You Deserve To Miss Her
You had a woman to love. You had the one who was willing to do anything for you—o sacrifice her happiness, to neglect her wishes …
You had a woman to love. You had the one who was willing to do anything for you—o sacrifice her happiness, to neglect her wishes …
There you are. At a crossroads in your life. Now, you need to choose between the life you had with him and if you want …
You are probably in some bar right now, checking out your next target and thinking about the ways to manipulate her. Or you are on …
I know that you think that you won’t miss her because you enjoy your single life now, but there will come a day when you …
In your absence, you’ve taught me how to live without you. There was once a time when I couldn’t imagine my life without you in …
Even the prettiest woman can feel insecure if she loves the wrong man. What makes her beautiful is a man who can treat her right. …
It’s funny how men often have a period of reckless behavior right after a break-up. It almost seems like they’re celebrating it. On the other …
I know you don’t take me seriously. Why would you? I was always there no matter what, regardless of how you would treat me. No …
Unconditional love. Support. Affection. Understanding. Protection. Comfort. That was everything she gave you without asking you to reciprocate in the same way. You see, she …
I broke up my relationship the other day. A relationship where I wasn’t happy but it still ended up lasting for years. So now, whenever …