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A Couple Married for 69 Years Shares Their Wisdom For A Long and Happy Marriage

A Couple Married for 69 Years Shares Their Wisdom For A Long and Happy Marriage

We live in a time where long and happy marriages are becoming more and more rare. “Happily ever after” seems like something purely existing in fairytales but some couples are proving us wrong.

Imagine spending almost seven decades with your soulmate – going through thick and thin, surviving storms, and enjoying the rainbow after rainy days. While this might sound like a dream for us, it’s a reality for one couple. 

They won the hearts of 2.5 million people on TikTok who saw a video of them and immediately fell in love with their energy and humor!

The secret to a great marriage is pretty simple

You have to see Yair Brachiyahu’s most recent viral video of the interview he did with an elderly couple. Their almost 7 decades-long marriage is proof that real love still exists!

Credit: TikTok

When Yair asked them for advice for a long and healthy marriage, the man jokingly said:

“Just say yes all the time.”

Although he joked, I think there’s some truth in his words, don’t you think? His wife added it’s important to say no to fighting and you’ll have a great marriage. 

Of course, arguments are completely normal and not having any is what can cause problems in a marriage, but fighting is something completely different. It’s important to learn how to discuss sensitive topics and how to approach conversations about different opinions with respect. 

We often search for more complex explanations that will unveil the secret to a good marriage but this couple proves the secret actually hides in these small things. 

When an interviewer asked them what they love about each other they quickly answered. She said she loves it when he listens to her, to which he laughed and said he loves everything about her, like the way she acts and what she does.

People loved their positive energy and jokes and someone commented:

“Their sense of humor is obviously one of the reasons they have kept the marriage intact.”

I also think positive vibes and not taking things too seriously are a big part of their success. 

Being able to bend kept their marriage alive for 69 years

The couple also shared how their love story began. When Yair asked how they met, she answered:

“Through friends. And he felt for me immediately! He went home and called me up on the phone. It was fun. We were young. It was nice!”

Credit: TikTok

It’s no surprise that she took all his attention the moment they met! He recalls what made him fall in love with her and said it was her looks, body, and personality saying that’s all you really need in a person. 

As Yair said, a lot of couples today get a divorce after a couple of years spent together and I think it’s mostly because people are not willing to put in the effort to make their marriage work. 

Sometimes there’s no other option and it’s best everyone goes their separate ways, but often couples don’t know how to resolve simple disagreements.

So when the interviewer asked them what kept their marriage alive for so long they both agreed on one thing. Being able to bend a little bit, or a lot sometimes, is a recipe for a long, healthy marriage. She said:

“You know, you have to accept the good and the bad in the person.”

And it’s true! You can’t just give up easily on someone. Of course, accepting the bad shouldn’t be the case when that’s something that’s abusive or harmful in any sense.

It means being flexible, able to adapt, and make a compromise. Finding common ground with your spouse it’s all that matters to make both of you happy and satisfied. 

The video ended with one more funny response that made everyone laugh. Yair asked them what was the best time they had together and the man answered:

“2 o’clock in the morning!”

Credit: TikTok

Many people in the comments loved his response and said that’s the real magic behind a marriage like that. Some even said this was their favorite couple he interviewed by far!

I advise you to check out his profile for more wisdom from other couples! If you’re happily married, share your secret to the long marriage in the comments below!