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80 Things You Can Do Or Say To Make Her Smile

80 Things You Can Do Or Say To Make Her Smile

There is one thing even harder than seducing a girl and that is keeping her happy.

It’s hard to maintain a healthy relationship in which you are both happy, especially if both of you lead busy lives.

It’s okay to have problems in a relationship but it’s not okay if you’re not trying to fix them.

Both of you need to try harder for your relationship. If you deeply care about each other then you’ll always find some new ways to express it.

The best thing that points to a happy relationship is a girl’s smile. It reveals everything.

Her smile shows your ability to make her happy. It also shows how your sex life is. A smile is the one thing that men find the most attractive on a girl, so don’t let your girl be ugly.

Learn how to make her happy all the time: CLICK HERE.

Make her smile, happy and loved. Make her feel like she’s the most valuable girl in the world. And that is the secret to a happy relationship.

How to keep her happy. Don’t let your love die and remind yourself of it every day.

Remind your girlfriend as well. Keep telling her how much you love her. Tell her that every day.

Don’t ever hesitate while telling her that. Girls like having a rock they know they can lean on at any moment of their life.

If you show her that you are sure of your love for her, she will be unstoppable.

She will know you’re there for her and she’ll do anything to show you she’s there for you too, which means that by keeping her happy, you’re also keeping yourself happy.

Can you remember when you made her smile the most? It was while you were seducing her, wasn’t it?

So the key to keeping a relationship happy is to never stop seducing your girlfriend.

These scientifically proven methods for pleasing women guarantee success with satisfying all her needs.

Even if she becomes your wife, you shouldn’t stop seducing her. Make your every date feel like your first one. Make her feel those butterflies all the time.

The beginning of a relationship is always the happiest time so don’t let it go so easily. Try reliving it all the time.

Remember why you two are with the other person. Remember the way you felt when you saw each other for the first time.

Try to remember the feeling you had when you realized that you were in love. Let that feeling drive you and inspire you to love her even more.

Let your love grow every day and let it be beautiful. If you don’t try and make an effort, your relationship could fall apart in a heartbeat.

If you are not certain how to accomplish all of these things, then you are in the right place.

Here are some cute things to say to your girlfriend that will let her know your love is still burning inside you.

Something you should say to her if you want to make her smile:


1. How do you manage to look so beautiful? Let me in on the secret. I’d love to look handsome for you all the time.

2. I could get lost in your eyes. They see right into my soul. I love you baby.

3. Nothing matters to me more than your smile. I live for it. Give me a quick smile baby. I love you.

4. I’d like to say that I couldn’t love you more than I already do but I know it’s not true. I’ll love you more with each passing day.

5. Every time I see you, every time I think about you, I have a big smile on my face.

6. Loving you is a blessing I’m thankful for. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you but whatever it is, I’m grateful I did it.

7. You’re the promise of love I’ve waited for all my life. I’ll always cherish you.

8. You look so cute when you laugh.

9. I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.

10. I wish I could have met you years ago.

11. I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

12. You’ve made my dreams come true.

13. I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, yet I know I will tomorrow.

14. Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.

15. I am very indecisive and always have trouble picking my favorite anything. But, without a doubt, you are my favorite everything.

RELATED: 145 Cute Goodnight Paragraphs For Her To Make Her Smile

16. You are always the highlight of my day.

17. I tried imagining my life without you but I had to wake up from such a nightmare.

18. If I had a million wishes from a genie, they would all be for you.

19. I can’t even describe what you mean to me but I’ll spend forever trying.

20. Remember that I will always be the one to wipe the tears off of your cheeks.


21. (Express your love with quotes from her favorite movies or TV shows.)

22. The only time I smile stupidly at my phone is when I get a text from you.

23. You make me feel so fulfilled whenever I think of you.

24. You are the only reason I’d delay watching the Super Bowl.

25. You are the cheese to my macaroni.

26. I love you from my head to my toes.

27. We’re like hot chocolate and marshmallows; you are hot and I want to be on top of you.

28. I like when you smile but I love it when I’m the reason.

29. I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

30. You know it’s love when you want to keep holding hands even when you’re sweaty.

31. I love you like Sheldon loves his spot.

32. I love you with all my butt. I’d say heart but my butt is bigger.

33. When I count my blessings, I count you twice.

34. My favorite place is inside your hug.

35. I want to spend the rest of my life annoying you.

36. Thank you for putting up with me and also for putting out for me.

37. You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again.

38. I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin me.

39. Yes, I have a dirty mind. And right now, you’re running through it. Naked…

40. Grow old alongside me. The best is yet to be.

Something you should do if you want to make her smile:

1. Buy her favorite flowers.

2. Take her to her favorite place.

3. Make her favorite meal.

4. If you paint, paint her.

5. Sing her a song. Even if you’re a bad singer, you’ll make her smile.

6. E-mail her in the middle of the day so she knows you’re thinking of her.

7. Remind her of something funny that happened to her.

8. Make her a playlist of the funniest songs you know.

9. Write secret notes on her phone or around the house.

10. Get a whole season of a show she can binge-watch.

11. Send her an e-card based on her mood.

12. Send her dirty messages while she’s at work.

13. Share funny memes with her.

14. Give her a massage.

15. Write her a love letter.

16. Take her breakfast in bed.

17. Buy her a new coffee mug.

18. Kiss her hand or kiss her on the forehead.

19. Open the door for her.

20. Put her favorite movie on and make her some popcorn.



21. Make her a gift basket with all her favorite things.

22. Clean the house.

23. Clean her car.

24. Dance with her to her favorite song.

25. Print out some of your photos and make her a photo album or a collage.

26. Get her something she’s been dreaming of for a long time.

27. Take her to the restaurant where you went on your first date.

28. Hug her and don’t let go.

29. Plan a trip to a place she’s always wanted to visit.

30. Make her pancakes and take them to her doorstep.

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31. Send her a funny birthday card.

32. Send her a funny card on any occasion.

33. Spray your bed with her favorite perfume.

34. Organize a night in for her and her friends (and join them if it’s not a girls’ night).

35. Organize a family lunch with both of your families.

36. Cry at her favorite song.

37. Discuss her favorite topics with her.

38. Read her favorite book and tell her what you think of it.

39. Use any excuse to cuddle with her.

40. Use any excuse to compliment her and look at her like she’s pure magic.