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200 Best Tinder Openers + Tips On Creating Your Own

200 Best Tinder Openers + Tips On Creating Your Own

Getting a match on a dating site is exciting, but doesn’t it also make you nervous? You’re both interested, and now someone has to make the first move and get the convo going. A good opening line can make the difference between unmatching and getting a date.

The best Tinder openers are those that make the other person continue the conversation and find out more about you. The first message you send should either intrigue them or make them laugh; good Tinder pick-up lines should elicit positive emotions.

When you’re not feeling creative, copy-paste Bumble or Tinder messages can work. They still show that you’ve made an effort to impress your Tinder match. Read their Tinder bio to determine what kind of opening message might have the highest response rate.

Keep reading for tips on how to think of an effective Tinder opener, and check out the list of good openers, which will surely get you a response.

Best Tinder Openers

The best Tinder pick-up lines you can use on all occasions! There’s something for every situation you can think of.

1. I want to be the reason you delete this stupid app.

2. So, what’s the best pick-up line you’ve heard on this app?

3. You don’t know how many left swipes it took to find you!

4. Are you a meme? Because I’d like to show you to my friends and then hope they like you as much as I do.

5. Your last pic is the exact same look I have when I realize I forgot to turn the oven off.

6. I thought online dating sucked — but then I saw you.

7. You look like someone who’s really into a healthy lifestyle. What’s your favorite way to stay fit?

8. Are we, like, married now?

9. Top three best things to do on a Saturday?

10. You look like you love a good adventure! What’s one of the best ones you’ve had so far?

11. What three words would you use to describe your dating style?

12. What’s a nice person like you doing in a hellscape like this?

13. Two truths and a lie! Go!

14. What’s something you’re passionate about but few people know about?

15. OMG, I can’t believe this! I wonder if you remember…

16. You don’t know how many times I’ve had to swipe left to find you.

17. Let’s cut to the chase and just go out on a date?

18. You’re so attractive that my phone gets hot just from talking to you.

19. Be honest with me. What color socks are you wearing right now?

20. Drinks or coffee this week?

21. I’m not really a romantic — but you might change that.

22. How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!

23. What’s your most controversial opinion? If we can overcome this, we can overcome anything.

24. Do you believe in the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?”

25. How would you describe yourself in three emojis?

26. Your eyes are really beautiful, and I just had to tell you.

27. Do you believe in love at first swipe?

28. Avocado on toast or extra guacamole on your taco?

29. All of my friends would be so jealous if you went on a date with me.

30. This time next year, let’s be laughing together.

31. Truth or date? ?

32. What one thing do you do that you feel like no one else does?

33. I really like your profile. It sounds like you have a lot of exciting and fun things going on in your life. I would love to chat with you and find out more about you!

34. This is the first time in a long time I’ve felt butterflies.

35. You have great taste in music! Would love to run into you at a show one day.

36. Choose a dream job: puppy photographer or pizza critic?

37. Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.

38. Hi, you seem pretty cute. Want to grab a drink and see if the chemistry is there?

39. Do you have a personality as attractive as your eyes?

40. So far, modern dating has sucked. But maybe you can change my mind.

41. You wanna know what’s beautiful? Read the first word again.

42. We matched, so I guess we both have good taste.

43. Did you know you’re the hottest [insert generic name] on Tinder?

44. What do I have to do to make you fall madly in love with me?

45. Are you a country road? Cause I’d like you to take me home ?

46. What’s your favorite restaurant in your area? Maybe you can take me there someday.

47. You never have to Google again because I’ve got what you’re searching for.

48. You’re seriously hot. And I’m seriously happy we matched.

49. Would you rather go bowling, get coffee, or watch a movie on a first date?

50. Ever since I saw your profile, I can’t think straight.

51. You didn’t need to put a dog in your photo to make me swipe right.

52. You look like someone I’d want to get to know better.

53. Describe yourself in three emojis. I’m: [emojis]

54. What’s the worst opening line you’ve ever received? Please tell me it’s not this one.

55. Biggest fear … Spinach, snakes, or saying “you too” when the waiter tells you to enjoy your meal?

56. Send me your favorite GIF so I get to know you better?

57. You really remind me of someone…

58. Since you’ve asked, yes, I like you too.

59. What’s the best place you’ve ever taken a vacation?

60. Your eyes are so captivating. What’s your story?

61. According to the second law of thermodynamics, you’re supposed to share your hotness with me. I’m thinking ice skating and hot chocolate this week?

62. Can an awkward Tinder conversation end in true love? We’re about to find out.

63. Your profile made me stop in my tracks.

64. Do you want me to hit you up with a cheesy pick-up line, or can we skip that?

65. Waffles or pancakes? I need to know what you prefer for breakfast.

66. Should we mix things up and get dessert before dinner?

67. When our friends ask how we met, what are we gonna tell them?

68. Your smile is simple but disarming at the same time. What is the most exciting thing you’ve done lately?

69. Want to swap numbers? It’s easier than talking over this app.

70. Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you — drinks this week?

71. You’re too cute to be single. What’s the catch?

72. Hey! You sound interesting… Tell me more about yourself!

73. I was going to play hard to get, but I couldn’t stop myself from pressing SEND.

74. Just wanted to let you know, you have some cute on your face.

75. Z1″45hj00Ji!456 — That’s the wi-fi password. Sooner or later, you’ll ask anyway…

76. Does this message mean we’re exclusive?

77. I’m going to be honest with you. I swiped right because you’re cute and because I love your dog. What’s his name?

78. You’re so gorgeous that you made me forget my good pickup line.

79. We should skip the week of small talk and just go on a coffee date.

80. You look like you really enjoy the outdoors. What’s your favorite place to go hiking?

81. Sorry to hear that you’re still single. Want to fix this?

82. Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?

83. You’re sweeter than 3.14. Tell me I just won the cheesy pickup line competition?

84. If you could tell me just one thing about yourself to really impress me, what would it be?

85. Oh, I was hoping that you’d swipe right.

86. Favorite thing to do on a Friday night? a) cuddling and watching Netflix by the fireplace b) the hottest bar in town c) dinner party d) I’ll tell you over drinks?

87. Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest.

88. Wow, [name], you look like you’ve been traveling a lot alone. You must be relieved that you finally found me…

89. Your pet is the cutest. Tell me about him.

90. Better discovery: Netflix or avocados?

91. Cheesy pick-up line, gif war, or blind date?

92. You look like you have great energy. I’m curious, where do you get it from? Yoga? Sports? Dance?

93. You should be a photographer because your profile blows everyone else out of the water.

94. A three-day weekend is coming up. Are you a) heading for the mountains, b) going to the beach, c) sleeping till noon, d) partying all night?

95. Hey there! Did you get up to anything exciting this weekend?

96. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should we match again?

97. [Cheesy pickup line here.] Blah blah blah. Tinder Tinder Tinder. Text some more. Say some funny stuff. Make a slightly sexual joke. Laugh more. Can I have your number now?

98. You’re gorgeous, but I’m sure everyone tells you that.

99. If you had to listen to one song on repeat forever, what would it be?

100. You had me at ‘It’s a Match.’

101. Do you have any weird habits you didn’t mention on your profile?

102. I woke up thinking today was just another boring Monday, and then I saw your photo on my app.

103. Dinner first, or can we go straight to dessert?

104. Here’s a fun game: Tell me your life story in emojis. Go!

105. It’s hard to get to know each other over an app. Do you want to meet up in person?

106. I suck at starting conversations online. I’m much better at talking in person.

107. Do you really hate mac and cheese, or is that on your profile just for effect?

108. Hey, I am new to this site, and I was just looking around and noticed your profile and thought you are pretty cute and smart. I would like to get to know you better.

109. Roses are red, violets are blue, how did I get so lucky to match with you?

110. Be unique and different, say yes.

Funny Tinder Openers

Humor is always a sure bet, as long as you and your match have a similar taste in funny things. Check out these hilarious Tinder icebreakers!

1. Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?

2. Are you http? Because without you, I’m just ://

3. Your parents are going to hate me. I can already tell.

4. Hey, I’m writing an article on the finer things in life, and I was hoping I could interview you.

5. Can I have your Instagram? My parents said I should follow my dreams.

6. Hey, I know this is a fake profile, but I was just wondering if you could let me know the name of the model in the pictures?

7. Are you my laptop? Because you’re really hot and I’m concerned.

8. You sound busy… any chance of adding me to your to-do list?

9. Sorry, but you owe me a drink because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.

10. Are you from space? Because you’re out of this world good-looking.

11. Did you do something to my eyes? Because I can’t take them off you.

12. Heading to the store, you want anything?

13. Did you fall in a pile of sugar? You’re looking super sweet.

14. Hello! Fancy meeting you here!

15. Can I have your Netflix password?

16. I usually go for 8s, but I guess I’ll settle for a 10.

17. Hey, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

18. Sorry, I can’t hold on… I’ve already fallen for you.

19. Hey! I hope you like cheesy pickup lines because there’s a bunch coming your way.

20. Do you know CPR? Because you took my breath away!

21. Please call 9-1-1 because you just made my heart stop!

22. I’ve had a crush on you for 2 hours.

23. On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9. I’m the 1 you need.

24. 69 miles away, huh? Well, that’s ironic…

25. Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.

26. The last meme in your camera roll describes our relationship. Show me.

27. My dog would love you. And he has great taste.

28. Are you the square root of 1? Because you seriously can’t be real!

29. You look so familiar… didn’t we take a class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.

30. I’m much more awkward in real life, so prepare yourself.

31. I would ask you to come to the movies with me… but they have a rule against bringing snacks.

32. We’re still on for tonight?

33. All your pics came through at a 45-degree angle. Guess you’re acute-y.

34. Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you.

35. I remember you from my dreams. You’re the one who swept me off my feet.

36. Hello, I’d like to take a minute of your time to talk to you about myself.

37. Hey! I hope this question isn’t too personal too fast, but I just really need to know. What is your favorite shape of pasta?

38. Something’s wrong with my phone! Your number isn’t in it.

39. Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?

40. Swiping right means we’re married now, right?

41. How does this work? Are we in a serious relationship now?

42. Titanic. That’s my icebreaker.

43. Go ahead, touch my shirt. Do you feel that? It’s made of boyfriend material.

44. Excuse me, do you have a band-aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.

45. Want to make a deal? I’ll cook you dinner if you cook me breakfast.

46. You may need some legal representation because your looks could kill ?

47. Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe.

48. We’re a match! The next step is to pick a wedding date, right?

49. Tell me you believe in love at first swipe.

50. There’s only one thing I want to change about you: your last name.

Good Tinder Openers For Guys

You don’t need a dating coach to tell you that girls like funny guys. Check out one of these cute openers girls will love.

1. Wow, you have a dog! Does that mean I’ll never win the “best ever cuddler” title?

2. Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me?

3. You look like the kind of girl whose favorite movie is The Notebook. Am I right?

4. You’re everything I thought I never wanted in a girl.

5. Wow, you look so good that you made me forget my pick-up line.

6. Hey, wanna steal my comfiest hoodie?

7. Hey, you’re beautiful. Can I tell you that again next Saturday over dinner?

8. Are you an angel? Because I’m allergic to feathers, and it’s a serious concern.

9. Tell me, what can I say to impress you?

10. Are your parents bakers? They sure made a cutie pie.

11. Damn, girl, let me know your skincare routine!

12. Hey, I’m not Mr. Right. I’m actually Mr. Wrong ? But I’d still love to know more about you. How have you been lately?

13. Do you have a job? I need a woman who can support me while I play video games all day.

14. Tell me about the worst first date you’ve ever been on. That way, I’ll be less nervous when we go on ours.

15. You’re going to have to delete Tinder – you’re making the other girls look bad.

16. You’re pretty, and I’m cute. Wanna be pretty cute together?

17. ? All I’m missing is a little spoon.

18. Hey there! How’s it going? ? I just finished reading your profile. You seem like a really interesting, down-to-earth girl! I would love to get to know you some more ?

19. What’s a perfect gentleman like me doing without your phone number?

20. Are you interested in lowering your standards and going on a date with me?

Great Tinder Openers For Girls

When you really want to hit it off with that cute guy you matched with. Hopefully, his profile wasn’t just clickbait…

1. Can you please stop staring at my profile and send me a message already?

2. I’ve been patiently waiting for you to hit on me.

3. Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!

4. Your pictures were eye-catching, and your bio was hilarious. In case you need an ego boost.

5. Are you the type of guy who takes risks or plays it safe?

6. I don’t know what to say, but I know I want to talk to you.

7. Aside from being extremely sexy, what else do you do for a living?

8. You seem like my type. Which is usually a red flag.

9. If you’re as good at cuddling as you are good-looking, I’m signing myself up on the waitlist for a date. ?

10. I would totally let you take me out on a date.

11. Do I know you? ‘Cause you look a lot like my next boyfriend.

12. I just bought kiss-proof lipstick, and I need a lab partner to test its claims. Are you in?

13. I’ve been waiting here for…. Minutes, and you still haven’t sent me a pickup line. How rude.

14. If we were to go on a date, where would we go?

15. Have you ever been told that you’re really good-looking?

16. Do you like bad girls? Because I’m really bad at this dating app thing.

17. Wow, you’re really tall! I bet you’re good at basketball.

18. Wow, you’re really muscular! Do you work out a lot?

19. I have a feeling that you’re trouble.

20. Salsa, tango, line-dancing, which one shall we try this weekend?

Creating Good Openers For Tinder

Creating a good dating app opener is easier than it seems, as long as you follow a few basic rules. The best Tinder openers are those that are specific and custom-made for your match to show that you made extra effort.

The best openers are conversation starters – they make the other person want to respond and see what more you have to say. Next, a good follow-up will make them want to continue talking to you.

Also keep in mind that it’s not the same if you’re messaging someone for a one-night stand or if you’re looking to date. When it’s a hookup that you’re both after, you don’t need to tell each other your life stories – just get to the point.

Here’s how to create your own openers.


1. Take a close look at their Tinder profile.

Seeing what your match has to say, their pictures, and how they chose to present themselves will give you a ton of ideas on how to approach them.

2. Be funny.

Humor has the greatest success rate in getting your match’s attention. See step one to figure out what their sense of humor is and the best kind of jokes to use. Some people like intellectual humor, and others like dad jokes. Their profile will point you in the right direction.

3. Show interest.

Don’t open with “Hi.” If you do that, your chances of getting a response are seriously low because they make your match have to think of something to say when it was you who made the first move.

Instead, ask them about something that made you curious about their profile to spark conversation. Any likes, dislikes, hobbies – you don’t need an icebreaker template. You just need to pay some attention. If you share any interests, even better: it’s something you can talk about to bring you closer.

4. Be clear about what you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a hookup, be open about it. Lots of people are on Tinder just for that reason, so you won’t lose anything if your match isn’t one of them – the next one will be.

If you’re looking for a relationship, let the other person know so everyone knows what they’re in for.

5. Send a message that’s easy to respond to.

Make it fun, and don’t make them think. No one wants to get into a deep conversation with someone they’re just trying to figure out.


Don’t be creepy. No romantic paragraphs and no sex puns. Avoid coming on too strong.

• Don’t get too sexual at first, even if you’re both looking for hookups. Respect goes a long way.

• Don’t use weird humor. You never know how someone will respond to it.

Don’t keep messaging people if they don’t respond. They’ve seen your message, and if you try to make them reply, you’ll just seem annoying and desperate.

• Don’t pretend to be someone else. Fake pictures and a fake personality get discovered easily.

Don’t be mean. This should be a no-brainer, but some people think it gives them an edge.

Break The Ice

There you go, 200 best Tinder openers and tips on how to make your own. Get out there and start talking to people today!