68 Quotes About Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back
Errotic love, affectionate love, playful love, unconditional love…There are many types of love but of all of them, the unrequited one is the most painful. …
Errotic love, affectionate love, playful love, unconditional love…There are many types of love but of all of them, the unrequited one is the most painful. …
Your partner is the first person who comes to your mind when you wake up and he stays there until you got to bed. And …
Everyone with a sibling knows that your brother and sister are the only people in the world that can drive you absolutely nuts, yet you …
Want to know what I’ve realized lately? Life is too short and priceless moments are too rare not to tell your loved one how much …
Each day, I think, it can’t get worse than this. I’ve gotten as low as I could. But then the ground opens up again and …
Life is too short to play it safe, so take risks and enjoy whatever comes out of them. Whether it comes to love, your career …
After all this time, I’m still hoping. I’m hoping that maybe one day you will explain why you left me. I know it’s wrong. I …
Have you ever felt like you can’t control your emotions? As if your heart picks up a fight with your head every time it wants …
What can I say—I’m a fighter. I go all the way. I don’t give up when things get ugly nor when I get tired. Somehow …
Nowadays, sexting plays a huge role in modern dating. And when you think about it, that makes perfect sense. Due to the technology we have, …