Thank You For Being My Friend
You and me—two silly girls at the age 24 who are living life like there is no tomorrow. We would never stop dreaming about a …
You and me—two silly girls at the age 24 who are living life like there is no tomorrow. We would never stop dreaming about a …
Sometimes we stay too long and try too hard for a relationship that we know isn’t working. Those kinds of relationships are called Band-Aid relationships. …
There are a few things that you can do to make your relationship with your significant other not only last but feel secure and rewarding. …
Your marriage is definitely in crisis and you and your spouse are going through a rough period. You are aware that every marriage has its …
After some time, marriage kind of becomes boring because you’re stuck in a routine. You’re stuck doing the same things all over again. And this …
We all have that friend who’s brutally honest and frankly, sometimes it gets on our nerves. Sometimes their honesty is the last thing we want …
There are things that are very important to go over about your past relationships because there are things that can help your partner and you …
The saying ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ is not there without a good reason. People share relationship advice by having your …
A relationship in which there are ‘no strings attached’ can be a real pain for some people, because at first it seems to be all …
If you never had a toxic relationship, you won’t think about them so much but the truth is that there are many people living in …