or how it ended. You’re just left with that information.

Of course, you’re allowed to talk about your answers after the game ends. This way, you have conversation topics for another whole date.

How to play: The first person asks the question. After they get the answer, it’s the next person’s turn. You don’t comment on the questions or on the answers- you just keep going until you’ve both had enough.


  • Were you ever in love with someone who didn’t have feelings for you?
  • Do you regret any of your previous break-ups?
  • If you could go back in the past, is there anything you would change about it?
  • Have you ever broken the law?
  • Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?

This Or That

I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of the This or That game. It’s another great way to get to know the other person to the core.

The point is to play it as fast as possible, so the other person doesn’t have time to think things through. The idea is to pick impulsively, instead of making an “appropriate” or an “expected” choice.

How to play: The first person asks the question with two choices. After they get the answer, they are asked a different question but also with two choices.


  • A long-term relationship or one-night stand?
  • Looks or brains?
  • A beach or a mountain?
  • A phone call or text?
  • A long bath or a quick shower?

Flirty Games To Play Over Text

Let’s face it: text messages are your number one flirting weapon. Titillating is much easier when the other person doesn’t see you blushing. That’s exactly why I bring you the best flirty texting games to play with your crush.

Even though you’re probably used to playing these games in the bedroom, playing them via text can serve you as spicy foreplay. Besides, these are a true lifesaver for everyone in a long-distance relationship.

Text Strip Poker

This is an interesting one! It is great for couples who are together for some time because the game is about everything you’ve experienced so far and it can get pretty steamy.

The more dates you’ve had, the more fun you’ll have playing the game!

How to play: You start the game by telling how many pieces of clothing you have on yourself and then you start posing questions that are related to your relationship and the time spent together.

If you’re the one asking a question, and your partner answers it correctly, you switch roles.

But, if your partner answers it incorrectly, they have to take off a piece of clothing and send you a picture as proof.


  • What was the name of my childhood pet?
  • Who is my celebrity crush?
  • What is my dream vacation destination?
  • If I won the lottery, what would I do with the money?
  • Who is my favorite superhero?

Never Have I Ever

You’re probably already familiar with this one because it’s one of the most popular drinking games.

However, it is also a great game to play over texting, too! You will have more time to think of the perfect tricky or dirty statements to send your partner and find out something new about them.

How to play: The game is pretty basic. You text your partner with a “Never have I ever” scenario and if they have, they lose a point. Spice things up by asking flirty questions, instead of some innocent scenarios. To spice it up, you can try to explain in detail your stories behind the experience.


Never have I ever…

  • done it in my parents’ bedroom
  • got caught while sleeping with someone
  • got arrested
  • slept with a coworker
  • hooked up with my friend’s BF/GF

Kiss, Marry, Kill- Sleep, Marry, Kill

“Kiss, Marry, Kill” is always a source of a good laugh followed by tears.

The more creative you are, the more fun you’ll have with this one. The game is about which celebs would you rather kiss, marry or kill.

How to play: Choose three celebs and send them to your partner asking him or her which one would they choose to kiss, marry or kill. When your partner answers, then it’s their turn to ask you a question.

You can spice things up by choosing real people from your surroundings.

Dirty Truth Or Dare

While this amusing game is mostly played in person, you can also switch it to a texting game.

Truth or dare is an everlasting, entertaining game that will tell you a lot about your partner or it will force them to do things they never thought of doing.

How to play: The rules are simple. You ask your partner to choose between truth and dare.

If they choose the truth, you ask them a question (check out these embarrassing questions). If they choose dare, you order them to do something and take a picture as proof.

If you’re too embarrassed that your picture will become viral- just send it over Snapchat, so they can’t save it. Even better- you can FaceTime (if you have an iPhone) while you’re doing your dare- just to be sure.


  • Tell me one thing you’d like to change about me/ Send me a nude
  • Talk to me about your biggest turn on/ Post that you’re gay on your Instagram story
  • Talk to me about your most painful break-up/ Put your ugliest photo on WhatsApp

Strip Twister

Strip twister is pretty similar to strip poker- they both include getting you two naked. But this time, there are no questions.

How to play: Every time one of you lands on the red section, both of you must take off one piece of clothes. The only rule is to wear the same number of clothing items. Also, it would be great if you FaceTime each other while playing it, so you see that nobody is cheating.

Innocent Games To Play In Texting

But what if you need a perfect texting game to play with your loved ones- family, friends, and little children? Maybe you want to make a group chat and include your BF or GF and other people you want to hang out with like this.

Or you’re just starting to text a new guy or a girl and you don’t want to cross a line just yet?

We’ve got you covered. Here is the ultimate list of the best innocent texting games suited for all ages.

I Spy

“I spy” might sound like a childish road trip game, but it can be just as interesting to play over texting as when you were children.

You can actually turn it into a hot game by telling your partner the colors of your panties and similar. Just be creative!

How to play: First, set the rules from where you’re allowed to spy.

Is it only your room, your whole house or are you allowed to use the Internet as well? Once you set the rules, look across your room (or wherever you are), spot something, and tell your partner: “I spy…” followed by a short description of your target. Set a time limit or a number of questions for each round.

Reversed Writing

This one might sound confusing at first, but if you try playing it, you’ll see it’s totally worth it.

If you’re looking for something new or want to refresh your current texting communication, you should definitely try reversed writing. As the name says itself, it is about writing sentences in reverse.

How to play: There are no specific rules when it comes to this one. You send a sentence in reverse to your partner and wait for them to reply also in reverse style.

It will be hard to get used to this writing style at first, but as you progress, you’ll see that it’s not as hard as it seems and the fun is guaranteed!


  • .uoy ekil yllaer I
  • ?rehto hcae ot txen erew ew fi won em ot od uoy dluow tahW
  • ?em ekil uoy od hcum woH

Story Time

While playing “Story Builder”, the only thing to focus on is being creative and open-minded.

It is a game where you add sentences to build a story in the end. The story will probably be confusing which will be hilarious or you can play dirty and make a hot story instead.

How to play: You send a sentence to your partner with which you would want to start the story. The first player sends an SMS, starting a sentence. You can start with something like “Once upon a time…”

There are no right or wrong answers here.

Your partner replies with their own sentence, and you continue building a story until you reach 20 sentences. Remember that you’ll only be allowed to send one sentence per turn.

Where Am I?

“Where Am I” is similar to “I Spy”. The only difference is that in this one, you’re not focused on one subject/object, but on the place where you are at the moment or a fictional place that you’ve imagined in your head.

How to play: Give your partner clues about the place you want him to guess.

If you’re in a library, you can say that you’re surrounded by lots of books. The limit is 5 guesses. If your partner fails at it, you give them a correct answer, and then it’s your turn to start guessing.


Here is another guessing game. You’ve probably played as a kid and you did it in person. But hey, why wouldn’t it be one of the texting games to play with your crush?

How to play: The first player thinks of the word and the other tries to guess it, letter by letter. Every time the other person makes a mistake, one part of their body is being “hanged”.

They lose once the entire hangman stick figure is drawn. That’s when you reverse roles.

Emoji Translation

This is another fun way to explore each other’s minds. I bet you rarely text without an emoji included. Well, why wouldn’t you take things to a new level and see how well you know each other.

How to play: You’re allowed to communicate through emojis only- no words. You write a sentence or tell an entire story with the help of emojis and the other person has to guess what you wanted to say.

Or you can just text back and forth without saying a word- without any explanation. Respond to whatever you think the other person is trying to tell you. Keep going and see where it gets you.

Brainstorming Games To Play When Texting

Messaging doesn’t have to be all fun and games. It can still be interesting if you rack your brains a little. Here are the best ways to do it.

Riddle Me This

Riddles will always be one of the most entertaining games out there. They make you think fast, and they make you laugh hard at the same time.

If you want to have a great texting time with your partner, you should definitely try this one. Whoever of the two of you gets the most right answers, wins!

How to play: Find some riddles on the Internet (if you don’t come up with your own), and send them to your partner.

The limit time is 5 minutes. If they solve the riddle correctly, then it is your turn to solve theirs.


  • What gets bigger when more is taken away? (A hole)
  • What has a neck but no head? (A shirt)
  • What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? (A river)
  • Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.” (A traffic light)
  • Mike’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son? (Mike)

Name Game

The name game is another old-fashioned game that never goes out of style. You pick a famous person’s name and the other person has to guess who it is.

They ask you questions such as “Is it a he or a she?” or “Are they an actor?”

How to play it: You write the name on the piece of paper. You take a picture of that paper with an exact time- so everyone’s sure you really wrote it before the other person started guessing.

You can play it until the last person is out of names to guess. Also, you can agree on the number of guesses.

Word Game/ Unscramble

I have to warn you: this is not a simple game! It takes a lot of brainwork but that’s exactly what makes it special.

How to play: Basically, it’s pretty similar to a well-known Scrabble. You text the other person a bunch of letters. Their job is to come up with the longest possible word made out of those letters in a certain time frame.

Or you can just give them the word and ask them to form other words using the same letters.


  • Example (expel, maple)
  • Hikers (skier, risks)
  • Affects (fate, fast, seat)

Abbreviations/ Acronym

This texting game can be a little bit tough, but it will make you laugh really hard. You should definitely try playing it.

How to play: Abbreviate everything you want to send to your partner. They have to guess what it is about.

But don’t go easy on them. Yes, you can start with OMG and LOL to get in the mood but later on, try with more difficult abbreviations and acronyms.


  • NBD (No big deal)
  • TFW (That feeling when)
  • ICYMI (In case you missed it)

Fill In The Blanks

Is there anything more cute and romantic than finishing each other’s sentences? I bet there isn’t. “Fill in the blanks” is a game in which you send each other incomplete sentences and fill in the gaps.

The results can be really hilarious and with tricky statements, you can also find out their hidden wishes.

How to play: You send an incomplete sentence to your partner and then wait for him/her to fill in the gaps.

Then they send you their sentences. You change roles and repeat.


  • My biggest flaw is…
  • I couldn’t live without…
  • If I could be a superhero, I would be…

First Letter, Last Letter

Here is another fun texting game I bet you played as a child. It’s brainstorming and you can choose the direction in which it goes- innocent or teasing.

How to play: Player number one starts by texting a random word. The other player has to come up with a word starting with the last letter of the previous word.

The loser is the one who gives up and admits they can’t remember the next word. Of course, you have to agree on a time frame in which the answers will be accepted.


  • thing-great-tool-love-empower-right-there-establish-happy

Trivia Games To Play When Texting

How about you use this chance to learn something new? You can choose between new information about your partner or any other field you’re interested in.

Personal Trivia Questions

This one’s great for new couples who are still in the process of getting to know each other better.

Asking personal questions out of the blue might seem a little bit uncomfortable, but with “Personal Trivia” it is a whole different thing

How to play: You pose a question to your partner, and when they give you an answer, you switch roles.

To make it more interesting, don’t ask questions that are mostly asked during a job interview. Try to make it more personal because that’s the point of the game after all.


  • What’s your favorite color?
  • What was your nickname as a kid?
  • What’s your mother’s name?
  • What’s your zodiac sign?
  • What was your major at college?

Random Trivia

Are you ready to improve your general knowledge? Then, this is the right thing for you.

How to play: Just pick a topic and ask each other questions about it. Or you can jump from one topic to another- the choice is yours. It can be science, geography, celebrities, history… whatever you want.


  • When did WWI end?
  • What is the highest building in the world?
  • How many continents are there?
  • Who was the first US president?
  • How many players are there for each team in a soccer game?

Music Games To Play Through Texting

Song Lyrics

Similar to “Song Emoji”, this game is also perfect for couples who are music lovers.

From all the fun texting games, this one is my personal favorite. The game is about using the lyrics of the songs as regular sentences.

How to play: Choose one artist, band, or genre. send one or two-sentence lyrics only from the category you’ve chosen.

Send them to your partner and wait for them to reply.

Song Emoji

If you’re a music lover, this is a perfect fun texting game for you. It is played like Song Lyrics, but with the help of Emojis instead.

How to play: Send the lyrics of one song using Emojis to your partner, and they have to guess the song.

Limit the time to 1-2 minutes, and if they fail to recognize a song, you tell them the name and you switch roles. You can also add some letters in order to make it easier for them to guess.


If you’re in the mood for a game that will boost your brain and rhyming skills, you should definitely try this one.

It is a playful game where you make rhymes while having a regular conversation.

How to play: You send one sentence to your partner. Then they have to reply with the one that rhymes with yours and so on.

You continue playing it until you feel your brain is going to explode or you can stop when you reach a certain amount of sentences.


  • Look how sunny it’s outside
  • It’s perfect weather to be a bride
  • I really hope nobody’s died
  • Even if they did, we should just let it slide…

How Do I Make Texting Fun?

The way to make texting as interesting as possible is to avoid small talk. If you haven’t heard from your partner that day, it’s okay to ask about their whereabouts but don’t talk about the weather or something similar.

If you’re out of ideas, you can always send a meme or tell a joke to make them laugh.

Also, don’t double or triple text them. If they haven’t replied, it means that they’re probably busy and you won’t accomplish anything by breathing down their neck and blowing their phone up.

How Do You Entertain Someone Over Text?

Besides these texting games, there are other ways to entertain someone over text. The key is to stay away from typical questions and to always be unique. Don’t kill a conversation by responding with one word only but don’t write essay-long paragraphs either.

The key is to pick different and interesting conversation starters every day. Plan ahead the list of amusing topics you want to talk about and you’re good to go.

Use emojis to clear the tension but don’t overdo it. Also, if you see that the other person is not in the mood for texting- let them be and text them back a little later (or even better, wait for them to text you first).

To Wrap Up:

These texting games to play are great for every couple- whether you’re newly in love or have been together in ages. The trick is to pick the right game for your relationship.

The games are a great time-killer and inexhaustible source of a good laugh which will also help you to get to know each other better, to reveal secrets, to confide your deepest fantasies, etc.

You will have fun and create a stronger bond with your partner at the same time. Isn’t that just awesome!?