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How To Make A Guy Jealous? 13 Ways To Make Him Want You Badly

How To Make A Guy Jealous? 13 Ways To Make Him Want You Badly

Okay, so if you’re in the game of wanting to make a particular guy jealous; there are likely three plausible reasons for that.

Let’s see if I’m getting warm…

Reason one: it’s your ex-boyfriend and you’re desperately trying to show him the gem he lost upon leaving you by having some flirty fun time.

Reason two: You’re in a relationship but there’s this constant feeling of being taken for granted and you need him to see that it’s not going to fly and that you’re perfectly capable of getting ANY dude you want (should the need arise).

And finally, reason three: You’re crushing (hard) on this hot guy around the block and you want to see if the feeling is perhaps reciprocated by making him jealous and seeing his reaction to your flirt-session with another guy.

Whichever one it is, make sure to know exactly what your end goal is and don’t break any (unwritten) rules in the meantime.

But mostly, just have fun and flirt your ass off!

All of the instances above are legit reasons to engage in some innocent flirting, so flaunt your gorgeous assets to get the reaction (and ultimate result) that you’re after.

Sometimes, all that guys need is a little reality check and a wake-up call to shake their ground for a bit.

If it’s your boyfriend, maybe it’s time to let him see a girl like you doesn’t just fall from the sky and it’s time to show him how you expect to be treated.

And it NEVER hurts to show your ex-boyfriend what a huge loss dumping you was!

A break-up sucks but there are ways to make an ex jealous that will bring you some much-needed fun after your heartbreak.

Ready to have some fun?

The great thing here is that there are copious ways to make a guy jealous and have your fun in the sun without harming your mental health or hurting anyone in the process (other than his ego).

You can use social media to your advantage or use his guy friends in a clever yet completely harmless way!

There’s texting (which I’ll elaborate on in later parts), using Snapchat, and befriending his best friend to play mind games with him!

And there are a bunch of other little things that will increase your self-esteem while helping you see what a guy wants just to cleverly use them against him.

You can hurt his ego by changing your plans last minute and make sure your boyfriend feels what it’s like when the roles are reversed.

Change your haircut into his favorite style after the break-up, which he won’t admit is a big deal, but trust me—it will be!

If your goal is to make your boyfriend jealous to see that you’re not to be messed with, I’ve got you covered.

If you want to find your best self while making your ex jealous, there’s plenty of options there too!

And if you want to start dating a guy you’ve had your eye on for quite some time, there are surefire ways to accomplish that too.

Making a guy jealous can be super fun, as long as you follow the rules of the game and don’t break your own heart in the process.

A lot of guys just need a little reminder of the kind of woman they’re dealing with and you’re about to serve him just that!

And this is how you’re going to do that. Browse through these incredible ideas and find those that work best with your plan and current situation.

Do exactly as you’re instructed and you’ll be getting yours in no time! And if you don’t, at least you’ll know the guy is honestly not worth the bother.

You win either way! Now let’s get cracking.

1. Look like a million bucks

What’s the best way to make any guy jealous? By looking like a freaking goddess!

And that’s exactly what you’re going to do. And the best part? You’re going to FEEL like the queen of the world while doing what you intended—making him jealous to the bone.

This is all about you. Indulge in some retail therapy; pick up your best friend and have some fun while recharging your batteries and spending time together!

While you’re shopping, getting a new haircut and splurging with your girl, you’ll forget all about that guy’s name, I promise!

At least for a minute and that counts for something, right?

Added bonus—take a male friend with you and make sure to crack a selfie and post it on social media if you feel like it.

That will certainly get his blood pumping, especially if he doesn’t even know the guy.

So basically, you’ll be investing in yourself, feeling like a goddess in the process, spending quality time with a friend and all that while making your man jealous.

It truly doesn’t get better (or easier) than that.

2. Have a girls’ night and celebrate life

For one second, forget all about trying to make him jealous. This is going to do the trick but it’s also vital that you have some fun and pamper yourself!

Get your girls and organize a girls’ night. Buy copious amounts of wine and start the party at your place.

Get ready together while blasting Beyonce and sipping rosé. Talk, laugh, dance and enjoy spending time with each other because you deserve it!

If he calls or sends you a text message, just let him know you’re not available because you’re too busy having the time of your life with the girls!

He’s going to lose his mind wondering where you are and who you’re with and you’ll be having way too much fun to give a shit.

Take a selfie (or a dozen) and make memories with your best girls.

Remember that they are the ones standing by your side through your ordeal and that’s why it’s important to never lose sight of their vital role in your life.

Sure, you’ll make him jealous but you’ll also be reminded of how amazing and supportive your friend circle is.

3. Impress his guy friends

But don’t go out of your way in doing so. Whenever you’re around his guy friends (or accidentally run into them), act as if bumping into them was the most amazing casual collision of the day!

Be chatty but listen, ask about how they’re doing (without asking about the guy) and share a few genuine laughs if the situation feels appropriate.

And when his friends tell him about how awesome it was seeing you (and how fantastic you looked), he’s going to feel jealous whether he likes it or not.

Make sure you’ve left the best impression on them while being your best self and you’ll have made a great thing out of an accidental meeting.

Guys care about what their other guy friends think, especially about chicks! That’s just how they’re wired.

And when he hears his guys chatting all about how rad it was seeing you the other day, he’ll start wondering why he let you go in the first place (or why he hasn’t made a move yet if it’s a crush in question).

4. Have an air of mystery about yourself

The less you tell a guy, the more he’s drawn to you! Keep that in mind.

And in lieu of that, stop sharing much of your life with him and start keeping an air of mystery around you.

When he asks you something, answer him but don’t overshare.

He doesn’t need to know every single detail that goes on in your head and when you start seeing how denying him information is going to make him stick to you like glue, you’ll win the jackpot of relationships!

Guys THINK they don’t care about every single thing you have going on (girly stuff and whatnot) but once you actually start listening to him and don’t bother him with much info, he’ll turn into a jealous dude.

Guys are so easy to manipulate and it’s all their fault in the first place, so why should you feel guilty for using his own logic against him?

The more mysterious you remain, the more he’ll go gaga over you. Proven fact.

5. Casually mention your ex in his presence

If there’s one thing guys absolutely HATE, it’s hearing about your ex.

They don’t care about him, they don’t have time to hear about him and they get irrationally jealous the more his name keeps popping up.

So start slipping his name randomly into conversations with him, regardless of you being in a group or one on one. It’ll bug the shit out of him either way.

If you’re having a conversation and you’re reminded of your ex in any way (maybe he was in the same line of business that’s being discussed or he lives in the neighborhood you’re at), don’t shy away from mentioning it!

Be totally casual about it, as if it’s just some random guy, and keep talking as if nothing happened.

Every time you say his name, do it with a smile on your face as if it somehow brings out great memories that are dear to your heart.

I don’t even have to explain how jealous this is going to make your guy.

So simple, yet SO effective.

6. Have fun with your guy friends

You’re probably going to run into him now and then, especially if you run in the same crew.

The next time you’re at a party and you’re with your guy friends, make sure he sees you.

And then, turn up the heat a bit. Flirt, flaunt what your mama gave you and laugh like they’re the funniest dudes you’ve ever met.

He needs to see you having a blast with other guys. That shit makes them jealous faster than you can snap your fingers.

You’re laughing, hugging and being your flirty self with other guys, are you kidding me? He won’t be able to stand that shit.

So use that against him. You’ll be completely innocent in the whole story and he’ll be all over you, making sure that HE’S the one making you laugh and he’s the one you’re flirting your ass off for.

If this is your boyfriend and you’re trying to teach him a lesson, consider it a lesson learned for him.

And if it’s a crush whose attention you’re trying to catch, job well done.

Now the ball is in his court and you’ll finally see if he’s man enough to handle your wants and needs.

7. Be unavailable (no answering texts or calls)

I know that the first thing you’ll want to do when you see his name light up your screen will be answering right away. But that would be a grave mistake.

You need to let him know that you don’t depend on him. You’re a self-made woman who is perfectly capable of being by herself if that’s what needs to happen.

He can call you or text you but you have to be unavailable for a bit to let him realize you’re not here to jump at his request.

Make him sweat. Make him see he’s not all that! And when you finally decide to pick up the phone and answer him, act as if it’s the most normal thing ever.

And when you meet up, don’t even mention it and if he does, totally brush it off. You were busy, you didn’t see your phone or your girl was around. He’ll get the picture.

If he keeps taking you for granted, you’ll keep reciprocating. He won’t like it one bit and the tables will turn in no time.

8. Start hanging out with somebody completely different from him

Find somebody who is his complete opposite. Let’s say the guy you’re trying to make jealous is dark-skinned with dark hair, has a weird sense of humor and is into football.

Your goal is to find a guy who doesn’t resemble any of that.

A guy with light hair, who’s into movies and basketball and who has a very laid-back sense of humor.

Both physically and emotionally, this guy is nothing like your desired dude.

He’s going to start thinking you’ve completely changed your type and start panicking and wondering if he’s got a shot with you at all now.

He might even start making some changes in his appearance in order to please you and all that because he saw you hanging out with a totally different type of dude.

He won’t even know the nature of your relationship (nor does it matter).

All that matters is that it’s going to make him jealous on the inside and he’ll be more inclined to win you over.

9. Use social media to remind him of your adventurous spirit

He’s probably watching your every move on social media (we’re all guilty of that at some point) so take advantage of his watchful eye.

Post carefully-chosen photos that will make him go, ”Wow,” upon seeing what you’re up to.

Whichever adventure you go on next, capture it along with a selfie or two while looking your glowing best!

Build your spirit up, engage in some much-needed activities with the people you cherish and do things that make you feel at one with nature.

Forget all about your quest to make him jealous and focus on yourself for a second.

In all the fuss, you keep forgetting that you matter as well. Your emotional and physical health are your number one priorities.

Do whatever it takes to remind yourself of that and be your own best friend.

Find comfort in the fact that he’ll likely see how rejuvenated, refreshed and damn joyful you look in all your photos and know that he’ll be jealous while you’re healing your heart.

10. Go on vacation with your girls (NOT him)

Your next few days off or whenever works for all of your girls, plan a girls’ trip somewhere where you’ll forget all about your problems and soak in some much-needed sun, fresh air and positivity.

Let him know about your little trip and act as excited as you probably are!

He’ll feel jealous that he didn’t make the cut and that he wasn’t your first choice for a fun getaway.

He’ll go out of his mind imagining all the hot guys you’ll probably encounter and flip out internally at the thought of some almost-naked dude flirting with you and making a move.

And that’s exactly what you want, right?

Clearly, if you’re involved, you won’t cheat or anything… but you’ll be far away from his sight and God knows what will go on in his mind.

You’ll see once you get back how overprotective he will be of you.

You’ll feel his presence in your life more than ever because he’ll have learned what it would be like to be without you and he won’t dig it. AT all.

11. Stop typing mid-text

Oh, Lord… this one will make him go bananas. I presume you exchange text messages every now and again, am I right? If not, maybe you could start.

And as you’re having a conversation, just disappear as you’re in the middle of a juicy topic that he’s clearly into and stop typing for like half an hour or so.

Make him want more once you see he’s biting.

He’ll be holding on to his phone, wondering where the hell you’ve disappeared to, dying to hear what you have to say.

And you’ll be having your little fun, knowing exactly what’s going on over on his side.

Are you texting some other guy? Is another dude over at your place?

What the hell is going on over there and why aren’t you texting him back after clearly starting to type some shit?

Jealous much? Let him lose his mind for a bit before casually hitting him back with an, ”Oh sorry, had something I needed to take care of!” and continue typing as if nothing happened.

12. Don’t react to his best moves

If we’re talking about your current boyfriend who’s started to take your awesomeness for granted, this one’s for you.

You won’t let his sudden flirting and attention make you forget all about his shitty behavior in the last few weeks.

So when he puts his best moves on you, don’t react. Remain indifferent.

When he tries to talk you up with the same old BS he always says, give him a look that says ‘’You honestly think it’s going to be THAT easy? Boy.., you’re dead wrong’’.

Let him sweat and realize you’re nobody’s fool. If he wants to be with you, he needs to have his ducks in a row at all times, NOT just when it suits him.

He might start thinking there’s another guy or he might start realizing the error of his ways.

Either way, he’s bound to make a decision about his behavior and a damn good one!

13. Compare him to a celebrity hunk

Want to know why guys HATE celebs who look like they wake up looking like a million bucks?

Because they know their girls pine after them, day after day, dying to meet them and do all kinds of stuff with them.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. It’s a celebrity, it’s completely unrealistic and harmless. What’s there to fuss about?

A lot actually! He knows he’s not Ryan Gosling. He’ll never have the body of Jason Momoa and he isn’t as funny as Ryan Reynolds.

So it hurts his ego and makes him feel inadequate and unequipped!

This is exactly why you’re going to make sure to compare him to the hottest male celeb you could think of in a way that makes him see he’s not all that and if he wants to keep you, he better start acting like it.

It’s not about diminishing his self-worth or destroying his confidence. It’s about making him see that there are so many hot guys out there but you chose HIM.

And if he doesn’t start appreciating you and giving you the time of day, you won’t have a problem leaving him. You don’t want to do it… but if he makes you, it’s his loss and his fault.

Final Thoughts

Finding, maintaining and preserving a healthy, committed relationship is a task to behold these days.

Guys take girls for granted and expect to be treated like kings while treating them like they’re commodities.

And I believe it’s time to knock some sense into guys everywhere and let them know we’re not here to serve them and we’re certainly not here to put up with their questionable actions.

If he wants you, he best believe he’s going to have to make an effort to win you over and keep proving his loyalty.

If not, there are plenty of ways to make him jealous and make him see your worth the hard way.

If he’s not willing to put in the work, then he’s not going to get the privilege of loving you.

Luckily, some guys are worth the bother and once you teach them a lesson, they learn it and absorb it. And this if for them.

Browse through these innovative suggestions again and see how far you’re willing to go to give him a reality check.

I promise that this is your best shot at getting him to commit and see you for all that you are.

This is a journey of self-exploration toward finding your best self while incidentally making your guy SEE you and treat you like the queen you are!