6 Reasons Why Your Mean Friend Is The Friend Who Cares The Most
We all have that friend who’s brutally honest and frankly, sometimes it gets on our nerves. Sometimes their honesty is the last thing we want …
We all have that friend who’s brutally honest and frankly, sometimes it gets on our nerves. Sometimes their honesty is the last thing we want …
Dear Old Friend, I decided we aren’t friends anymore and you may not fully understand why. I recently read To The Bestfriend Who Decided We …
You my sister have, without a doubt, made this world we live in a better place. You my sister have always stuck by my side, …
Dear Mom, This letter is just a reminder of how much I love you and how much I am grateful to have you in my …
I thought long and hard about what you said to me. To sum it up, I took it to mean that you basically think I …
Being a boy’s mom has its challenges as much as it does its rewards, and being a busy mom can sometimes make us lose sight …
I hate to see you like this, all torn up because of some guy who is unworthy of someone as special as you are. If …
Sometimes the people who you think should be there for you aren’t. Your mom, your sister, your best friend. The people who ‘should’ take care …
I had that dream again. You know, the one where you and I are parents. I know you hate that dream. Truthfully, sometimes I hate …
1. There was nothing you could do to stop it Guilt preys on us. It engulfs us and tricks us into believing we have any …